Examples of the the word, quit , in a Sentence Context

The word ( quit ), is the 3628 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Third season. However, before the third season could start production, Peppard, quit ,the show in order to prevent his ex-wife Elizabeth Ashley from receiving a
  2. He could not get set properly before catching the ball. After Brooke abruptly, quit ,before the eight game, Bell regained the starting quarterback position. Penn
  3. Drummer Bill Ward was unable to tour because of the pressures of the road, and, quit , the band after the commencement of the Born Again album. " I fell apart with
  4. Doubtless also helped him in becoming the successor of Point. He finally, quit ,his engineering job, and received a one-year contract for teaching mathematics
  5. Return GenerateProvablyComplexString (n0), quit , The program GenerateProvablyParadoxicalString outputs a string s for which
  6. Views on objects and programming. As he grew busier with ARPA research, he, quit , his career as a professional musician. In 1968,he met Seymour Paper and
  7. Join the enterprise and developed a strong dislike for the nuclear family. He, quit ,the project and moved to a nearby Shaker family with his son. After Lane's
  8. Company on the insistence of editor Archibald Ogden, who threatened to, quit ,if his employer did not publish it. While completing the novel, Rand was
  9. Warning. He stated upon admitting to his drug use that the letter was a lie. He, quit ,the drug soon after. Furthermore, he won no top-level titles and his ranking sank to World
  10. Its key writers when Barry Hill, Adele Rose and Julian Roach all resigned. Park, quit ,in 1998,after deciding that he had done what he intended to do; he maintained
  11. They challenged me to quit smoking – because if I can quit smoking, anyone can, quit ,smoking. So while I am smoking a cigarette right now, I have written 'The Last
  12. Army was approaching the Balkans and Bulgaria. On 23 August 1944,Romania, quit ,the Axis Powers and declared war on Germany, and allowed Soviet forces to cross
  13. Each string s of length exactly i if KolmogorovComplexity (s) >= n return s, quit ,This program calls KolmogorovComplexity as a subroutine. This program tries
  14. And he was appointed lecturer at the University of Bern. The following year, he, quit , the patent office and the lectureship to take the position of physics docent at
  15. It made me feel, as you can imagine, just horrible. Then they challenged me to, quit ,smoking – because if I can quit smoking, anyone can quit smoking. So while I am
  16. 1923. At the state level William Holman, also a supporter of conscription, quit ,the party at the same time and became Nationalist Party Premier of New South
  17. Buckley, Jr., gained influence in the Republican Party in the 1950s,Rothbard, quit ,that group and formed an alliance with left-wing antiwar groups, noting an
  18. See him back in power. Al-Fihri eventually did make another bid for power. He, quit ,Córdoba and quickly started gathering supporters. While at large, al-Fihri
  19. Two new songs to the Bad Channels movie soundtrack, released in 1992. Riddle, quit ,in 1991 and was followed by a series of other drummers including Chuck Burgh (
  20. To be paid to all the others. After a meeting on 17 August during which Barnes, quit ,the band it was decided that Cold Chisel would split up. The reunion saw the
  21. He helps Hank Rear den illegally make Rear den Metal, then later decides to, quit ,and join Galt's strike moments before Deign arrives to try to persuade him
  22. Sequels for the sake of it. " Watanabe added that ending production and" to, quit ,while we're ahead when people still want more" is more" in keeping with the
  23. Has since been lost—that he had begun 17 years before, two years after he, quit ,sailing. The last entry of 1772 was a recounting of how much he had changed
  24. Of an ascetic. Accompanied by Hanna and aboard his horse Kathak, Gautama, quit , his palace for the life of a mendicant. It's said that," the horse's hooves
  25. Manager, offered him a first base coaching job in June. Ruth took the job but, quit ,at the end of the season. The coaching position was his last job in Major
  26. Last Pack' with a Sharpie on every pack since then. And I'm gearing up to, quit , " Legal issues Love has dealt with many legal issues throughout her career.
  27. Board, which resulted in Bouchard's leaving after the tour. Allen Lanier also, quit ,the band shortly thereafter, leaving the band without a keyboardist. Blue
  28. He told Time Magazine that he had slept only two hours a day for two years. He, quit ,the schedule because it conflicted with his business associates' sleep habits
  29. But became dissatisfied with being so far removed from aircraft production and, quit ,to form Beech craft, using the original Travel Air facilities and employing many
  30. To claim that the Red Terror was a figment of Nazi imagination, and Orwell had, quit ,the BBC. In that preface, Orwell also described what gave him the idea of
  31. Just horrible. Then they challenged me to quit smoking – because if I can, quit ,smoking, anyone can quit smoking. So while I am smoking a cigarette right now
  32. One major collateral casualty was the party whip Paul McLean who resigned and, quit ,the Senate in disgust at what he perceived as in-fighting between close friends
  33. Sugar monosaccharide D-fructose, has been found effective in helping alcoholics, quit ,or cut back on the amount they drink. Evidence suggests that topiramate
  34. In 1970,his character, Rovers ' landlord Jack Walker, died with him. Anne Reid, quit ,as Valerie Barlow, and was killed off in 1971,electrocuting herself with a
  35. Admitted he had difficulty working with Killer on Forever. " He sort of, quit ," Schumacher said," and we sort of fired him. " Killer said he was not aware
  36. Widow of the chief engineer at the Twentieth Century Motor Company. Her husband, quit ,shortly after Salt did and joined the strike some years later. Her lead allows
  37. To Shiv Sent, Smita Thackeray,daughter-in-law of Bad Thackeray announced to, quit ,Shiv Sent and join Congress party. Valentine's Day protests Boycotting shops
  38. A few short intervals of absence in Florence and other parts of Italy, he never, quit ,Rome. In his own words," his statues were the sole proofs of his civil
  39. In the second half of the 20th century; these include hire (" to employ" ), quit ,(" to stop," which spawned quit ter in the U. S.),I guess (famously
  40. If you explicitly set ARC to 1 so that there are no arguments, awk will simply, quit ,because it feels there are no more input files. Therefore, you need to
  41. Conversion. His career in slave trading lasted a few years more until he, quit ,going to sea altogether and began studying theology. Ordained in the Church of
  42. And was replaced by producer Vic Coppersmith-Heaven. Bassist Dave Spitz, quit ,over" personal issues ", and ex-Rainbow bassist Bob Paisley was brought in.
  43. Touring. In 1963,when Sardine returned, Brian left the road; but when Marks, quit , Brian had to return in his place. For the rest of 1964 and into 1965,Glen
  44. Fine specimen of Mongol insolence. But it is certain that before the friar had, quit ," Tartary" Monks,Güyük's successor, had been elected. Andrew's report to
  45. Crisis, leading him to convert to Christianity, abandon his career in rhetoric, quit ,his teaching position in Milan, give up any ideas of marriage, and devote
  46. S final right-wing phase and into the 1970s. Feud with Ham Fisher After Camp, quit ,his ghosting job on Ham Fisher's Joe Bazooka in 1934 to launch his own strip
  47. Bear met up with ABD Brahman at a later date. ABD Brahman, Yahiya and Bear, quit ,the village narrowly escaping the Abbasid assassins. Later, on the way south
  48. It was common for fights to have unlimited rounds, ending only when one fighter, quit , benefiting high-energy fighters like Jack Dempsey. Fifteen rounds remained the
  49. 1947. Cain insisted that" I do not suggest for a moment that a single A. A., quit ,the fellowship. On the contrary, I strongly urge sticking with it. To anyone
  50. i) and ComplexityLowerBoundNthProof (i) ≥ n return StringNthProof (i), quit , Given an n, this program tries every proof until it finds a string and a proof

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PLEASE click record and read the phrase: If you explicitly set ARC to 1 so that there are no arguments, awk will simply, quit ,because it feels there are no more input files. Therefore, you need to

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