Examples of the the word, smoker , in a Sentence Context

The word ( smoker ), is the 7511 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Treatment was to remove nodules from his vocal cords. (His father, a heavy, smoker , died from throat cancer in 1972. ) In 2003,he had surgery to remove cataracts
  2. Lamp with a distinct funnel-like chimney to channel heat into a small area. The, smoker ,would lie on his or her side in order to guide the pipe-bowl and the tiny pill
  3. Between manufacturers. They are made of varying materials to allow the, smoker ,to try different characteristics or to dedicate particular bowls for particular
  4. Along with pralines, they are also the most odorous chemicals in cigar, smoker ,'s breath. These substances are noticeable even at extremely low concentrations
  5. From the Irish words dungaree or Deidre, meaning variously 'trumpeter; constant, smoker , puffer; long-necked person, eavesdropper; hummer, crooner ' and dub, meaning
  6. More readily by the mucous membrane of the mouth, making it easier for the, smoker ,to absorb nicotine without having to inhale. Humidors The level of humidity in
  7. Taste in clothing, categorise him as a Real Programmer. He was once a cannabis, smoker ,http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/? ID 20010507,as contrasted with the rest
  8. Intellectual repressiveness that pervades the Objectives movement. " A heavy, smoker , Rand underwent surgery for lung cancer in 1974. Several more of her closest
  9. Particles and water-soluble molecules, preventing them from entering the, smoker ,'s airways. The mechanics of a bong are compared to those of a laboratory gas
  10. Needed. Several pills of opium were smoked at a single session depending on the, smoker ,'s tolerance to the drug. The effects could last up to twelve hours. Opium in
  11. Containing the popular aria" O mid albino car ". Final years A chain, smoker ,of Tosca no cigars and cigarettes, Puccini began to complain of chronic sore
  12. Process is known as freebasing which enhances the effect of the nicotine on the, smoker , Taxation Cigarettes are a significant source of tax revenue in many localities
  13. Is a must and that the law must be changed. " Drug use He is a cigarette, smoker , In June 2006,a photograph was printed in the Daily Mirror newspaper
  14. The lungs, particularly with little cigars, but this is uncommon otherwise. A, smoker ,may swirl the smoke around in the mouth before exhaling it, and may exhale part
  15. Pride themselves in constructing the perfect blend (s) that will give the, smoker ,the most enjoyment. The more oils present in the tobacco leaf, the stronger (
  16. Been produced, it is then moved in circles above the rim of the bowl while the, smoker ,puffs to draw the flame down and light the tobacco. Packing method and humidity
  17. Smoking tobacco at age 24; initially a cigarette smoker , he became a cigar, smoker , Freud believed that smoking enhanced his capacity to work, and believed he
  18. Smoked since they often burn hotter and tend to release bits of leaf into the, smoker ,'s mouth. Long filled cigars of high quality should burn evenly and
  19. Of one of his two daughters and a beloved granddaughter. A lifelong chain, smoker , Camp died in 1979 from emphysema at his home in South Hampton, New Hampshire.
  20. The stem is separated from the bong and the remaining smoke will go into the, smoker ,'s lungs. However, a 2000 NORML-MAPS cannabis study found that" water pipes
  21. Become aware of the Footlights Club when he auditioned for a Pembroke College ", smoker ," for Brooke-Taylor and Eddie. Career before The Goodies Brooke-Taylor, Garden
  22. With whom he remained until the time of his death. Sturgeon was a lifelong pipe, smoker , His death from lung fibrosis may have been caused by exposure to asbestos
  23. Cigarettes in size, shape,packaging, and filters. Smoking To smoke a cigar,a, smoker ,cuts the closed end or 'cap ', lights the other end, then puts the unlit end
  24. The band identifies the type of the cigar and may be removed or left on. The, smoker ,cuts the cap from the head of the cigar and ignites the foot of the cigar. The
  25. Churrasco and the Argentine Amado. Alternatively, an apparatus called a, smoker ,with a separate fire box may be used. Hot smoke is drawn past the meat by
  26. Of the woman who became his first wife, Ellen Began. He remained a heavy, smoker , His best friend was mobster accountant Otto Berman, and he incorporated Berman
  27. He had suffered from duodenal ulcers as far back as 1960,and had been a chain, smoker ,since adolescence. Although he felt revitalized following the triple bypass, he
  28. Helped her through her addictions several times. Love has also been a lifelong, smoker , In a 2010 interview, she commented, saying:" Someone compared me to Bette
  29. Bird. Collecting honey is typically achieved by using smoke from a bee, smoker ,to pacify the bees; this causes the bees to attempt to save the resources of
  30. Synthetic particulate filters remove some tar before it reaches the, smoker , Manufacturing File: Cigarette diagram. SVG|thumb|250px|Diagram of a cigarette.
  31. Axles hoping for refuge; at the time he was ill from drink and suffering from, smoker ,'s cough. He was enchanted by the local landscape and light. His works from the
  32. Dispatching their opponents. Zealand was also a passionate cigarette and pipe, smoker ,(until he quit in the early '80s),so much so, that he made many of his
  33. Top Secret Affair and made with Kirk Douglas and Susan Hayward. Bogart, a heavy, smoker ,and drinker, contracted cancer of the esophagus. He almost never spoke of his
  34. A following. Freud began smoking tobacco at age 24; initially a cigarette, smoker , he became a cigar smoker . Freud believed that smoking enhanced his capacity to
  35. Warnings from Flies, and to the detriment of his health, Freud remained a, smoker , eventually suffering a buccal cancer. Carl Jung initiated the rumor that a
  36. To the open air for the majority of the time. During smoking, the BBQ lid or, smoker ,door is closed, causing a thick, dense cloud of smoke to envelop the meat. The
  37. Irritant that cannot be healthy; he also wrote that his father, a heavy, smoker , died of emphysema when relatively young. According to Singer, he serves on the
  38. The pipe; a flame held close to it produces vapor, which is then inhaled by the, smoker , The effects, felt almost immediately after smoking, are very intense and do
  39. Heart disease and congestive heart failure. He was 66,and had been a life-long, smoker , An autopsy showed nearly complete occlusion of the main coronary arteries. At
  40. Cuts the cap from the head of the cigar and ignites the foot of the cigar. The, smoker ,draws smoke from the head of the cigar with the mouth and lips, usually not
  41. Use and erectile dysfunction still existed for different age, race,ethnicity, smoker , diabetes, hypertension,high cholesterol, coronary disease and others health
  42. The idea that he was a" secular saint ". Lifestyle Orwell was a heavy, smoker , rolling his own cigarettes from strong shag tobacco, in spite of his bronchial
  43. Riots in the suburbs of Los Angeles. " Smoking Campbell was a heavy, smoker ,throughout his life and was seldom seen without his customary cigarette holder.
  44. Cannabis only a few times, but without any pleasure. He was a regular tobacco, smoker ,for most of his life, and strongly critical of anti-tobacco campaigns. After a
  45. Friendly stage manager. His appearance resembles a bookworm. Is an avid cigar, smoker , * Sebastian (fox) (Stuart Defense) - The gay stage director with a
  46. And fermented tobacco, which is ignited, so its smoke may be drawn into the, smoker ,'s mouth. * Cigarettes are a product consumed through inhalation of smoke and
  47. Produce a smoother smoke than other methods of smoking do. To smoke a bong,the, smoker ,must inhale in the bong so bubbles containing smoke begin to come from the stem
  48. Delete taught at Incenses until his retirement in 1987. Delete, a heavy, smoker , suffered from a debilitating pulmonary ailment throughout the final 25 years
  49. It when he is older, and the son may point out that his father is or was a, smoker , This does not alter the fact that his son may regret smoking when he is older.
  50. Year of the first installment of Coffee and Cigarettes, though he remained a, smoker , Name esquire/> In the early 1980s,Baruch was part of a revolving

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