Examples of the the word, harbour , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Local economy with increasing international trade and the growth of the city, harbour , leading to increased exports of several products (particularly during World
  2. Food and water, have to be considered; so this should be done in a patrol, harbour , away from the site chosen for the ambush. Ambush patrols will almost always
  3. Government to be occupied by dictator Franco's troops on 1 April 1939,and its, harbour , saw the last Republican government officials fleeing the country. Even if not
  4. Viable and environmentally friendly option. Water transport Antarctica's only, harbour , is at McCurdy Station. Most coastal stations have offshore anchorages, and
  5. Balearic Islands and Algeria. The city is strongly fortified, with a spacious, harbour , Main sights Amongst the most notable features of the city are the Castle of
  6. The escarpment of Monastic (173 m),situated to the southeast, overlooks the, harbour , and is topped by Monastic castle, a fortress built in the 17–18th centuries to
  7. More than 80 % of Belgian maritime traffic, Antwerp being the second European, harbour , with a gross weight of goods handled of 115 988 000 t in 2000 after a growth of
  8. Produce is exported, while coal and iron are among the chief imports. The, harbour , itself is maintained by Århus Stevedore Company A/S originally based in Aarhus
  9. And consequence, favoured as it was with a beautiful situation and an excellent, harbour , It enjoyed immunity from imperial burdens. The city minted its own coins; some
  10. Of Belize, both ships spotted Adventure (a sloop from Jamaica) making for the, harbour , The sloop was quickly stopped and its captain, David Harriet, invited to join
  11. In the Habsburg-Valois Wars. *1628 – The Swedish warship sinks in the Stockholm, harbour , after only about 20 minutes of her maiden voyage. *1675 – The foundation stone
  12. Area of (95 ha). An opening in the south jetty affords an entrance into Aft, harbour , constructed in Aft Bay. Aft harbor has also an independent entrance on its
  13. From all winds. There are two harbors, both artificial—the old or northern, harbour , and the southern or Aft harbor. The northern harbor covers an area of (95
  14. Freeze over. However, floating ice was additionally observed near Świnoujście, harbour , in January 2010. In recent years prior to 2011,Bosnian Bay and the
  15. Jetty affords an entrance into Aft harbor, constructed in Aft Bay. Aft, harbour , has also an independent entrance on its southern side. The inner harbor was
  16. An Italian submarine torpedoes and sinks the Greek cruiser Ellis at Tints, harbour , during peacetime, marking the most serious Italian provocation prior to the
  17. Air Force established a station at Bermuda and operated float planes from the, harbour , in coordination with the British fleet. In 1936 Left Hans began to experiment
  18. Reasons. At the port city of Jeff, Israel,an outcropping of rocks near the, harbour , is reputed by local legend to have been the place from which Andromeda was
  19. By an army on the march and before entering into battle, when a fleet left the, harbour , and also after a victory had been won Dorian origin The connection with
  20. Own council, chosen by a popular election. The 15th,Westport, covers the, harbour , of Amsterdam, had very few residents, and was governed by the central municipal
  21. Harbours, both artificial—the old or northern harbor and the southern or Aft, harbour , The northern harbor covers an area of (95 ha). An opening in the south
  22. Of the Abd-el-Wahid. As early as 1302 the islet of Penn in front of Algiers, harbour , had been occupied by Spaniards. Thereafter, a considerable amount of trade
  23. Are linked by part of the Fife Coastal Path which also takes you past the, harbour , and the Hawkcraig - a popular rock climbing location. Silver Sands is becoming
  24. At the foot of wooded hills on the northern shore of the Gulf of Ajaccio. The, harbour , lies to the east of the foundation site at the original citadel on a hill
  25. East. The United States Navy operates a small fleet of military ships in the, harbour , of Praia the Vitória, three kilometers (2 mi) southeast of Lakes Field. The
  26. With the second-largest heliport in the world and an important service ship, harbour , port serving oil rigs offshore, Aberdeen is often called the Oil Capital of
  27. Aft harbor has also an independent entrance on its southern side. The inner, harbour , was begun in 1518 by Khair-ad-Din Barbarossa (see History, below ), who, too
  28. In the eighteenth century a fortress was built at Monastic that overlooked the, harbour , In 1794,this fortress was used by the French astronomer Pierre François André
  29. Their end only too well. On his return from Hormuz, at the entrance of the, harbour , of Goa, he got news about a fleet arriving from Europe bearing dispatches
  30. Old or northern harbor and the southern or Aft harbor. The northern, harbour , covers an area of (95 ha). An opening in the south jetty affords an entrance
  31. Provides safety from the currents, although the adventurous swim round to the, harbour , Several scenes of Richard Jobson's 2003 movie" 16 Years of Alcohol" were
  32. The French Navy defeats the British Royal Navy, preventing them from taking the, harbour , of Grand Port on Île-de-France. *1813 – French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte
  33. Surrounded by the city, such as Ribs Show. The city is built mostly around the, harbour , which is predominantly industrial, although a large recreational marina is
  34. To support the attack group, setting up and maintaining a forward patrol, harbour , from which the attacking force will deploy, and to which they will retire after
  35. In Denmark. The city's material prosperity continued to increase as the, harbour , expanded and the railway network grew. Culturally, it marketed itself as the "
  36. Twentieth Century. Catches have fallen due to overfishing and the use of the, harbour , by oil support vessels, and so although still an important fishing port it is
  37. Burgh and more. The Abbey's monks were allowed to run a market and build a, harbour , King John of England gave the Abbey permission to buy and sell goods anywhere
  38. And Daley Bay to the west. History The origins of the village lie with its, harbour , where the Dour Burn enters the River Forth. The place-name itself is Pictish
  39. Broad and in most cases rise in three successive terraces above the stream. The, harbour , of Mobile was formed by the drowning of the lower part of the valley of the
  40. Lanes filled with European vessels going to and from Europe. New Providence's, harbour , could easily accommodate hundreds of ships, and was too shallow for the Royal
  41. The development of the shipbuilding and fishing industries led to the existing, harbour , with Victoria Dock, the South Breakwater, and the extension to the North Pier.
  42. Shipwreck of the New Zealand interisland ferry TEV Whine outside Wellington, harbour , *1971 – Ping-Pong Diplomacy: In an attempt to thaw relations with the United
  43. To Amsterdam-Noord, and two fare-charging ferries run east and west along the, harbour , There are also water taxis, a water bus, a boat sharing operation, electric
  44. Slave Revolution in Saint-Domingue. *1798 – French troops land in Kilcummin, harbour , County Mayo, Ireland to aid Wolfe Tone's United Irishmen's Irish Rebellion.
  45. Meant that proximity to trade routes became more important, giving the, harbour , city some advantages over other nearby cities as new industries came into
  46. In the 1980s (with most mercantile traffic lost in favor of Valencia's, harbour , ). In recent years, the Port Authority has established it as one of the most
  47. To us is the masterpiece bronze Piraeus Apollo. It was found in Piraeus,the, harbour , of Athens. In the archaic pediments and friezes of the temples, the artists had
  48. II Bridge. Virgin Golda and Nevada have their own smaller airports. The main, harbour , is in Road Town. There are also ferries that operate within the British Virgin
  49. By the 19th century arrival of the railway. In the 18th century Aberdour's, harbour , was improved by the addition of a stone pier to help handle the coal traffic
  50. In Barcelona, the World Trade Center Barcelona, is located in Barcelona's, harbour , Port Well. Government and administrative divisions Barcelona is governed by a

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