Examples of the the word, tory , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tory ), is the 7509 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Whig text:" The Viscount Melbourne" from: 01/12/1834 till: 01/04/1835 color:, tory , text:" Sir Robert Peel" from: 01/04/1835 till: 01/09/1841 color: Whig text: "
  2. Point of view as" country party. " While that would usually equate to ", tory ," in the 1740s,Ralph wrote from the point of view of someone outside of London
  3. Until her death circa 1780s. The land 36,000 acres (150 km²) was sold as, tory , confiscated lands, and the money thus derived was used to open the University
  4. Of appeal to rationality. The fascist attempts to recreate the conditions of, tory , corporatism as a response to Leninist socialism. Types Almond and Verb
  5. Riding of St. John's East, formally St. John's North. The seat was another, tory , stronghold and was represented by Conservatives MP's for the majority of time
  6. Tory text:" The Earl of Liverpool" from: 10/04/1827 till: 08/08/1827 color:, tory , text:" George Canning" from: 01/09/1827 till: 01/01/1828 color: Tory text: "
  7. In his later years (the years in which he earned Pope's enmity),but he was, tory , earlier,and, in the age of patronage, this seems to have been more out of
  8. Whig text:" The Duke of Portland" from: 05/10/1809 till: 11/05/1812 color:, tory , text:" Spencer Percival" from: 01/06/1812 till: 01/04/1827 color: Tory text:
  9. Offices related to public records for himself, and he remained loyal to the, tory , ministry in Parliament. With his influential political friends Antis was
  10. Whig text:" The Duke of Newcastle-upon-Tyne" from: 1762 till: 1763 color:, tory , text:" The Earl of But" from: 1763 till: 1765 color: Whig text:" George
  11. Ready for dressing and prime sausages in season. 1796 William Hill, corrupt,Tory, politician bought votes from the local freemen by plying them liberally with
  12. Color: Tory text:" Spencer Percival" from: 01/06/1812 till: 01/04/1827 color:, tory , text:" The Earl of Liverpool" from: 10/04/1827 till: 08/08/1827 color: Tory
  13. Color: Tory text:" Henry Addington" from: 10/05/1804 till: 23/01/1806 color:, tory , text:" William Pitt the Younger" from: 11/02/1806 till: 31/03/1807 color:
  14. Regarding Pinckney. For this he was reviled by the federalists as a renegade,a, tory , and a British guide, and was rewarded by President Thomas Jefferson with an
  15. Insults: a" Whitmore" was a horse drover (See Whitmore Raid),and a ", tory ," (Trade) was an Irish term for an outlaw, later applied to Irish
  16. Economist F. A. Hayek which deeply influenced his thinking. Name ", tory ," /> Fisher sought out Hayek that year at the London School of Economics where
  17. The government itself is rigidly hierarchical. Fascist corporatism While the, tory , corporatist culture is established and ongoing, the fascist corporatism
  18. Cold and bad weather. Early in 1651 Breton ordered that areas harboring the ", tory ," guerrillas should be systematically stripped of food - this policy
  19. 1783 color: Whig text:" The Duke of Portland" from: 1783 till: 1801 color:, tory , text:" William Pitt the Younger" 19th century Images = width:800 height:
  20. Ar Wheatley: (" Transport transplant, is what I remember of English" ): A, tory , hack him, hang him, a rebel, : a rogue, a thief a priest, a papist After this
  21. The William ite War In the 1690s,during the Glorious Revolution, the label ", tory ," was insultingly given to the English supporters of James II, to associate
  22. Thames Street. In 1784, he became sub-almoner to the king. He shared the, tory , views of his family, and in 1780 published anonymously a Letter in reply to a
  23. He was for three months daily abused by the Aurora. He was called a, tory , a Federal rat, a British guide who had entered Philadelphia in 1777 with
  24. Energy conservation, a controversial energy tax, and an assortment of" red, tory ," policies and programs before red Toryism degenerated into minority fetishism
  25. Quebec, Saskatchewan,Alberta, and British Columbia that had never had a strong, tory , tradition and political culture. Thereafter, in the 1990s,the PCs were a small
  26. Faith is intertwined with much of the course of Western and Middle-Eastern, tory , through the consequent traditions of Christianity and Islam. The Codes
  27. Color: Tory text:" George Canning" from: 01/09/1827 till: 01/01/1828 color:, tory , text:" The Viscount Roderick" from: 01/01/1828 till: 01/11/1830 color: Tory
  28. From 1979 to 1993 during his first tenure in parliament; however, given his red, tory , views,he ran in (and won) the comparatively less conservative seat of
  29. A polemical newspaper, the Royal Standard and Political Register, which was, tory , pro-government and anti-Cobbett. Following a damaging libel action against it
  30. Then individual needs and desires. Tradition is the justification of the, tory , culture. The immediate family connections form its basis. The corporatism
  31. Columns into the midlands and the Wick low mountains to try and root out the, tory , bands, and although they captured a number of small castles and killed several
  32. Royal, Drury Lane. * Robert Harley, author,statesman, and friend to the ", tory , wits," who had been involved in Anne's ministry for some time, was created
  33. Of the provincial electoral district of Cape St. Francis, the district is a, tory , stronghold and is currently represented by Progressive Conservative MA Kevin
  34. 5,-4) anchor: till basset: PM from: 17/03/1801 till: 10/05/1804 color:, tory , text:" Henry Addington" from: 10/05/1804 till: 23/01/1806 color: Tory text: "
  35. From the fact that many supporters of the religious endowment were part of the, tory , ruling class. Even Robert Baldwin, who was the leader of the struggle for
  36. And occasional radical stances, in the legislature Dunlop took a moderate, tory , position. He became notable for his humor. In 1841, he chaired a committee to
  37. 4 February 1663 – 14 July 1716) was an English peer. He was a staunch, tory , and followed James II to Rochester, Kent after the king's escape from
  38. In Norwich. Hobart commissioned Raises to print a newspaper in favor of the, tory , party,in opposition to the whig-leaning Norwich Gazette. Raises' newspaper
  39. The fascist corporatism attempts to create such a culture by force. The, tory , takes tradition as the legitimate basis of society, while the fascist makes
  40. North Carolina's signers of the American Declaration of Independence, as a ", tory ,". Jefferson used the term to mean that Hooper had been a conservative when it
  41. Start:1800 Colors = ID: Whig value: RGB (1,0.8,1) legend: Whig ID:, tory , value: RGB (0.6,0.6,0.9) legend: Tory ID: conservative value: RGB (
  42. 1770 color: Whig text:" The Duke of Grafton" from: 1770 till: 1782 color:, tory , text:" Lord North" from: 1782 till: 1782 color: Whig text:" The Marquess of
  43. Wick low and the south midlands in September-October 1650 to try to clear it of, tory , guerrillas. The Parliamentarian commander John Henson in the winter of 1650-51
  44. Between his brand of conservatism and that of his predecessor and 'old, tory ,' Wellington. " With that in mind, on 18 December, the Tamworth Manifesto was
  45. Elevated to the peerage as Viscount Bolingbrook for his services in Harley's, tory , ministry New books * John Arbuthnot - Law Is a Bottomless Pit (introducing the
  46. Liberalism The classical liberal political culture is not based on tradition as, tory , corporatism and oligarchy are. It is based in rationality. It takes the
  47. Personal contact hold the single-culture society together. Tory corporatism A, tory , corporatist political culture presumes that responsibility to the group is more
  48. Start:1720 Colors = ID: Whig value: RGB (1,0.8,1) legend: Whig ID:, tory , value: RGB (0.6,0.6,0.9) legend: Tory Legend = columns:2 left:150 top:24
  49. Tory text:" The Viscount Roderick" from: 01/01/1828 till: 01/11/1830 color:, tory , text:" The Duke of Wellington" from: 01/11/1830 till: 01/07/1834 color: Whig
  50. Commenced,one-sided with England; the other with his adopted country. The, tory , brother would not speak with his republican relative. The sentiments of this

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