Examples of the the word, refresh , in a Sentence Context

The word ( refresh ), is the 7517 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Analog cut-off date for those stations was not set. Technical details Lines and, refresh ,rate NTSC color encoding is used with the system M television signal, which
  2. Models remain. * SM124 - Monochrome monitor,12" screen,640×400 pixels,70 Hz, refresh ,* SM147 - Monochrome monitor,14" screen, no speaker, replacement for SM124 *
  3. To 16.8 million colors. The Amiga chipset can gen lock — adjust its own screen, refresh ,timing to match an NTSC or PAL video signal. When combined with setting
  4. Internet Explorer's security settings, under the miscellaneous category, meta, refresh , can be turned off by the user, thereby disabling its redirect ability. In
  5. SM195 - Monochrome monitor,19" screen for TT030. 1280×960 pixels. 70 Hz, refresh ,* SH204 - External hard drive,20 MB MFM drive," shoebox" case made of metal
  6. Of creating the illusion of depth. In addition, LCDs at the time had low, refresh ,rates, and were often blurry. They also consumed more power than LEDs. The
  7. In the megahertz range (for modern products). CRT television and monitor, refresh ,rates are measured in hertz. SI multiples Frequencies not expressed in hertz
  8. Avoided memory contention issues and also eliminated the need for a separate, refresh ,circuit for the DRAM chips. Rather than use a complex analog-to-digital circuit
  9. And characters are regularly changed in order to facilitate storylines or, refresh ,the format. The show has also become known for the return of characters after
  10. State information. This means it can be used with external DMA without needing, refresh ,every 14 cycles as the 6809 does. Clock Speed The 6309 has B (2 MHz) versions
  11. Row line is selected. All the row lines are selected in sequence during a, refresh ,operation. Active-matrix addressed displays look" brighter" and" sharper "
  12. CRT televisions and monitors is covered by the WEEE Directive. Flicker At low, refresh ,rates (below 50 Hz),the periodic scanning of the display may produce an
  13. Displays include. Disadvantages Electronic paper technologies have a very low, refresh ,rate compared to other low-power display technologies, such as LCD. This
  14. More easily than others, especially when viewed with peripheral vision. A high, refresh ,rate (above 72 Hz) reduces the effect. Computer displays and televisions with
  15. Dynamic RAM is more complicated to interface to and control and needs regular, refresh ,cycles to prevent its contents being lost. However, DRAM uses only one
  16. A *Michael Brash - Popularized Mode X for DOS. This allows for faster video, refresh ,and square pixels. *Scott Adams - one of the earliest developers of CP/M and DOS
  17. Sold its property portfolio to JV property company Telegram. 20032004: Brand, refresh ,In April 2003,BT unveiled its current corporate identity and brand values.
  18. Meta refresh elements can be used to instruct a Web browser to automatically, refresh ,a Web page after a given time interval. It is also possible to specify an
  19. And successor chips. The (redesigned) CMOS version,80C186,introduced DRAM, refresh , a power-save mode, and a direct interface to the 8087 or 80187 floating point
  20. Obvious. He wasn't reading his address at all. He had learned it by heart. To, refresh ,his memory he brought the paper closer and closer to his eyes. When it was only
  21. Web proxy settings via PAD. Such queries do not cause the DHCP server to, refresh ,the IP expiry time in its database. DHCP releasing The client sends a request
  22. Timings: CAS latency (CL),clock cycle time (TCK),row cycle time (TRC), refresh , row cycle time (TRC),row active time (tram).; Buffering: registered (or
  23. Rolling bars on the screen. When color was later added to the system,the, refresh ,frequency was shifted slightly downward to 59.94 Hz to eliminate stationary dot
  24. How low the refresh . Rate. High-end LCD televisions now feature up to 240 Hz, refresh ,rate, which requires advanced digital processing to insert additional
  25. Similarly suggested that travelling circuses might have allowed elephants to, refresh ,themselves in the lock and that the trunk could therefore be the head and neck
  26. PIT) (at I/O address). The PIT provides the clock ticks, dynamic memory, refresh ,timing, and can be used for speaker output; one DMA channel is used to perform
  27. A blurb to describe the content of the page appears here" > Redirects Meta, refresh ,elements can be used to instruct a Web browser to automatically refresh a Web
  28. Carriers, as explained below in" Color encoding ". Synchronization of the, refresh ,rate to the power incidentally helped kine scope cameras record early live
  29. Frames, LCD monitors exhibit no refresh -induced flicker, no matter how low the, refresh , Rate. High-end LCD televisions now feature up to 240 Hz refresh rate, which
  30. Liquid crystal (Ch LCD). A major drawback of Ch LCD screens are their slow, refresh ,rate, especially at low temperatures. Kent has recently demonstrated the use of
  31. Rate is the number of times in a second that a display is illuminated. Maximum, refresh ,rate is limited by response time. *Response time is the time a pixel in a
  32. In 1990,confronted with a changing home computer market, Amstrad decided to, refresh ,the CPC model range by introducing a new range valiantly labeled plus or PLUS
  33. By any display type except OLED. *Can display in almost any resolution and, refresh ,rate *Near zero color, saturation,contrast or brightness distortion. Excellent
  34. Avoided memory contention issues and also eliminated the need for a separate, refresh ,circuit for the DRAM chips. Rather than use a complex analog-to-digital circuit
  35. W3C suggests that user agents should allow users to disable it, otherwise META, refresh ,should not be used by web pages. For Internet Explorer's security settings
  36. On home video. By 1971,the show's ratings had plummeted. In an effort to, refresh ,their lineup, CBS cancelled the program along with some of its other longtime
  37. Frames between the real images to smooth the image motion. However, such high, refresh ,rates may not be actually supported by pixel response times and the result can
  38. Lower temporal resolution of 25 frames or 50 fields per second. The NTSC field, refresh ,frequency in the black-and-white system originally exactly matched the nominal
  39. Displays and televisions with CRTs driven by digital electronics often use, refresh ,rates of 100 Hz or more to largely eliminate any perception of flicker.
  40. Audio players. Through techniques including reduced voltage supply and advanced, refresh ,options, Mobile DDR can achieve greater power efficiency. Keno Don Hugo Rosa
  41. Can be used for speaker output; one DMA channel is used to perform the memory, refresh , Math coprocessor 8087 at 0xF0. The IBM PC AT added a second, slave 8259 Pics (
  42. Of alternating current power used in the United States. Matching the field, refresh ,rate to the power source avoided intermodulation (also called beating),which
  43. Of the browser, such as by changing the way the back-button or the, refresh ,event work, is usually best avoided. Equally, triggering events that the user
  44. g. ) are drawn in the second field, to yield a flicker-free image at the field, refresh ,frequency of approximately 59.94 Hertz (actually 60 Hz/1.001). For comparison
  45. He tells us he gradually wrote through the many stressful times of his reign to, refresh ,his mind. Of the authenticity of the work as a whole there has never been any
  46. Such as Spider or Dragon. The platforms, unlike Intel's approach, will, refresh , every year, putting focus on platform specialization. The platform includes
  47. Node. In January 2009 AMD released a new processor line dubbed Phenom II,a, refresh ,of the original Phenom built using the 45 nm process. Along with this came a
  48. A better grasp of the facts close in time to the actual events may be used to, refresh ,a witness's recollection. Materials used to refresh recollection are
  49. Events may be used to refresh a witness's recollection. Materials used to, refresh ,recollection are admissible as evidence. If the affine is a party in the case
  50. Counter-Strike: Source Counter-Strike received a major technology update and, refresh ,on November 1,2004, with the release of Counter-Strike: Source, which was

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