Examples of the the word, matching , in a Sentence Context

The word ( matching ), is the 7510 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Either the condition or the action may be omitted. The condition defaults to, matching ,every record. The default action is to print the record. In addition to a
  2. Debt and local currency debt of a foreign country, and enter into a series of, matching ,trades (including currency swaps) to arbitrage the difference, while
  3. Experiment. The most renowned of these is Shawn Carlson's double-blind chart, matching ,tests in which he challenged 28 astrologers to match over 100 natal charts to
  4. Using the <<< operator. Bash 3.0 supports in-process regular expression, matching ,using a syntax reminiscent of Perl. Bash 4.0 supports associative arrays
  5. Examples. Matching games The object of Rummy, and various other melding or, matching ,games, is to acquire the required groups of matching cards before an opponent
  6. Shows up fortuitously to discover that Miles Glorious and Philip are wearing, matching ,rings which mark them as his long-lost children. Her betrothal to the Captain
  7. In addition to the existing Roman walls, and some believe the construction of, matching ,fortifications on the South bank of the River Thames. This is also the time
  8. Earth radii. This gives a ratio of solar to lunar distance of approximately 19, matching ,Aristarchus's figure. Although Ptolemy's procedure is theoretically workable
  9. Conversation, having a vocabulary of around 400 words. She is tall and weighs, matching ,the average figure of Korean women in their twenties. EveR-1's name derives
  10. Emitted photon and the interacting photon then move off in parallel and with, matching ,phases. That is, the wave patterns of the two photons are synchronized. This
  11. This is important in two ways. First, although no single country comes close to, matching ,the amounts spent on recorded music in the United States, these markets are
  12. As with microarrays targeted at mRNA, the latter involves the problem of, matching ,large amounts of mass data against predicted masses from protein sequence
  13. That such languages stem from a common stock; * In philosophy, shared or, matching ,lines of thought, conclusions or objectives; * In geology, minerals and
  14. In this case, after an alveolar stop) to least restrictive, then the first, matching ,case usually" wins ". Thus, the above conditions could be re-written as
  15. Elements of 5-card hands and bluffing techniques from poker, with gathering and, matching ,strategies from rummy and certain partnering aspects from bridge. Collectible
  16. 2n is determined by the Deck subword enclosed by the initial' (' and its, matching ,') ' together with the Deck subword remaining after that closing parenthesis
  17. The upper case by a single bit, which simplified case-insensitive character, matching ,and the construction of keyboards and printers. The X3 committee made other
  18. Up to EBI, but in 2005,the third edition added prefixes zebu and yogi, thus, matching , all SI prefixes with binary counterparts. The harmonized ISO/IEC
  19. Then joined by the officers who had defeated Albuquerque in Hormuz, had a, matching ,royal order, but declined to yield, protesting that his term ended only in
  20. From more than one type of game. The most common combination is that of, matching ,and shedding, as in some variants of Rummy, Old Maid and Go Fish. However, many
  21. Behavior interpreted differently in Bash or attempting to run a system command, matching ,a newer Bash built-in, etc. Bash command syntax includes ideas drawn from the
  22. The electron must drop to a lower energy state that has an energy difference, matching ,the energy of the interacting photon. The emitted photon and the interacting
  23. Numbers were introduced in 2004 to aid navigation, with 3-digit page numbers, matching ,with those of the analogue Colfax in 2006. Pages exclusive to digital are given
  24. The end of input: /^--cut here--$/,0 prints lines of input from the first line, matching ,the regular expression ^--cut here--$, that is, a line containing only the
  25. Width of the range of some other phenomenon (e.g., a reflection, the phase, matching ,of a nonlinear process, or some resonance) *the maximum modulation frequency (
  26. Highly versatile. Alternative tuning for six-string bass include B-E-A-D-G-B, matching ,the first five strings of an acoustic or electric guitar, and EDGE
  27. To a miniature of the upper regions of the house, and then another curtain wipe, matching ,it again with the scene of the workmen. Other scenes effectively employed
  28. Darius is given as the original Aryans instead of the Hellenized Δαρειος. By, matching ,the names and the characters, Rawlinson was able to decipher the type of
  29. Wavelengths. This can be seen by taking a frequency spectrum of an object and, matching ,the spectroscopic pattern of emission lines or absorption lines corresponding
  30. Have. Jacobs noted the Heel Stone azimuth is one-seventh of circumference, matching ,the latitude of Ave bury, while summer solstice sunrise azimuth is no longer
  31. Have been connected, and generalizing it so that it has wider applications or, matching ,among other abstract descriptions of equivalent phenomena. The advantages of
  32. Bombed home, the smiling Queen, as always, immaculately dressed in a hat and, matching ,coat seemingly unbothered by the surrounding damage. It was at this time the
  33. The total number of speakers, but an estimate of 9–9.5 million can be made, by, matching , the percentage of speakers to the population of each area where Catalan is
  34. In 2008,Major League Baseball set a revenue record of $6.5 billion, matching ,the NFL's revenue for the first time in decades. A new MLB revenue record of
  35. Mill area of Paulerspury in Northamptonshire, which has topography very closely, matching ,that described by Tacitus of the scene of the battle. Historical sources
  36. The key value of the middle element of the array. If the keys match, then a, matching ,element has been found so its index, or position, is returned. Otherwise, if
  37. Apple logo with a bite out of it. The design was originally an olive green with, matching ,company logotype all in lower case. Steve Jobs insisted on promoting the color
  38. Photon with the proper energy can cause stimulated emission of a photon with a, matching ,energy level. For this to occur, the electron must drop to a lower energy state
  39. Will eventually lose the colony scent. Any ant that enters a colony without a, matching ,scent will be attacked. Parasitic ant species enter the colonies of host ants
  40. Drive," shoebox" case made of metal * SH205 - External hard drive, Mega ST, matching ,case,20 MB MFM 3,5" ( Tendon TM262) or 5,25" ( Senate ST225) drive with
  41. ST506 interface * Megafile 44 - Removable cartridge drive, ACSI bus, Mega ST, matching ,case * SLM804 - Laser printer, connected through ACS DMA port, used ST's
  42. Effects based operations ". Targeting is the process of selecting target and, matching ,the appropriate response to them taking account of operational requirements and
  43. First five strings of an acoustic or electric guitar, and EDGE, completely, matching , the tuning of a six-string guitar, but one octave lower allowing the use of
  44. MHz) or 1/3 (up to 1 GHz). The SRAM available at the time was incapable of, matching ,the Athlon's clock scalability, due both to cache chip technology limitations
  45. The two curves i.e., temperature and shows that, within the uncertainties of, matching ,their timescales, the temperature led by a few centuries. This is expected
  46. Balances mechanical rotating parts to lessen vibration. * Battery balancing, matching ,the State Of Charge in the cells in a battery. * Tire balance, the distribution
  47. Or to a final event. These buses are often specially decorated in a livery, matching ,the team colors. Private companies often contract out private shuttle bus
  48. Various other melding or matching games, is to acquire the required groups of, matching ,cards before an opponent can do so. In Rummy, this is done through drawing and
  49. Later the Megafile 20) * Megafile 20,30,60 - External hard drive, Mega ST, matching ,case, ACSI bus; Megafile 30 and 60 had a 5,25" RLL (often a Seagate ST238R 30
  50. Emphasise the futility of investment in a battle fleet which has no chance of, matching ,its opponent in an actual battle. According to this

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