Examples of the the word, readily , in a Sentence Context

The word ( readily ), is the 3626 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Fishing and other activities of securing food came to an end, and hunters, readily ,found game in fields and mountains in which plants had withered. A village
  2. Can form, and studied its efficacy for three years. They found that algae can, readily ,be used to reduce the nutrient runoff from agricultural fields and increase the
  3. Of behavior in the fossil record is exceedingly rare, these ideas cannot, readily ,be tested. Paleo pathology In 2001,Bruce Rothschild and others published a
  4. 6.2 ± 0.4)/°C for the longer c hexagonal axis. Chemical properties Americium, readily ,reacts with oxygen and dissolves well in acids. The most common oxidation state
  5. The Cartesian language from Andalusia, which John T. Koch has been able to, readily ,translate, is being accepted by a growing number of philologists and other
  6. TFE),or isolated from solvent in the gas phase, oligopeptides, readily ,adopt stable helical structure. Furthermore, crosslinks can be incorporated
  7. Kanji: * – AI – joining, unifying,combining, fit The term" wiki" does not, readily ,appear in the Japanese language outside the scope of Bud. This has led to many
  8. Explosive nitrogen trichloride (NCl3) is also formed. The ammonia molecule, readily ,undergoes nitrogen inversion at room temperature; a useful analogy is an
  9. During the early- and mid-20th century when town gas was produced, tar was a, readily ,available product and extensively used as the binder for road aggregates. The
  10. Seeking to overcome racial divisions by strengthening sexist ones, and that it, readily ,latched onto the idea of the emasculating black matriarch proposed by Daniel
  11. A given broadcast band. The various suppression methods in Forms of AM can be, readily ,understood in terms of the diagram in Figure 2. With the carrier suppressed
  12. For life, one of carbon's important features is that unlike silicon it can, readily ,engage in the formation of chemical bonds with many other atoms, thereby
  13. Found in the backstreets of Soto Kinda 3-chōme. New parts for PC-building are, readily ,available from a variety of stores. Tools, electrical parts, wires,micronized
  14. Of Ajaccio just north of the mouth of the Ramona River. From there Route N193, readily , connects to the center of the city. Ferries also leave regularly from Quiet
  15. Of 0.880 g/cm3 and is often known as '.880 Ammonia '. Ammonia does not burn, readily ,or sustain combustion, except under narrow fuel-to-air mixtures of 15–25 % air.
  16. Oxidation states. Whereas the Am4+ ions are unstable in solutions and, readily ,convert to Am3+, the +4 oxidation state occurs well in solids, such as
  17. With a slight odor and a nutty taste. It is almost insoluble in alcohol but, readily ,soluble in chloroform or ether. Sweet almond oil is obtained from the dried
  18. And for the rails of staircases and halls. Its softness enables it to be carved, readily ,into elaborate forms, but its solubility in water renders it unsuitable for
  19. An early proof by mathematical induction, he developed a method that can be, readily ,generalized to find the formula for the sum of any integral powers. He applied
  20. Alkaloids, such as (orange). Most alkaloids are poorly soluble in water but, readily ,dissolve in organic solvents, such as diethyl ether, chloroform and
  21. Catalysts. Detection and determination Ammonia and ammonium salts can be, readily ,detected, in very minute traces, by the addition of Nessler's solution, which
  22. Madame ". Like many other cross-channel linguistic acquisitions, many Britons, readily ,took this up and followed this rule themselves, while the Americans took a
  23. Α-helices are considered slightly weaker than those found in sheets, and are, readily ,attacked by the ambient water molecules. However, in more hydrophobic
  24. Temperature. Its heat of vaporization is sufficiently high so that NH3 can be, readily ,handled in ordinary beakers, in a fume hood (i.e., if it is already a liquid
  25. Producing fertilizer for much of Europe. If produced from coal, the CO2 can be, readily ,sequestered (the combustion products are nitrogen and water). In 1981 a
  26. Oxides As2O3 (" white arsenic" ) and As2O5,which are hygroscopic and, readily ,soluble in water to form acidic solutions. Arsenic (V) acid is a weak acid.
  27. Arsenates (III),and most organoarsenic compounds. Arsenic also bonds, readily ,to itself as seen in the square As ions in the mineral skutterudite. In the +3
  28. 50 % higher than nearby forested areas because snow does not cover the trees as, readily , Deciduous trees have an albedo value of about 0.15 to 0.18 while coniferous
  29. Of differences in their relative hardness. The gypsum kind is so soft as to be, readily ,scratched with a fingernail (Moss hardness 1.5 to 2),while the calcite kind
  30. Chart. Common techniques While a number of interesting celestial objects are, readily ,identified by the naked eye, sometimes with the aid of a star chart, many
  31. Which are not only stable, but also reactive. The fact that carbon atoms bond, readily ,to other carbon atoms allows for the building of arbitrarily long and complex
  32. Which also causes ionization damage. The total energy of the recoil nucleus is, readily ,calculable, and is roughly the weight of the alpha (4 u) divided by the
  33. Oxyacetylene welding may also be used in areas where electricity is not, readily ,accessible. As well, oxy-fuel cutting is still very popular and oxyacetylene
  34. Beakers, in a fume hood (i.e., if it is already a liquid it will not boil, readily ,). " Household ammonia" or" ammonium hydroxide" is a solution of NH3 in
  35. Rum was the distilled spirit of choice, as the main ingredient, molasses,was, readily ,available from trade with the West Indies. Further, into the interior, however
  36. Of the release notes, etc. Uses ASCII art is used wherever text can be more, readily ,printed or transmitted than graphics, or in some cases, where the transmission
  37. Because of its scarcity and high price. The critical masses of two other, readily ,available isotopes,241Am and 243Am,are relatively high – 57.6 to 75.6 kg for
  38. In abortion laws if modern family planning and maternal health services were, readily ,available globally. Forty percent of the world's women are able to access
  39. After abbreviations in at least semiformal writing, while the Americans more, readily ,kept such use until more recently, and still maintain it more than Britons. The
  40. Ainu language. Koan were located in river basins and seashores where food was, readily ,available, particularly in the basins of rivers through which salmon went
  41. The graphic similarities between syllables with the same consonant is, readily ,apparent, unlike the case in a true syllabify. Though now an abused, the Ge'EZ
  42. Hard to be scratched in this way (Moss hardness 3),although it does yield, readily ,to a knife. Moreover, the calcite alabaster, being a carbonate, effervesces
  43. Bring supernatural fiction into print in hardcover in the US that had only been, readily ,available in the UK),Delete was a leading American regional writer of his
  44. Are obtained in which it is only necessary to consider the lowest powers. It is, readily ,seen that if the optical system be symmetrical, the origins of the coordinate
  45. Described as different dialects of the same language, some subdialects are not, readily ,mutually intelligible. It is true, however,that a fluent speaker of one of two
  46. As an inhaler under the trade name Benzedrine, useful as a decongestant but, readily ,usable for other purposes. One of the first attempts at using amphetamine as a
  47. The pure natural harmonic series of the open pipe. The harmonics are the more, readily ,obtained by reason of the small diameter of the bore in relation to the length.
  48. Especially small carvings. The two kinds are distinguished from one another, readily , because of differences in their relative hardness. The gypsum kind is so soft
  49. Ion (proton) therapy. Fuel The scarcity of antimatter means that it is not, readily ,available for use as fuel, although it could be used in antimatter catalyzed
  50. A substance with anti-oxidative activity is likely to be one that is itself, readily ,oxidized. Research into how vitamin E prevents the process of lipid

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