Examples of the the word, allowance , in a Sentence Context

The word ( allowance ), is the 3627 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Franchise at a fixed price whenever he stopped playing in the league – an, allowance ,that the league's owners had never given to a player before. Another provision
  2. Of South Africa, minibus taxis are often filled over their legal passenger, allowance , making for high casualty rates when minibuses are involved in accidents.
  3. S yacht before resuming his fiction writing to supplement the small disability, allowance ,that he was receiving as a war veteran. Working from a trailer in a run-down
  4. Including farming, law,commercial art and advertising, but mostly relied on an, allowance ,from his family. He eventually turned to writing for money in 1925,and by 1931
  5. As widows and orphans of guild members, funeral benefits, and a 'tramping ', allowance ,for those needing to travel to find work. As the guild system of the City of
  6. 10-billion dollars, which he desperately needs, as his father has cut off his ", allowance ,". But as Van and his crew near Venus, Lars Fuchs comes racing out of the belt;
  7. Salaries of over 3,000 Euro, replacement of the 13th and 14th pension with an, allowance ,of 800 euro for those with a pension of less than 2,500 Euro, further cuts in
  8. Consequently, Canada used only $848.2 million of its $4.3 billion subsidy, allowance ,granted by the WTO. Political issues Regional imbalances The Canadian economy
  9. Model by stating:: It assumes communicators are isolated individuals.: No, allowance ,for differing purposes.: No allowance for differing interpretations.: No
  10. Was dropped. Several winners in the mid-1970s took advantage of the newly found, allowance , with performers from non-English-speaking countries singing in English
  11. Is not stopped when the ball is out of play; the referee can, however,make, allowance ,for time lost through significant stoppages as described below. There is
  12. For differing interpretations.: No allowance for unequal power relations.: No, allowance ,for situational contexts. In 1960,David Berle expanded on Shannon and Weaver’s
  13. Such false verdict to pure and absolute ignorance. Even when we make all due, allowance ,for the prejudices of critics whose only possible enthusiasm went out to 'the
  14. 1802–1882),a famous Irish beauty. When they married his mother withdrew his, allowance ,and he was forced to work for a living. They had two children, Lady Emily
  15. Stock, cumulative and long-term preferred stock, and a portion of a bank’s, allowance ,for loan and lease losses. Disney usually refers to The Walt Disney Company.
  16. Dissonance caused by this leads to insanity. Lovecraft's viewpoint made no, allowance ,for religious belief which could not be supported scientifically, with the
  17. Christmas, Easter and other such festivals, and the Jesuits were even given an, allowance ,and gifts to carry on with their work, with a few Indians converting to
  18. For a player to 'fall' in front of their lie after the release. This, allowance ,does not apply to putting. A throw is officially considered a putt in disc golf
  19. After allowing for cost of servicing debt capital Advantages: Makes explicit, allowance ,for the cost of debt capital Disadvantages: Requires judgement on choice of
  20. Then £8000 per tax year will not be subject to any taxation. An additional tax, allowance ,is also given to taxpayers whose earned annual income is less than £19,500. *
  21. Groups moved with their family from project to project, for which a rental, allowance ,was issued in their pay. The CCC often provided the only paid work in remote
  22. Least public police, courts and military; others, however,might give further, allowance ,for other government programs. In contrast, anarcho-capitalists reject any
  23. May, upon proof of such neglect or refusal, order such person to make a monthly, allowance ,for the maintenance of such child. Affinity is a word used in a variety of
  24. Greater recline, up to 7 ", than regular economy seats, but the same luggage, allowance ,and in-flight service applies. There is no priority (dis-)embarking, but since
  25. Given to transport policy. The switch from a traveling allowance to a mobility, allowance , which is paid regardless of income to all employees, replacing company car
  26. Value (as on a high mountain, or with an exceptionally low barometer) an, allowance ,must be made. Approximately 1½ % should be added to the velocity recorded by a
  27. Polluting facility is given or may purchase on an open market an emissions, allowance ,for each unit of a designated pollutant it emits. Operators can then install
  28. Assured at death. In respect of policies issued on or after 3 June 2008,the, allowance ,is limited to a basic tax rate of 17 %. * Working Pensioners’ Relief – Anyone
  29. Who do not believe in organized religions, in much the same way that mobility, allowance ,for people who can't walk discriminates against those who simply have bad
  30. Drop Puccini, but Record said that he would stay with him and made him an, allowance ,from his own pocket until his next opera. Manon Descant was a great success and
  31. For differing purposes.: No allowance for differing interpretations.: No, allowance ,for unequal power relations.: No allowance for situational contexts. In 1960
  32. In 1941 BSA was approached to produce a new pedal cycle with a maximum weight, allowance ,of only 22 lb especially for airborne use. This required a new concept in frame
  33. The referee is the official timekeeper for the match, and may make an, allowance ,for time lost through substitutions, injured players requiring attention, or
  34. In 1530 Prince Maurice of Saxony appointed him historiographer with an annual, allowance , and he migrated to Chemnitz, the center of the mining industry, in order to
  35. The displacement is 3 arc minutes and a half. This calculation also includes an, allowance ,for light-time correction, and is therefore analogous to the concept of
  36. Often depends on the outcome of any given tasks. The housemates have a weekly, allowance ,with which they can buy food and other essentials. At regular intervals, the
  37. High priority is given to transport policy. The switch from a traveling, allowance ,to a mobility allowance , which is paid regardless of income to all employees
  38. More personal space (free middle seat),priority boarding, extra baggage, allowance , 250 % Flying Blue miles and fully flexible booking. Economy Class Economy
  39. Of Carter. For Bottom,Carter's anthropic principle just warns us to make, allowance ,for anthropic bias, that is, the bias created by anthropic selection effects (
  40. Cecil, stating that he had 'dealt with the Earl of Derby about my daughter's, allowance ,' and that Derby had promised to assure his new bride £1000 a year, but was now
  41. To finance residential property in Gibraltar occupied by the taxpayer. The, allowance ,is restricted on loans issued on or after 1 July 2008 to a maximum of £300,000.
  42. All the local" uses ". The Roman has thus become nearly universal, with the, allowance ,only of additional offices for saints specially venerated in each particular
  43. Spirit, and in some countries the housemates' shopping budget or weekly, allowance ,often depends on the outcome of any given tasks. The housemates have a weekly
  44. Between Heaven and Hell and where people first wake up after death),the, allowance ,of a free will choose between Heaven or Hell (as opposed to being sent to
  45. Of the general equilibrium modeling of Walrus a century later. Smith's, allowance ,for wage increases in the short and intermediate term from capital accumulation
  46. Are isolated individuals.: No allowance for differing purposes.: No, allowance ,for differing interpretations.: No allowance for unequal power relations.: No
  47. Included: replacement of the 13th and 14th salaries of public employees with an, allowance ,of 500 Euro for those with salaries of less than 3,000 euro and complete
  48. Germans in the Foreign Legion ever exceeded 35 percent. Thus, without making an, allowance ,for losses, rotation,discharges, etc., the maximum number of Germans fighting
  49. Drugs. A 2010 survey found 72 % of Switzerland chiropractors judged the current, allowance ,in Switzerland to prescribing nonprescription medication as an advantage for
  50. Disadvantages: Requires judgement on choice of discount rate; no explicit, allowance ,for cost of debt capital, which may be much higher than a" risk-free" rate

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