Examples of the the word, penal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( penal ), is the 12567 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Purpose of the term is solely to punish a breach (in this case it is termed, penal ,damages). The clause will be enforceable if it involves a genuine attempt to
  2. Changing definitions of crime and the form of the legal, law-enforcement,and, penal ,responses made by society. These structural realities remain fluid and often
  3. Years in prison. His appeal of the sentence was denied, and he served time in a, penal ,colony. * On December 3,2004,in Bucharest, Romania,Christopher Van Goethe
  4. Practice in Ancient Greece and Rome. Slaves were acquired from war, raids,and, penal ,and debt servitude. Manumissions were discouraged by law and the word for "
  5. County Mayo the 18th century was a period of unrelieved misery. Because of 'the, penal ,laws ', Catholics had no hope of social advancement while they remained in
  6. The police service in favor of real crime fighting. *The BNP will establish a, penal ,station for hardened and repeat criminals on the British island of South
  7. Second World War the British government announced its intention to abolish the, penal ,settlement. The government proposed to employ former inmates in an initiative
  8. Of Monmouth. Pitman's short book about his desperate escape from a Caribbean, penal ,colony for his part in the Monmouth Rebellion, his shipwrecking and subsequent
  9. Passage to the Indian mainland, or the right to settle on the islands. The, penal ,colony was eventually closed on August 15, 1947 when India gained its
  10. May leave the impression that these settlements were a model of progressive, penal ,reform. Indian accounts, however,paint a different picture. From the time of
  11. Burke also supported Sir George Savile's attempts to repeal some, penal ,laws against Catholics. This support for unpopular causes, notably free trade
  12. Admiral William Cornwallis. However, there was much disease and death in the, penal ,colony and the government ceased operating it in May 1796. For some time
  13. Today however, as a result of steady improvements in the organization of the, penal ,system, such cases are very rare, if not practically non-existent. " The most
  14. For initiative limited. They administered rather than governed. When it came to, penal ,sanctions, no officeholder could impose a fine over fifty drachmas. Anything
  15. Has already been finally convicted or acquitted in accordance with the law and, penal ,procedure of each country. Japan The Constitution of Japan states in Article 39
  16. Wesley believed in the necessity and sufficiency of Christ's atonement through, penal ,substitution. Arminius held that God's justice was satisfied individually
  17. Gibson becomes the first black competitor in international tennis. *1952 – The, penal ,colony on Devil's Island is permanently closed. *1961 – Ida Riemann died
  18. Interpretation of the Anselmian-Calvinist doctrine of the atonement as, penal ,substitution has been criticized in mainstream Christianity since the 19th
  19. An ordinary hardworking political prisoner almost could not survive at that, penal ,camp. In the camp SevZhelDorLag (chief: colonel Ilyushin) in 1946–47 there
  20. 1864) - based on the French model - introduced security of tenure. A new, penal ,code and a greatly simplified system of civil and criminal procedure also came
  21. Of the 1871 Paris Commune, the execution and exile of many commands to, penal ,colonies, favored individualist political expression and acts. Numerous heads
  22. Classical Arminians would agree with Calvinists that this substitution was, penal ,satisfaction for all the elect, while most Wesleyan Arminians would maintain
  23. Coherent, and systematic work of legislation encompassing the civil and, penal ,law. Modern constitutions The earliest written constitution still governing a
  24. Own, may lack the economies of scale which might allow them to administer a, penal ,system, let alone to collect any fines levied by a court. Group & German (
  25. Experts of the parties. The expert has a heavy responsibility, especially in, penal ,trials, and perjury by an expert is a severely punished crime in most countries
  26. The earliest known civilizations had codes of law, containing both civil and, penal ,rules mixed together, though not always in recorded form. The Sumerians
  27. Primarily on three issues: * Atonement – Wesley's atonement is a hybrid of the, penal ,substitution theory and the governmental theory of Hugo Grotius, a lawyer and
  28. 1968,and in 1970 racial discrimination was outlawed through an addition to the, penal ,code. The law punished blatant acts such as barring Gypsies from restaurants or
  29. Meant the punishment of criminals by deporting them to an overseas, penal ,colony. ) In AME, the word transport is mainly used only as a verb, seldom as a
  30. Characterized by high affinity for certain Protestant beliefs, ( especially, penal ,substitutionary atonement, justification by faith, the authority of scripture
  31. Since the 19th century, resulting in increasing rejection of traditional, penal ,substitution. The Christadelphian distinction between representation and
  32. He was particularly moved by the plight of the children living in the, penal ,colony with their parents. For example: Chekhov later concluded that charity
  33. Of temporary character aimed at reforming the convict. Some jurisdictions have, penal ,codes written to inflict permanent harsh punishments: legal mutilation, capital
  34. Lieutenant James Cook. The First Fleet was sent to Australia to start a, penal ,colony in 1788. Eventually, Australia became a Federation in 1901. *Brazil: a
  35. Failure to comply with a court order. A copy of the order, with a ", penal ,notice"—i.e. notice informing the recipient that if they do not comply they
  36. Managing their activities in Spain. ETA consequently forbade them to ask, penal ,authorities for progression to terser grade (a form of open prison that allows
  37. By plantations, some of which had several thousand slaves. 1800s and the, penal ,era In 1809 an Anglo-Portuguese naval squadron took French Guiana (ousting
  38. The judgment is final and the action of the prosecution is closed (code of, penal ,procedure, art. 6),except if the final ruling was forged. Prosecution for an
  39. Coming into force on 4 December 1963,and is applicable to offenses against, penal ,law and to any acts jeopardizing the safety of persons or property on board
  40. And Penal Colony In 1789 the government of Bengal established a naval base and, penal ,colony on Chatham Island in the southeast bay of Great Andaman. The settlement
  41. Executions (the last was in 1769),Leopold promulgated the reform of the, penal ,code that abolished the death penal ty and ordered the destruction of all the
  42. Or" Community ", and offenses against the" Individual ", the so-called, penal ,law of ancient communities did not deal with" crimes" ( Latin: criminal),but
  43. Parties contracted as liquidated, but which the court nonetheless found to be, penal , Breach of tort duty - (ex depicts) Damages in tort are generally awarded to
  44. Kick. * Direct free kick: awarded to fouled team following certain listed ", penal ," fouls. * Dropped-ball: occurs when the referee has stopped play for any other
  45. Ruled" it is only illegal if one mutilates a female -- there is nothing in the, penal ,code about a male child. ". However, in December 2004 in Vancouver, Washington
  46. 256 former prisoners and Solzhenitsyn's own research into the history of the, penal ,system. It discussed the system's origins from the founding of the Communist
  47. S church given through Joseph Smith, Jr.),millennialism, continuationism, penal ,substitution, and a form of Apostolic succession. The practices of baptism by
  48. African black race. This excluded the fact that white prisoners, working under, penal ,servitude in Puerto Rico, seemed quite capable of working in a tropical
  49. To the government on the suitability of Botany Bay for the establishment of a, penal ,settlement, and in 1787 the first shipment of convicts set sail, arriving in
  50. Sirius and named Governor-designate of New South Wales, the proposed British, penal ,colony on the east coast of Australia, by Lord Sydney, the Home Secretary. His

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