Examples of the the word, upright , in a Sentence Context

The word ( upright ), is the 7508 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Right or left. Once the punch has been evaded, the boxer" weaves" back to an, upright ,position, emerging on either the outside or inside the opponent's
  2. Individual breast and the position of the breast and nipple when standing in an, upright ,position. Normal life events that produce hormonal changes can alter the size
  3. An arboreal environment. All primates can sit upright . Many primates can stand, upright ,on their hind legs without any support. Chimpanzees, bonobos,gibbons and
  4. Moment, choosing the position best suited to protect them. Boxers who use an, upright ,stance protect their chin with the rear hand in either the low or mixed guard
  5. As a Leviathan stitch or Smyrna cross stitch, combines a cross-stitch with an, upright ,cross-stitch. Berlin wool work and similar petite point stitchery resembles the
  6. Lever mounts, the forward curves, or the upper flat sections for increasingly, upright ,postures. Mountain bikes generally feature a 'straight handlebar' or 'riser
  7. Light, supple,lissome gait is a notable breed characteristic, as is an, upright ,double suspension gallop. Health Arawaks are an incredibly sound coursing
  8. 1987 season, but the German company would only supply the lay down engine. The, upright ,units, around which Graham had designed their new car, were sold for use by
  9. JPG|Semi-crouch Image: attitude_enroulée1. JPG|Full crouch In a fully, upright ,stance, the boxer stands with the legs shoulder-width apart and the rear foot a
  10. Or phone functions. The screen, either color or monochrome, is mounted on the, upright ,dashboard, and on the A4 (new),A5,A6,A8,and Q7,the controls are mounted
  11. Must avoid overcorrection. The difficulties associated with simple standing in, upright ,humans are highlighted by the greatly increased risk of falling present in the
  12. Of bipedalism is unusual because the back is close to upright (completely, upright ,in humans) and, among primates that move bipedally, only the lemurs have tails
  13. The primate version of bipedalism is unusual because the back is close to, upright ,(completely upright in humans) and, among primates that move bipedally, only
  14. Innumerable are the instances ... of those who had fallen but now stand, upright , " * Christian perfection – According to Wesley's teaching, Christians could
  15. Braking power from a more aerodynamic" crouched" position, as well as more, upright ,positions in which the hands grip the brake lever mounts, the forward curves
  16. Its entirety, especially lower frets. Performing techniques In contrast to the, upright ,bass (or double bass),the electric bass guitar is played horizontally across
  17. The pigs have purchased more whiskey. Years pass, and the pigs learn to walk, upright , carry whips, and wear clothes. The Seven Commandments are reduced to a single
  18. Was renamed on 4 August 1984,by President Thomas Sankara to mean" the land of, upright ,people" in Moore and Viola, the major native languages of the country.
  19. However narrow and inexperienced Mackenzie may be, I imagine he is a thoroughly, upright , well-principled, and well-meaning man. " Mackenzie also served as Minister of
  20. Most fighters who use this style bend and lean to protect the body, but while, upright ,and unaltered the body is there to be hit. This position is very difficult to
  21. The toe and pelvic structure of A. radius suggests that the creature walked, upright , According to Scott Simpson, the Gone
  22. And new areas. Frame The great majority of today's bicycles have a frame with, upright ,seating which looks much like the first chain-driven bike. Such upright
  23. Stances of the 19th and early 20th centuries. The modern stance has a more, upright ,vertical-armed guard, as opposed to the more horizontal
  24. But are often referred to informally as" bikes ". Dynamics A bicycle stays, upright ,while moving forward by being steered to keep its center of mass over the
  25. Services and bicycle racing. The basic shape and configuration of a typical, upright ,bicycle has changed little since the first chain-driven model was developed
  26. Verbs are used, e. g., yaŋkÁ (lit.: to sit) for humans, or had/he (to stand, upright ,) for inanimate objects of a certain shape. " Robert is in the house" could be
  27. A crown-group hominoid; yet the physical evidence implies that Bigfoot is an, upright ,biped with buttocks and a long, stout,permanently adducted Hall. These are
  28. Upright; in the first he kneels; in the second he stoops, halfway between the, upright ,and the kneeling position. As the game grew in popularity, it came under the
  29. And early twentieth centuries. Bass banjos have been produced in both, upright ,bass formats and with standard, horizontally-carried banjo bodies. Four-string
  30. Being caught between the chain and crank set teeth. Kick stands keep a bicycle, upright ,when parked, while a bike lock will help prevent it from being stolen.
  31. Side of the fretboard, which is especially common among bassists who have an, upright ,bass influence. Some bassists anchor their thumbs on the lowest string and move
  32. Are considered part of the rhythm section. The electric string bass and, upright ,string bass—depending on the circumstance—can be treated by the arranger as
  33. Their teeth. Instead of having a pulp cavity, each tooth has a cluster of thin, upright , parallel tubes of Valentin (a modified form of dentin),with individual
  34. An electric bass can be used to imitate the shorter sustain and character of an, upright ,bass. Palm-muting is commonly done while using a pick, but can also be done
  35. Is down following a scent. The tail does not curl over the back, but is held, upright ,when the dog is active. The Beagle has a muscular body and a medium-length
  36. And allows the animals to reach higher food sources with their mouths. While, upright , non-locomotory limbs become free for other uses, including manipulation (in
  37. APL font has been distinctive, with uppercase italic alphabetic characters and, upright ,numerals and symbols. Most vendors continue to display the APL character set in
  38. Follows German naming patterns: * A roman type is called primary shrift (", upright ,type")—compare with Normalschrift (" regular type" ) in German * An italic
  39. For some time. However, other versions report that he" passed away, seated, upright ,"; or that his legs atrophied after nine years of sitting, which is why
  40. Curve gently back toward the rider, offering a natural grip and comfortable, upright ,position. Drop handlebars" drop" as they curve forward and down, offering the
  41. Of the direction of the hair on the back. The horns are peculiar for their, upright ,direction and comparative straightness, although they have the same triangular
  42. Knowledge could be of use in protecting buildings from lightning by attaching ", upright ,Rods of Iron, made sharp as a Needle and gilt to prevent Rusting, and from the
  43. Five or six hundred years ago as it is to-day. In the third he stands almost, upright ,; in the first he kneels; in the second he stoops, halfway between the upright
  44. Dramatically higher power outputs as speeds increase. If the rider is sitting, upright , the rider's body creates about 75 % of the total drag of the bicycle/rider
  45. Through 2011. As of 2008 her backing band consists of Todd Sickafoose on, upright ,bass, Allison Miller on drums, and Mike Dillon on percussion and vibes.
  46. Are primarily adaptations to an arboreal environment. All primates can sit, upright , Many primates can stand upright on their hind legs without any support.
  47. Suspension is especially important on recumbent bicycles, since while an, upright ,bicycle rider can stand on the pedals to achieve some benefits of
  48. With upright seating which looks much like the first chain-driven bike. Such, upright ,bicycles almost always feature the diamond frame, a truss consisting of two
  49. Style is the recumbent bicycle. These are inherently more aerodynamic than, upright ,versions, as the rider may lean back onto a support and operate pedals that are
  50. pin-ups by historian Marilyn Yalow. Although nude men were depicted standing, upright , most depictions of female nudity in Greek art occurred" usually with drapery

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