Examples of the the word, tremendous , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tremendous ), is the 3621 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In alternative and complementary medicine. A 1998 study reported" There is, tremendous ,heterogeneity and diversity in content, format,and requirements among courses
  2. Eventually Cuban forces withdrew from the country, especially as Cuba faced, tremendous ,economic difficulties as a result of the Soviet Union's collapse. The outcome
  3. Supported the emergence of an extensive aluminum industry, which draws, tremendous ,amount of power. Until 2000,the Northwestern United States produced up to 17
  4. Topic; a novel can be whimsical, serious or controversial. The novel has had a, tremendous ,impact on entertainment and publishing markets. A novella is a term sometimes
  5. To uplift. Between 40 and 20 million years ago, in the Eocene and Miocene eras, tremendous ,volcanic eruptions frequently modified much of the landscape traversed by the
  6. Installations were built during the war, and several coastal batteries had, tremendous ,range. However, none of them were ever used, and only a single test shot was
  7. The Pacific. The river's heavy flow and its relatively steep gradient give it, tremendous ,potential for the generation of electricity. The 14 hydroelectric dams on the
  8. Over U. S. policy until at least the Vietnam War. Truman's speech had a, tremendous ,effect. The anti-communist feelings that had just begun to hatch in the U. S.
  9. To escape. Beatty, in particular, was convinced that Bellicose had missed a, tremendous ,opportunity to annihilate the High Seas Fleet and win what would amount to
  10. Part in a conclave. The purpose of these appointments is to recognize their, tremendous ,contribution to the life of the Church. Duties In Catholicism, Eastern
  11. The Umayyads were from a branch of the Quraish tribe). Despite such a, tremendous ,victory, Abd Brahman had to continuously put down rebellions in landaus.
  12. To involve the production of electron–positron pairs, as ordinary matter gains, tremendous ,energy while falling into a stellar remnant. Antimatter may exist in relatively
  13. Arawak are pack oriented and form complex social hierarchies. They have, tremendous ,memories and are able to recognize each other after long periods of separation.
  14. It fares marginally better than its Rust Belt neighbors. World War II brought a, tremendous ,number of new jobs to the city, and with it another population surge. This time
  15. During the war, the Condor Legion undertook the bombing of Guernica which had a, tremendous ,psychological effect on the populations of Europe. The results were exaggerated
  16. And thus in writing, all can be used without problem. In speaking, however, tremendous , ambiguity would result if all of these words could be used, and in fact, the
  17. It is a system of moral, social,political, and religious thought that has had, tremendous ,influence on Chinese history, thought,and culture down to the 21st century.
  18. Polarized at the time. However, the culture of Vietnam-era United States had a, tremendous ,impact on the film and the film was given a cult status after playing
  19. Is somewhat moderate considering how far north the area is. This region has a, tremendous ,amount of variety in precipitation. An area stretching from the northern side
  20. In order to achieve the goal the Apollo program was successful by organizing, tremendous ,public resources within a vast, centralized bureaucracy under government
  21. Brian, Mike Love and two friends performed at Hawthorne High School, drawing, tremendous , applause for their version of dewdrop group The Olympics' " Fully Gully ".
  22. In the end,Chavez's punishment wore down Taylor and knocked him down with a, tremendous ,right hand in the last round. Equipment Since boxing involves forceful
  23. The Chilean government that Peru had no plans for an invasion despite its, tremendous ,military superiority. Tensions mounted again when a Chilean spy mission in Peru
  24. Second Great Awakening and the development of shape note singing communities. A, tremendous ,religious movement was overtaking the U. S. in the early 19th century that was
  25. Among the Nazi elite as a possible successor to Hitler. While Speer had, tremendous ,power, he was of course subordinate to Hitler. Nazi officials sometimes went
  26. To arcade machines of the time. The 7800 featured the ability to move around a, tremendous ,amount of objects (75-to-100) that far exceeded previous consoles. Powering
  27. Subsists from exports of blue water fish, which in recent years experienced a, tremendous ,surge in demand, mainly from Japan and South Korea. Croatia is a notable
  28. Prevails, although the United Nations has acclaimed Bangladesh for achieving, tremendous ,progress in human development. Geographically, the country straddles the
  29. And Heterokontophyta, the three main algal Phyla, have life-cycles which show, tremendous ,variation with considerable complexity. In general there is an asexual phase
  30. Of the secret settlement deal has never been disclosed, but was reportedly ", tremendous ,". On December 22, 2006,a US court decided in Doorman, et al. v. Smith Kline
  31. Of their times); to not only strengthen the top against collapsing under the, tremendous ,stress exerted by the tensioned strings, but also to affect the resignation of
  32. The actual sound of their music remains a complete mystery. There is also, tremendous ,variation between" Celtic" regions. Ireland, Scotland,and Brittany have
  33. And developments in information technologies have combined to produce a, tremendous ,amount of information related to molecular biology. It is the name given to
  34. Canine nor human unless they are threatened. Arawak have high energy and, tremendous ,endurance. They are excellent training companions for runners and are nearly
  35. Other creators during the 1970s; nevertheless the influence of their work was ", tremendous , " Giordano said:" We went back to a grimmer, darker Batman, and I think that
  36. Parkinson in the UK that he was drawn to Bixby's story because it was one of, tremendous ,courage and determination against the odds. Many magazines in the UK including
  37. S heavy flow and extreme elevation drop over a short distance, give it, tremendous ,capacity for hydroelectricity generation. In comparison, the Mississippi drops
  38. With ideas of individualism and innate morality that would have, tremendous ,impact on later Japanese thought. Chosen Korea also became a nominal vassal
  39. Lake Travis. In the early 20th century, the Texas Oil Boom took hold, creating, tremendous , economic opportunities in Southeast Texas and North Texas. The growth generated
  40. Term applied locally to the Catalans returning from the American colonies with, tremendous ,wealth. Her second husband, Pere Mila, was a developer who was criticized for
  41. Destruction, when a diabolic origin was attributed to them after observing the, tremendous ,properties of representation, precision and speed of calculations. This
  42. Gas. A global power in agriculture and natural resources, Brazil experienced, tremendous ,economic growth over the past three decades. It is expected to become a major
  43. Most contaminated nuclear site in the U. S. All these developments have had a, tremendous ,impact on river environments, perhaps most notably through industrial pollution
  44. Swimming pool and an exceptional roller coaster which must have given riders a, tremendous ,view of the bay. The Cottage Baths were available for rent. Neptune Beach's
  45. Taylor). The match was nicknamed" Thunder Meets Lightning" as an allusion to, tremendous ,punching power of Chávez and blinding speed of Taylor. Chávez was the epitome
  46. Eligible for postwar veteran's benefits). Later in the war, in light of the, tremendous ,amount of manpower that would be necessary for the invasion of France, many
  47. In the key Battle of Guilford Court House, Cornwallis defeated Greene, but at, tremendous ,cost, and without breaking Greene's army. He retreated to Wilmington, North
  48. Hurricane, Arkansas can often get the remnants of a tropical system which dumps, tremendous ,amount of rain in a short time and often spawns smaller tornadoes. History The
  49. Cowling. The Mitchell was also an amazingly sturdy aircraft and could withstand, tremendous ,punishment. One well-known B-25C of the 321st Bomb Group was nicknamed "
  50. country's weak infrastructure hindered emergency relief efforts and created, tremendous ,problems of procurement of supplies in general and of distribution. Cambodia

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