Examples of the the word, alarm , in a Sentence Context

The word ( alarm ), is the 3630 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The phone) then an alarm is raised. This can also be used as a man overboard, alarm , A product using this technology has been available since 2009. Bluetooth vs.
  2. Form of oscillating mechanism, probably derived from existing bell-ringing or, alarm ,devices. This controlled release of power - the escapement - marks the
  3. Laundry; body piercing, tattooing and electrolysis; pest control; security and, alarm ,monitoring; self-storage facilities; boat storage and docking; and pet grooming
  4. Marshal for this victory. By this time,Rommel's gains caused considerable, alarm ,in the Allied camp. He appeared to be poised to deliver a crippling blow to the
  5. Across the world because very few people can figure out how to program them, or, alarm , clocks that allow sleepy users to inadvertently turn off the alarm when they
  6. And tried to dissuade Allen from his objective, noting that it was likely the, alarm ,had been raised and troops were on their way to St. John. Allen, likely both
  7. EE COM Mission Report (on pg E-10) recounts how the master caution and warning, alarm ,had been turned off for a previous low pressure reading on hydrogen tank 2,and
  8. This serves as a warning to beavers in the area. Once a beaver has sounded the, alarm , nearby beavers will dive and may not reemerge for some time. Beavers are slow
  9. But finite degree of doubt (the alarm might break, or one might die before the, alarm ,goes off). The Catholic Church sees merit in examining what it calls Partial
  10. Notch filter **24-hours (AM/PM) Time of Day clock (TOD),with programmable, alarm ,clock **64 KB, of which 38 KB (minus 1 byte) were available for BASIC
  11. And were put through secondary screening. Moved continued to set off the, alarm , so he was searched with a hand wand. The Nazi brothers checked in together at
  12. That can read and record subtitles (Closed Captioning). * Vibrating fire, alarm ,placed under pillow when asleep. Others * Walmart provides companionship
  13. Based on interpretation of the assembled evidence. Even though one may set an, alarm ,clock prior to the following day, believing that waking up will be possible
  14. Chat, before multi-line systems) caller side menu item that sounded an audible, alarm ,to the SysOp. If chosen, the SysOp could then initiate a text-to-text chat with
  15. The SDZ Truck UND Median media company, the Papierfabrik Palm paper mill,the, alarm ,system manufacturer Telenor, the laser show provider LOGO electronic and the
  16. Sort of assistive technology that use electronic sensors connected to an, alarm ,system to help caregivers manage risk and help vulnerable people stay
  17. Food soliciting),growls (warning),screams, chatterings (both of which are, alarm ,calls) and yapping cries. In contrast to wolves, dholes do not howl. Holes
  18. And socially) for that event than any other Great Power. Austria-Hungary took, alarm ,at the great increase in Serbia's territory at the expense of its national
  19. Comes before another word that starts with a vowel. For example, in “ car, alarm ,” the sound can occur in“ car” because here it comes before another word
  20. Campaign. In another version of the story, Odysseus arranges for a trumpet, alarm ,to be sounded while he was with Lycopenes' women; while the women flee in
  21. Published in 1556-1559. Similarly to earlier 15th-century European, alarm ,clocks, it was capable of sounding at a specified time, achieved by placing a
  22. The Prefect: The Prefect believes at first that the talk of plague is a false, alarm , but on the advice of his medical association, he authorizes limited measures
  23. If the connection is broken (the marker is out of range of the phone) then an, alarm ,is raised. This can also be used as a man overboard alarm . A product using this
  24. Banquo's ghost returns in a later scene, causing Macbeth to react with, alarm ,during a public feast. Shakespeare borrowed the character of Ban quo from
  25. The common good, while it valorizes the scapegoated as a hero for sounding the, alarm ,". The historian Richard Hofstadter addressed the role of paranoia and
  26. And Charles Wheatstone. Cooke and Wheatstone patented it in May 1837 as an, alarm ,system, and it was first successfully demonstrated on 25 July 1837 between
  27. The time. It may also be used to control a device according to time,e.g. an, alarm ,clock, a VCR, or a time bomb (see: counter). However, in this context, it is
  28. Warned that this one study should not be used to cause unnecessary, alarm ,and concern for patients. Wyeth pointed out that the data were good enough for
  29. Recognition # Contextual information transmission (for example feeding, alarm , courtship) # Maintenance of social organization (for example contact calls
  30. Then, or alarm clocks that allow sleepy users to inadvertently turn off the, alarm ,when they mean to hit 'snooze '. A user-centered design (UCD),also known as
  31. Dam impounds sufficient water to surround the lodge. They are known for their, alarm ,signal: when startled or frightened, a swimming beaver will rapidly dive while
  32. To work, but suddenly realizes that he is already late and must have missed the, alarm , He cannot call in sick because he has not missed a day of work in fifteen
  33. The real because I consider to be ... the growth of the power of Athens and the, alarm ,which this inspired in Lace daemon ...." Ananias The Description of Greece by
  34. Vision did not allow the existence of an independent Cuba. " Martí noticed with, alarm ,the movement to annex Hawaii, viewing it as establishing a pattern for
  35. Him, and gathers sufficient evidence to warrant Han's arrest, but sets off an, alarm ,while using the radio transmitter to contact Braithwaite. After a spectacular
  36. It was no wonder that as he slid into addiction and torpor, no-one raised the, alarm ,: to them, Elvis was the bank, and it had to remain open. " Tony Brown, who
  37. Able to outfight the heavy cruisers that could catch them, which caused some, alarm ,among the Allies. However, this was only a temporary advantage as the
  38. The first that had a plot, action,and even a closeup of a hand pulling a fire, alarm , Other films were to follow. Porter's ground-breaking film, The Great Train
  39. Slow to recommend any action to combat the plague, not wanting to arouse public, alarm , He does not even want to admit that the disease is the plague, referring
  40. US. In 2006,ADT asked the FCC to extend the AMPS deadline due to many of their, alarm ,systems still using analog technology to communicate with the control centers.
  41. Installed in 2005 and multiple surveillance cameras automatically generate an, alarm ,when any person or object approaches the aircraft. Media File: Nola Gay Modern
  42. That belief is tentative, tempered by a small but finite degree of doubt (the, alarm ,might break, or one might die before the alarm goes off). The Catholic Church
  43. Odom, Moab,and Amman alone escape...." # "... a report that causes, alarm ,is brought to the Beast" #" The Beast moves his headquarters into the land of
  44. Ants use pheromones for more than just making trails. A crushed ant emits an, alarm ,pheromone that sends nearby ants into an attack frenzy and attracts more ants
  45. They do not have strong territorial drives and cannot be relied on to raise the, alarm ,upon sighting a human intruder. They are gentle and highly sensitive dogs with
  46. An obscurantist" cult;" and quotes silent film historian Kevin Brownlow's, alarm ,that academic film theorists are typically" quite aggressively Marxist. " In
  47. Clock with a verge-and-foliot escapement, a striking train of gears,an, alarm , and a representation of the moon's phases was described by the Ottoman
  48. Which reduces the ionization and affects this current, triggering the, alarm , Compared to the alternative optical smoke detector, the ionization smoke
  49. From fire that enter the air gap reduce the current flow, sounding the, alarm , Alpha decay can provide a safe power source for radioisotope thermoelectric
  50. In northern Italy opposing Guido Starhemberg's weak Imperial force. Of equal, alarm ,was Francis II Rákóczi's revolt which, by the end of the year, had reached as

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