Examples of the the word, virtue , in a Sentence Context

The word ( virtue ), is the 3623 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Structure and bonding In acetylene, the H–CBC bond angles are 180°. By, virtue ,of this bond angle, alkynes tend to be rod-like. Correspondingly, cyclic
  2. Monks of this submission to the commands of the superiors, exalted into a, virtue ,by those who regarded the entire crushing of the individual will as a goal, are
  3. Ethics, including most notably, the Nicomachean Ethics. Aristotle taught that, virtue ,has to do with the proper function (argon) of a thing. An eye is only a good
  4. Lorenz Diefenbaker (1873),in which gamblers and fraudsters find the path to, virtue ,through labor. The phrase was also used in French (" LE travail rend Libra! "
  5. And that was if the virtue of the king and his family were greater than the, virtue ,of the rest of the citizens put together. Tactfully, he included the young
  6. Race, in a premature unnatural manner who undermine the very foundation of, virtue , and spread corruption through the whole mass of society ". But Wollstonecraft
  7. Amounted to upwards of 100 persons. The abbots of Clung and Genome were, by, virtue , of their office, cardinals of the Roman church. In process of time the title
  8. And his justification of the subservience of slaves and others to the, virtue ,– or are – of a few justified the ideal of aristocracy. It is Martin
  9. His return, the Buddha says, among other things, that Sendai is" a friend of, virtue , acquainted with virtue , intimate with virtue ", while the opposite is said of
  10. 1689,which all failed owing to a lack of political will in both kingdoms. By, virtue ,of Article II of the Treaty of Union, which defined the succession to the
  11. And self-creation. A main idea of Confucianism is the cultivation of, virtue ,and the development of moral perfection. Confucianism holds that one should
  12. A good character (strike are),often translated as moral (or ethical), virtue , ( or excellence). Aristotle taught that to achieve a virtuous and potentially
  13. She“ sees it as sustaining an unequal society while giving the appearance of, virtue ,to the rich ". In her national plan for education, she retains class
  14. Nous) can develop with each other towards the highest possible human, virtue , the wisdom of an accomplished theoretical or speculative thinker, or in other
  15. Written in Java and released under the open source Eclipse Public License. By, virtue ,of being a Java application, it is available on any platform supported by Java.
  16. And balances mood. Carbohydrates thus eaten, as part of a balanced diet, by, virtue , of their effect on brain serotonin levels, can support weight loss in the
  17. In general, but she resurfaced in the Middle Ages as a defender of sagacity and, virtue ,so that her masculine warrior status was still intact. (She may be found on
  18. Of gold and silver. For me such is not the aim, but to consider only what, virtue ,and power may lie in medicines. " His hermetical views were that sickness and
  19. Of circularity: Kant's argument presupposes that both the pursuit of moral, virtue ,and the pursuit of happiness must be rational enterprises; however, this is
  20. UTC. " Altruism is a concern for the welfare of others. It is a traditional, virtue ,in many cultures, and a core aspect of various religious traditions, though the
  21. The men who had distinguished themselves through their virtue s, because through, virtue ,they had acquired everlasting honor" ( Orbit description, v. 541,quoted in
  22. Though always influential, gained renewed interest with the modern advent of, virtue ,ethics. All aspects of Aristotle's philosophy continue to be the object of
  23. In the Roman Empire, Augustus wished to embody the spirit of Republican, virtue ,and norms. He also wanted to relate to and connect with the concerns of the
  24. To become the companion of man, she will stop the progress of knowledge and, virtue ,; for truth must be common to all ", Wollstonecraft contends that society will
  25. Completed. It will also ensure that in the long run happiness will result from, virtue , Its existence would mean that there is a perfect moral causality at work in
  26. Been dismissed as truisms or tautologies, that is, statements true solely by, virtue ,of their logical form (the conclusion is identical to the premise) and not
  27. Among other things, that Sendai is" a friend of virtue , acquainted with, virtue , intimate with virtue ", while the opposite is said of the aggressor, King
  28. Virtues should differ in respect to their nature. In fact, how can they, if, virtue , has only one eternal standard? I must therefore, if I reason consequentially
  29. Consequences (epitomized by Kant's notion of the Categorical Imperative) #, virtue ,ethics, derived from Aristotle's and Confucius's notions, which asserts that
  30. The other hand, the variety of possible outcomes has also been portrayed as a, virtue ,of approval voting, representing the flexibility and responsiveness of approval
  31. Void the requirements of law. Any dispute not excluded from arbitration by, virtue ,of law (for example, criminal proceedings) may be submitted to arbitration.
  32. Wollstonecraft’s leading ambition for women was that they should attain, virtue , and it was to this end that she sought their liberation. In the Rights of
  33. In terms of rejecting monarchy and aristocracy, while emphasizing civic, virtue ,on the part of the citizens. Role of women contributed to the American
  34. Redemption of Christ. That healing is a process realized in conjugal acts. The, virtue ,of continence is achieved thanks to the grace of the sacrament of Christian
  35. Founded on“ Christian virtue s of rational benevolence, honesty,personal, virtue , the fulfillment of social duty, thrift,sobriety, and hard work ". During the
  36. Sot ah,40a). He thereby illustrated his own doctrine that it is a divine, virtue ,to sympathize with a friend in his troubles as well as to partake of his joys (
  37. Bodies, men seem to be designed by Providence to attain a greater degree of, virtue , I speak collectively of the whole sex; but I see not the shadow of a reason to
  38. Morally virtuous. Agency is beset by weaknesses that make the attainment of, virtue ,— in the absence of external aid — seem impossible. The being postulated in (5
  39. States that only one thing could justify monarchy, and that was if the, virtue ,of the king and his family were greater than the virtue of the rest of the
  40. Blind causes. These causes give no hope whatsoever that pursuit of moral, virtue ,will lead to happiness. They do not even give hope that we can become morally
  41. Associated with the Golden Mean. This is the Greek ideal of moderation and a, virtue ,that opposes gluttony. Apollo in the arts Apollo is a common theme in Greek and
  42. That status? What possible feature could a proof and a fragrance both share in, virtue ,of which they both count as beautiful? What makes a painting beautiful is quite
  43. Others. However, the latter was discounted as weakness rather than humanitarian, virtue , Schopenhauer's controversial writings have influenced many, from Friedrich
  44. Explains,“ is couched predominantly in terms of morality ". Her definition of, virtue ,focuses on the individual’s happiness rather than, for example, the good of the
  45. Characteristics. The adrenal cortex exhibits functional zonation as well: by, virtue ,of the characteristic enzymes present in each zone, the zones produce and
  46. That Sendai is" a friend of virtue , acquainted with virtue , intimate with, virtue ,", while the opposite is said of the aggressor, King Ajatasattu. According to
  47. Sought. Moral order (Kant) # The sum mum bonus (The Highest Good) is where moral, virtue ,and happiness coincide. # We are rationally obliged to promote (before)
  48. He writes," Truth,another's lust cannot pollute thee. " Chastity is" a, virtue ,of the mind, and is not lost by rape, but is lost by the intention of sin, even
  49. Heart. Or, in other words, to enable the individual to attach such habits of, virtue ,as will render it independent. ” In addition to her broad philosophical
  50. Others to himself. " She controversially referred to egoism as" the, virtue ,of selfishness" in her book of that title, in which she presented her solution

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