Examples of the the word, partial , in a Sentence Context

The word ( partial ), is the 3631 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Acquires a dead-white, chalky appearance. The effect of heating appears to be a, partial ,dehydration of the gypsum. If properly treated, it very closely resembles true
  2. Anova and multivariate-response ANOVA include the following: eta-squared, partial ,eta-squared, omega,and intercorrelation. Η2 (eta-squared): Eta-squared
  3. Above reduce to the simpler equations at the top. For each non-harmonic, partial , the phase term AKN can be absorbed into the instantaneous frequency term, fkn
  4. Not return. The University of Alaska has attempted to combat this by offering, partial ,four-year scholarships to the top 10 % of Alaska high school graduates, via the
  5. System. Anarcho-capitalist literature Nonfiction The following is a, partial ,list of notable nonfiction works discussing anarcho-capitalism. ** Man, Economy
  6. Originally Brontosaurus) was named by Marsh in 1879. It is known from six, partial ,skeletons, including part of a skull, which have been found in the United
  7. Trades off quantity of oscillators vs. polyphony and where one can program each, partial ,individually with envelopes. Full programming (known as Fourier Synthesis
  8. Zero indicate that the algorithm (and the program that instantiates it) is a, partial ,function rather than a total function. A notable failure due to exceptions is
  9. Complete solid solution alloys give single solid phase microstructure, while, partial , solutions give two or more phases that may or may not be homogeneous in
  10. With equal sample sizes in all cells, In addition, methods to calculate, partial ,Omega2 for individual factors and combined factors in designs with up to three
  11. Can be written as: p (r, \theta) = R (r)~Q (\theta) we can write the, partial ,differential equation as: \COFRAC~\COFRAC + \COFRAC~\COFRAC + \COFRAC =
  12. Of electrons on the nitrogen is delocalized into the carbonyl, thus forming a, partial ,double bond between N and the carbonyl carbon. Consequently, the nitrogen in
  13. Popularly known as the" Kurosawa-gumi" ( Kurosawa group). The following is a, partial ,list of this group, divided by profession. This information is derived from the
  14. Or unwanted exposure of bodily fluids to others. Consent may be a complete or, partial ,defense to assault. In some jurisdictions, most notably England, it is not a
  15. The process of combining an image with a background to create the appearance of, partial ,or full transparency. It is often useful to render image elements in separate
  16. In FX are all degree 1,the property stated above holds by the theorem on, partial ,fraction decomposition. On the other hand, suppose that the property stated
  17. Still might exist. The only Ainu speakers remaining (besides perhaps a few, partial ,speakers) live solely in Japan. There, they are concentrated primarily on the
  18. Standard sea level atmospheric pressure. This is more than five times the 3 psi, partial ,pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere, and provides an environment in which
  19. Every tool available, including complete or partial emancipation (he employed, partial ,emancipation). As for the Confederates, they would return only at the point of
  20. National economic role of a healthy aviation system, Congress authorized, partial ,compensation of up to $5 billion in cash subject to review by the Department of
  21. Is four years long. Office holders are term-limited to two full terms plus any, partial ,terms before the first full term. Arkansas' governors served two-year terms
  22. Number theory, probability theory),Aleksandr Working (ordinary and, partial ,differential equations),Orator (mechanism theory),OSI Some (mechanics)
  23. Set and many mnemonics are now longer, for example FPA TAN for" floating point, partial ,arc tangent" and BOUND for" check array index against bounds ". The same
  24. Hydrogen. When oil production becomes so scarce that natural gas is used as a, partial ,stopgap replacement, and hydrogen use in transportation increases, natural gas
  25. In 415 BC. Although he saved his life by turning informer, he was condemned to, partial ,loss of civil rights and forced to leave Athens. He engaged in commercial
  26. Some algorithms, known as randomized algorithms, incorporate random input. A, partial ,formalization of the concept began with attempts to solve the
  27. Act. It reversed the decision by the Sixth Court of Appeals to grant a, partial ,summary judgment in favor of the respondent, Ella Williams that qualified her
  28. Final few hundred feet of descent. Unlike Apollo 11 where Neil Armstrong took, partial ,control of the lander and directed it further down range when he noticed that
  29. Harmonic) frequencies, fkn, ( the instantaneous frequency of the kith, partial ,at the time of sample n) the definition of the synthesized output would be, (
  30. Nasal explosion, partial voicing of colorants, complete voicing of colorants, partial ,voicing of obstructs, lengthening and shortening vowels, and retraction. *
  31. Park in 1883’M. P. Fetch found an almost complete Allosaurus and several, partial ,skeletons. This is the well-known mount poised over a partial Apatosaurus
  32. On every American port, which cut off almost all imports and exports. One, partial ,solution was to rely on volunteer support from militiamen, and donations from
  33. To 3.4 every two days,20 hours and 49 minutes during the roughly 10-hour long, partial ,eclipses. There is also a secondary eclipse when the brighter star occult the
  34. Would be to save the union, using every tool available, including complete or, partial ,emancipation (he employed partial emancipation). As for the Confederates
  35. Ainu nowadays in Khabarovsk Kari, there are many ethnic Mulch with, partial ,Ainu ancestry.: For the most famous example of an Acropolis, see Acropolis of
  36. Subordinates the abbot to episcopal oversight. The first case recorded of the, partial ,exemption of an abbot from episcopal control is that of Faustus, abbot of
  37. By the new settlements, with entire populations driven out or at least given, partial ,evictions. Rebellion and marriage alliances Widespread dissatisfaction with
  38. Ajax, the hero from Greek mythology. It is the holotype for the genus and two, partial ,skeletons have been found, including part of a skull. Apatosaurus excels us (
  39. Giving control over the frequency and amplitude of each individual harmonic or, partial , In general, each harmonic generator has its own customizable amplitude
  40. Sea level air (20.9 % oxygen). This was necessary to ensure a sufficient, partial ,pressure of oxygen when the astronauts removed their helmets after reaching
  41. And several partial skeletons. This is the well-known mount poised over a, partial ,Apatosaurus skeleton as if scavenging it, illustrated as such by Charles R.
  42. Journal, and other similar sources have spread among the public a, partial ,and misleading vision of Smith, portraying him as an" extreme dogmatic
  43. Of a carbon arc. Preparation Today acetylene is mainly manufactured by the, partial ,combustion of methane or appears as a side product in the ethylene stream from
  44. Operates a boarding school, Mt. Edgecumbe High School in Site; and provides, partial ,funding for other boarding schools, including Nevada Student Living Center in
  45. Dinosaur skeletons in the American West. Apatosaurus Louise is known from one, partial ,skeleton which was found in Utah in the United States. Apatosaurus parts was
  46. More elaborate versions for officers in war. The Chinese, during that time used, partial ,plates for" important" body parts instead of covering their whole body since
  47. A Category 5 hurricane. *1994 – Initial accord between Israel and the PLO about, partial ,self-rule of the Palestinians on the West Bank. *1998 – First RFID human
  48. Other allophonic processes in English, like lack of explosion, nasal explosion, partial ,voicing of colorants, complete voicing of colorants, partial voicing of
  49. Brontosaurus in 1998,so it is now properly Brontosaurus yahnahpin. One, partial ,skeleton has been found in Wyoming. It has been argued that Brontosaurus
  50. Left Huxley nearly blind, that his eyesight was exceedingly poor (despite the, partial ,recovery which had enabled him to study at Oxford). For instance, some ten

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