Examples of the the word, nightly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nightly ), is the 12563 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And one-hour Sunday edition; the one-hour weekday drama Days of our Lives;, nightly ,editions of NBC Nightly News; the Sunday political talk show Meet the Press;
  2. Behind the protest in St. Augustine, Florida,in 1964. The movement engaged in, nightly ,marches in the city met by white segregationists who violently assaulted them.
  3. Nairobi, from Mombasa to Kampala. Its main use is freight traffic, but regular, nightly ,passenger trains connect Nairobi to Mombasa and Isuzu. A number of morning and
  4. Created by Dick Emerson, coming on at 1:30 a. m. as the third program in NBC's, nightly ,lineup after The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson and Late Night With David
  5. Occur after discontinuation of flunitrazepam even after short-term single, nightly ,dose therapy. Sleep depth Flunitrazepam produces a decrease in delta wave
  6. A semi-arid climate. Because of Ankara's high altitude and its dry summers, nightly ,temperatures in the summer months are cool. Ankara's annual average
  7. Event, with merchandising, wagering on the time and place of re-entry, and, nightly , news reports. Ground controllers adjusted Skylab's orientation for ideal
  8. Is also home to STV North (formerly Grampians Television),which produces the, nightly ,regional news program, STV News at Six, as well as local commercials. The
  9. Is provided, at least in part, by members of the community, thereby creating, nightly ,potluck dinners. Because of the community contribution necessary to serve iftar
  10. Their first scene virtually unchanged. The Knights' new name changes almost, nightly , improvised by the actor playing the lead Knight (originally Hank Azania)
  11. Artie Shaw. Swing was also dance music. It was broadcast on the radio 'live ', nightly ,across America for many years especially by Hines and his Grand Terrace Café
  12. Muses ". Many private and public events were accompanied by music, ranging from, nightly ,dining to military parades and maneuvers. In a discussion of any ancient music
  13. The 16th day of Nisan, Jews begin the practice of the Counting of the Over,a, nightly ,reminder of the approach of the holiday of Shavuot 50 days hence. Each night
  14. Tasmania has had five broadcast television stations: * ABC Tasmania. Produces, nightly ,local news at 7 pm. (digital & analogue) (call sign: ABT) * Southern Cross
  15. Alex's world Alex, a teenager living in near-future England, leads his gang on, nightly ,orgies of opportunistic, random " ultra-violence. " Alex's friends (" druids
  16. Began to surface, with ESPN television picking up 2 of their games for their, nightly ,baseball telecast. This was in part due to the record length of prior losing
  17. In each state and territory a local news bulletin is shown at 7.00 p. m., nightly , In 2001 ABC TV launched its digital service. ABC2,launched in 2005,is a
  18. Has been set up at the Phillip Island Nature Park to allow visitors to view the, nightly ," penguin parade ". Lights and concrete stands have been erected to allow
  19. And involve a ritual of moving the image between the main church and convent, nightly , ultimately culminating in the procession, which is televised within the Azores
  20. No more worthy nor capable of explanation than the incoherence of our own, nightly ,dreams. " Friedrich Engels claimed that the Book of Revelation was primarily a
  21. A UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2001. An audiovisual light show is presented, nightly ,on the western side of the mountain (access by car from the Arab road or by
  22. Refresh the output (for example, by running a cron job to update the documents, nightly ,). Some would characterize this as a pro rather than a con. Donald Knuth has
  23. Of the genus Oculus roost hanging upside down. Some hummingbirds go into a, nightly ,state of torpor accompanied by a reduction of their metabolic rates. This
  24. Stations — often at odd hours. In 1988,Monitor Reports was supplanted by a, nightly ,half-hour news show, World Monitor, which was broadcast by the Discovery
  25. Of a television documentary, John Peel's Record Box. In 1999 Peel presented a, nightly ,segment on his program titled the Millennium, in which he played four
  26. At those aged 35–60. Launched on 10 October 2005,it channels carries news and, nightly ,discussion programs, such as More4 News, an extension of Channel 4 News that
  27. Aired reruns of the Playhouse in 1998. Playhouse attracted 1.5 million viewers, nightly , In 2007 TV Guide named the Playhouse one of its top 10 cult classics of all
  28. First floor commemorates this event. Since then, the light show has become a, nightly ,event. The searchlights on top of the tower make it a beacon in Paris' night
  29. Patients refuse to continue the therapy or fail to use their CPAP machines on a, nightly ,basis. In addition to CPAP, dentists specializing in sleep disorders can
  30. Precinct of the town. Visitors to Kangaroo Island, South Australia, have the, nightly ,opportunity to commune with penguins at the Kangaroo Island Marine Center in
  31. Despite his success at the National, Hopkins tired of repeating the same roles, nightly ,and yearned to be in films. He made his small-screen debut in a 1967 BBC
  32. Opt-out bulletin is broadcast, ( though not on Digital Satellite),within the, nightly ,regional news program, STV News at Six. The city also has a community
  33. Were nailed to crosses, or were doomed to the flames and burnt, to serve as a, nightly ,illumination, when daylight had expired. Christians or Christians? In antiquity
  34. And Sunday afternoons, primarily on the Chorus Radio Network. * The 'X' Zone,a, nightly ,show about paranormal topics hosted by Rob McConnell. It is also syndicated
  35. Device) can be used to reduce bruise and thus reduce or eliminate the ongoing, nightly ,cycle of damage that contributes to the majority of TMJ disorder symptoms. This
  36. Of equipment, occurs online. Many amateurs use online tools to plan their, nightly ,observing sessions using tools such as the Clear Sky Chart. Common techniques
  37. For a marriage license in Las Vegas. Anderson married Salomon between her two, nightly ,appearances at the Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino in Hans Klok's magic
  38. And then again, thus airing the show three times in a row, showing an episode, nightly , High definition A high-definition transfer of" Cheers" began running on
  39. With other inventors. In 1904 a commercial service was established to transmit, nightly ,news summaries to subscribing ships, which could incorporate them into their
  40. Has had five broadcast television stations: * ABC Northern Territory. Produces, nightly ,local news at 7pm. (digital & analogue) (call sign: ABD – Channel 6 Analogue
  41. William Style prepared for the uprising with three edicts: the first was that a, nightly ,watch be raised throughout the colony, second,that slaves and the Irish be
  42. Voicemail #3" ) that Mark had taken film of the riot which had made the, nightly ,news and gained him the attention of media producer Alex Darling. The others
  43. Most likely comes from the fact that it follows the Pleiades during the, nightly ,motion of the celestial sphere across the sky. The star Lambda (λ) Lauri is
  44. The Avalon Ballroom, and The Matrix began booking local rock bands on a, nightly ,basis. The first Trips Festival, held at the Longshoremen's Hall in January
  45. Of a series of controversies that emerged during 1967. In April, the ABC's new, nightly ,current affairs program This Day Tonight ran a story which criticized the
  46. Are often announced as occurring the day before. TV-guides tend to list, nightly ,programs at the previous day, although programming a VCR requires the strict
  47. The morning sun. The astronomical ceiling in the tomb of Ramses VI portrays the, nightly ," death" and" rebirth" of the sun as being swallowed by Nut, goddess of the
  48. Time ". At the event, Project Neon announced return on Mar 11, 2011,provides, nightly ,builds of the KDE Software Compilation. Closing the conference was keynoted
  49. The #1 rated cable news channel. Fox still held eight of the ten most-watched, nightly ,cable news shows, with The O'Reilly Factor and Hannity & Comes coming in first
  50. Muses ". Many private and public events were accompanied by music, ranging from, nightly ,dining to military parades and maneuvers. In a discussion of any ancient music

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