Examples of the the word, upset , in a Sentence Context

The word ( upset ), is the 3616 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is not seen in episodes during her stay in California. Dethrone was, upset ,in leaving the hills as it meant separation from her" sweetie ", traveling
  2. Nor a useful new shipping route. Although received modestly, the company was, upset ,to a degree that Tasman failed didn't fully explore the lands he found, and
  3. On India's west coast motivated Mysore's ruler, Hyder Ali (who was already, upset ,at other British actions, and benefited from trade through the port),to open
  4. By monks to represent the Beast of Revelation. As much as this may have, upset ,the mayor, Linnaeus made his observations public and the mayor's dreams of
  5. Well-known baseball figures like authors Roger Khan and Jules Thiel, were, upset , by what they saw as an attempt to punish political speech. Khan canceled an
  6. S behalf. According to Olga Ivinskaya," Boris Leonidovich was terribly, upset ,by Mandelstam's arrest, not only out of concern for Mandelstam's fate, but
  7. 1862,which ended in the bloody Battle of Antietam). Such a move would, upset ,Federal plans for the summer campaigning season and possibly reduce the
  8. Team batting average in the American League that year. However, in a stunning, upset , the White Sox took the Series, and intercity bragging rights, in six games. To
  9. Subject of some controversy within the press. Law firms have been particularly, upset ,by the recruitment difficulties that it has caused. Other less well remunerated
  10. Record and the NFC West division championship. On January 18, 1999,the Falcons, upset ,the top-seeded 15–1 Vikings at Minnesota in the NFC Championship Game,30–27 in
  11. States to use Cambodian airspace and airports for military purposes. This, upset ,the United States greatly. The United States saw Prince Sihanouk as a North
  12. Right, as there was a World Series in Sportsman's Park in 1926 – the Cardinals, upset ,the Yankees. St. Louis had been considered a" Browns town" until then; after
  13. My lover" and through this reveals her intimacy with Jeffrey, causing an, upset ,Sandy to slap Jeffrey, although she later forgives him. Jeffrey insists on
  14. 1941,Ward was viewed as dictating the hiring of Laden. Some owners had been, upset ,because they believed they were not given fair representation on whom should
  15. Room for that night, he was taken aback when he reached his room to find Thomas, upset ,and crying about this injustice. Rickey related this incident as an example of
  16. The gossip alienated Richard from some of his northern supporters, and, upset , Henry across the English Channel. The loss of Elizabeth's hand in marriage
  17. Yankees had a 1928 World Series rematch with the St. Louis Cardinals, who had, upset ,them in the 1926 series. The Cardinals had the same core players as the 1926
  18. Borg took five sets to overcome an even bigger server, Roscoe Tanner. Borg was, upset ,by Tanner at the US Open, in a four-set quarterfinal played under the lights.
  19. An anti-Marathi tirade in Parliament. ' Bihar chief minister, Nitish Kumar, upset ,with the remarks, demanded that the Prime Minister and the Center intervene in
  20. Of power and replace them with men of his own lineage, the Samurai. This, upset ,the delicate balance of Duran tribal politics that Ahmad Shah had established
  21. Won their first-ever American League championship in 1966,and in a major, upset , swept the World Series by out-dueling the Los Angeles Dodgers aces Sandy
  22. As a consequence, the balance of anti-apoptotic and pro-apoptotic effectors is, upset ,in favor of the former, and the damaged cells continue to replicate despite
  23. And sour stomach are a few of the common terms used to describe digestive, upset , Self-diagnosis of indigestion does carry some risk because the causes can vary
  24. Someone else slaughters the animal we do not eat ”. Because the poor people are, upset ,by this, from now on, Musuluman Muslim Hoodoo and Zulu Jewish Hoodoo, no
  25. In May 1862,on the grounds that it was not within their power, and it would, upset ,the border states loyal to the Union. On June 19, 1862,Congress passed an act
  26. Seemed to have a liking for plants, flowers in particular. Whenever he was, upset , he was given a flower, which immediately calmed him. Nils spent much time in
  27. Teams in each division playing the winner of the other division. The Chiefs, upset ,the Raiders in Oakland 17-7 in the league's Championship, the final AFL game
  28. The species meadow sweet (filipendula Maria),which caused less digestive, upset ,than pure salicylic acid. The identity of the lead chemist on this project is a
  29. Chip' structures, causing data loss (bit flipping, or single event, upset ,). In radiation hardened semiconductor designs, one countermeasure is to use
  30. John McEnroe for the first time in a semifinal of the Stockholm Open and was, upset ,6–3,6–4. Borg lost to McEnroe again in four sets in the final of the 1979 WCT
  31. Also, many medications may cause minor but bothersome symptoms such as cough or, upset ,stomach. In all of these cases, patients may be seeking out alternative
  32. All the logic which dictated the design of the lower accommodation has been, upset ," and that" Under such ludicrous circumstances Canadian National would hardly
  33. A useful purpose in the natural order of things; he feared vaccination might, upset ,that natural balance with unfortunate results. In 1890,Wallace gave evidence
  34. Ronnie wanted more say in things," Commit said. " And Geezer would get, upset ,with him and that is where the rot set in. Live Evil is when it all fell apart.
  35. side effects of beta-lactams include allergic reactions and gastrointestinal, upset , See individual drug entries for details. New application New study has
  36. And gambling. As a Republican he won a seat in the US Senate in 1952,when he, upset ,veteran Democrat and Senate majority leader Ernest McFarland. He defeated
  37. Needed to combat increasing backlash from the government. Some ANC members were, upset ,by the actions of the MK, and refused to accept violence as necessary for the
  38. Is unique; except the 1906 World Series, in which the White Sox, upset ,the favored Cubs, the teams never met in an official game until, when
  39. Powered the A300 instead of the British RB207. The British government was, upset ,and withdrew from the venture; however, the British firm Hawker-Siddeley stayed
  40. Solution, however,since such a ceremony and the ensuing media coverage might, upset ,the Soviet Union and damage Sweden's relations with the superpower. Instead
  41. Of the Vespucci accounts, which led to criticism that Vespucci was trying to, upset ,Christopher Columbus' glory. However, the rediscovery in the 18th century of
  42. Information director, Kit Klingelhofer, in the 1970s,over a news release that, upset ,the coach. 1980s *In February 1985,Knight threw a chair across the court to
  43. His memoirs he wrote," the maneuver would be bound to surprise the enemy, to, upset , his plans for the rest of the day, and if the blow fell heavily it would
  44. No stranger. In an embroidered extension of the myth, the hounds were so, upset ,with their master's death, that Chiron made a statue so lifelike that the
  45. Was not willing to give him the money and delayed its release because they were, upset ,that De Laurentian would not give them the rights to the Hannibal Lecter
  46. A Pacific-10 Conference co-championship. Stanford finished the season with an, upset ,victory over Penn State in the Blockbuster Bowl on January 1,1993, and a # 9
  47. Tossing them. Tossed chips may roll on edge out of the dealer's reach and/or, upset ,other stacks of chips. A center bet, controlled by the stick man (usually the
  48. Until 1970. During its final two years of existence, the AFL teams won, upset ,victories over the NFL teams in Super Bowl III and IV, the former considered
  49. W. Carr, Judge Susan Kirchner, and Joel Paul) testified that Hill had been, upset ,at the time she worked for Thomas about what she had said was sexual harassment
  50. Of the university’s Philosophical Society while he was president. Wilde was, upset ,at Florence's decision, but Stoker later resumed the acquaintanceship, and

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