Examples of the the word, barbara , in a Sentence Context

The word ( barbara ), is the 3617 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Land gastropods in Israel include Ferussaciidae Cochlicellidae * Cochlicella, barbara , ( Linnaeus,1758) - syn. Prietocella Barbara (Linnaeus,1758) -
  2. Right away I'll tod-tod-tod-tod-toddle" ( to the tune of" Result per la, barbara ," from L'Elixir d'More) #Concerted Quartet (Adana, Nemorino, Beppo, and
  3. Alfred to Kenya) (syn. Scutellastra Greenville) *Bearded limpet Patella, barbara , Linnaeus,1758 (Orange river to central KwaZulu-Natal) (syn, Scutellastra
  4. Cochlicellidae * Cochlicella Barbara (Linnaeus,1758) - syn. Prietocella, barbara , ( Linnaeus,1758) - non-indigenous Momotidae * Exploit proteins jebusitica (
  5. Their predators include boas, raptors,hunting cats, and Madras (Era, barbara , ). They readily adapt to human presence; like raccoons, they will raid
  6. Brazil) *Era Barbara biological (central Costa Rica and Panama) *Era, barbara , inserta (South Guatemala to central Costa Rica) *Era Barbara macaronis (
  7. Terms in Latin; he invented such words as gummies salivary (" chewing gum" ), barbara , saltatio (" the twist" ), and diurnarius scrip tor (" newspaper reporter" ).
  8. Seeds. Image: Delmarva Barbara 5. JPG|Delmarva Barbara Image: Delmarva, barbara ,10. JPG|Delmarva Barbara Detail (or) is a genus of about 60 species of
  9. Electors char - (Hendrix cougar) ** Barbary Partridge - Electors, barbara ,- (Hendrix Gambia) ** Red-legged Partridge - Electors RFA - (Hendrix rouge
  10. On meat. They have a characteristic skull shape and dentition. **** Era, barbara , Eira Barbara - fully protected species in Guyana **** Striped Hog-nosed Skunk
  11. 2008),Shepard Fairly (2009),and Mark Bradford (2011). Gallery Image: ICA, barbara , lee family foundation theater Boston ma. jpg|An interior shot of the ICA
  12. Syrings-syringa" ) *"barbarian, blockhead,stupid" ( Sanskrit:, barbara , Greek: βάρβαρος" Barbados" ) The" Ava ca" Hiroshi inscription, found on a
  13. Niño is has father. He accepts that he must avenge his father: (Aria:" In SI, barbara , sciagura" ). His mood ranges widely from despair to heroic determination. As
  14. A whole is listed as the Least Concern species, the northernmost subspecies, Eira, barbara , senex, is listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN. Subspecies *Era barbara (
  15. Cm broad. The fruit is a dry capsule containing several seeds. Image: Delmarva, barbara ,5. JPG|Delmarva Barbara Image: Delmarva Barbara 10. JPG|Delmarva Barbara
  16. And Brazil) *Era Barbara senex (central Mexico to northern Honduras) *Era, barbara , sinuensis (Colombia and western Venezuela) James Ogilvy,4th Earl of
  17. Rich) *Era Barbara macaronis (west Ecuador and northern Brazil) *Era, barbara , peruana (the Andes in Peru and Bolivia) *Era Barbara poliocephala (Guyana
  18. Barbara senex, is listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN. Subspecies *Era Barbara, barbara , ( northern Argentina, Paraguay,western Bolivia and central Brazil) *Era
  19. Art and Archaeology: The Arts Throughout the Ages, vol. 7,nos. 1-2,1918 Todea, barbara , is known as the king fern. Occurring in moist areas of south-eastern Australia
  20. Homepage The fern genus Todea is known from only two living species. Todea, barbara , L., known as the king fern, is native to South Africa, New Zealand, and
  21. Leptothrix Merge,1869 Lessertia Smith,1908 * Essential, barbara , ( Simon,1884) — Spain, Morocco,Algeria * Essential denticles (Simon,1884
  22. Dry capsule containing several seeds. Image: Delmarva Barbara 5. JPG|Delmarva, barbara , Image: Delmarva Barbara 10. JPG|Delmarva Barbara Detail (or) is a genus of
  23. Adhesive rootlets. The leaves are variably deciduous to evergreen (with D., barbara , tending to be more often deciduous’D. Sinensis more evergreen),3-10 cm long
  24. Northern Brazil) *Era Barbara persona (the Andes in Peru and Bolivia) *Era, barbara , poliocephala (Guyana, eastern Venezuela and Brazil) *Era Barbara senex (
  25. Pcr. T > Coptic: Père (meaning unknown) *Queen's Rock Partridge Electors, barbara , aegypticus (Siva) Nasal Bristled Guinea fowl Humid Milagros Somalians (
  26. Activity on the Gold Coast. There are waterskiing areas at upper camera, santa, barbara , along the western Broad water, Tipplers,Curries, Isle of Capri, Carrara and
  27. Ancient Greek Barbados, the Old Persian Barbara, and the Sanskrit var var and, barbara , In German, the equivalent is Grieg; the equivalent Spanish, Portuguese,and
  28. From islands at the margins of the Caribbean. On Trinidad, the Mayra (Era, barbara , ),the Neotropical otter (Contra longitudes),the ocelot (Leopards
  29. By the Queen was derided in its time with the lines:: Barbara Ran;, barbara , obra; Barbara gusto; Barbara gusto. Which translates to:: Barbara Queen
  30. Then the ants of the genus Alta are particularly common, especially the Alta, barbara , of dark color, and the Alta structure, a brown species. These, with the
  31. Proechimys decimals),the jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi),the Mayra (Era, barbara , ),the Greater Bulldog Bat, the Common Vampire Bat (Demons rotundas),the
  32. With the Commander or Preceptor holding the finger of St. John.: Image: St, barbara , gasthuis-doorway-jansstraat. JPG|Doorway of St. Barbara Matthews on the
  33. From which the name is derived. The Barbary partridge (Electors, barbara , ) has the reddish brown rather than black collar with the gray throat and
  34. Pacas (About PACA),ragouts or queues (Dasyprocta SP),Madras (Era, barbara , ),bats (Glossophobe sericin Carolina Castaneda) sloths (Brady pus
  35. Africa, and is also native to Gibraltar and the Canary Islands (SSP Electors, barbara , koenigi). It has been introduced to Portugal and Madeira, though there are no
  36. Era Barbara poliocephala (Guyana, eastern Venezuela and Brazil) *Era, barbara , senex (central Mexico to northern Honduras) *Era Barbara sinuses (
  37. Cochlicella acute (O. F. Müller,1774) - non-indigenous * Cochlicella, barbara , ( Linnaeus,1758)- non-indigenous; Hygromiidae * Monarch cantina (Montage
  38. Northern Argentina, Paraguay,western Bolivia and central Brazil) *Era, barbara , biologiae (central Costa Rica and Panama) *Era Barbara insert (South
  39. Et Penney divinarumque Saracen: flammable visit dives Galleria pubes, :,Barbara, nunc parties ululate Carmine linguist, : nun FEDIS alter no percussion verbal
  40. Barbara 5. JPG|Delmarva Barbara Image: Delmarva Barbara 10. JPG|Delmarva, barbara , Deutzia (or) is a genus of about 60 species of shrubs in the family
  41. Linnaeus,1758 (Orange river to central KwaZulu-Natal) (syn, Scutellastra, barbara , ) *Pear limpetPatella cochlear Born,1778 (Orange river to KwaZulu-Natal south
  42. They have a characteristic skull shape and dentition. **** Era Barbara Era, barbara ,- fully protected species in Guyana **** Striped Hog-nosed Skunk Concepts
  43. Heliaca Rare/Accidental Vulnerable Galliformes ** Barbary Partridge - Electors, barbara , Introduced species ** Common Pheasant - Peasants coccus Introduced species
  44. In the surrounding areas of the port. The Barbary Partridge (Electors, barbara , ),is a game bird in the pheasant family Phasianidae of the order Galliformes
  45. Panama) *Era Barbara insert (South Guatemala to central Costa Rica) *Era, barbara , madeirensis (west Ecuador and northern Brazil) *Era Barbara persona (the
  46. Coaching staffs. Douglas began his collegiate coaching career at Cal-Santa, barbara , before coaching three national champions and 58 All-Americans from 1975-92 at
  47. Della colonia infamy (History of the pillar of infamy). The Mayra (Era, barbara , ),also known as the Colombo or PERCO libero in Central America, and San HOL
  48. Era Barbara senex, is listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN. Subspecies *Era, barbara , barbara (northern Argentina, Paraguay,western Bolivia and central Brazil)
  49. Genus of two species of flowering plants in the family Hydrangeaceae, one (D., barbara , ) native to the southeastern United States, and the other (D. kinesis)
  50. It a usurpation, and shows great bitterness against his country, calling it ", barbara ,Zelandiæ insula "," verve cum atria "," cordon region ", etc. He then taught

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