Examples of the the word, greed , in a Sentence Context

The word ( greed ), is the 7513 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Anger spoils good relations, pride destroys humility, deceit destroys peace and, greed ,destroys everything. Jainism recommends conquering anger by forgiveness, pride
  2. Essence of successful Americanism. In My Life and Work, Ford predicted that if, greed , racism, and short-sightedness could be overcome, then economic and
  3. Of a lack of genuine spirituality and shows an individual's submersion in, greed , Religious egoism is a derivative of egoism, whereby religion is used to
  4. Utterly consistent universe full of nasty notions about societal deterioration, greed ,and other base impulses. " He praised the contributions of Stan Winston, Danny
  5. S hierarchy in the Renaissance became increasingly entangled with insatiable, greed ,for material wealth and temporal power, which led to many reform movements
  6. Of processing ores to get metals (e.g. metallurgy in ancient India). The, greed ,for gold led to the discovery of the process for its purification, even though
  7. Has not created the universe that we may have opportunities to satisfy our, greed , envy and ambition. " *"The higher goal of spiritual living is not to amass a
  8. Single from the album" Everything Counts ", a commentary on the perceived, greed ,of multinational corporations. The song got to number six in the UK, also
  9. Money the sisters have already offered to Athena. As punishment for Aglaulus's, greed , Athena asks the goddess Envy to make Assaults jealous of Here. When Hermes
  10. House with carvings showing Christianity’s seven deadly sins, namely pride, greed , envy, lust,gluttony, wrath and sloth ** Werner-Senger-Haus, very beautiful
  11. Investigating the cause of civil war are attracted by two opposing theories, greed ,versus grievance. Roughly stated: are conflicts caused by who people are
  12. Jesuit vow against" ambitioning prelates" was a deliberate effort to prevent, greed ,for money or power invading Jesuit circles. As a result, in spite of their
  13. Is loyal to Drysdale as well, despite her misgivings toward his avarice and, greed , In one episode, the Competes, feeling money has corrupted them, give all of
  14. Anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or, greed , or is an idolater, reviler,drunkard, or swindler - not even to eat with such
  15. Blemishes on an otherwise immaculate surface, if no one can accuse me of, greed , or of prurience, or of profligacy, if I live a virtuous life, free of
  16. The motivation of the actions of a drug was primarily jealousy and greed . The, greed ,of a drug causes it to viciously attack any would-be grave robbers, but the
  17. Seeks to add Superman to their numbers. Author is quickly overwhelmed by his, greed , and sets out to steal the rings of his fellow inducted Lanterns, taking
  18. By a hero. The motivation of the actions of a drug was primarily jealousy and, greed , The greed of a drug causes it to viciously attack any would-be grave robbers
  19. Of legality. According to the contemporary historian Polydorus Virgil, simple ", greed ," in large part underscored the means by which royal control was over-asserted
  20. Correspond to Schopenhauer's doctrine of the will. In Buddhism, however,while, greed ,and lust are always unskillful, desire is ethically variable - it can be
  21. Murder, is an element of almost all film noir; in addition to standard-issue, greed , jealousy is frequently the criminal motivation. A crime investigation—by a
  22. Tours in particular, argued that the whole affair was motivated by, greed , Several DVDs, re-issues,and live albums have been released since the
  23. April 1987 New Yorker article," They epitomized the excesses of the 1980s; the, greed , the love of glitz, and the shamelessness; which in their case was so pure as
  24. Just to die rich. There is no amount of money or land that will satisfy, greed , but ancient Romans veterans of the Punic wars or of the war against Pyrrhic
  25. One's unconquered mind tainted with anger, pride (ego),deceit and, greed ,joined with uncontrolled sense organs are the powerful enemies of humans. Anger
  26. Regents, the Am bans allowed themselves to be dominated. It was the ambition and, greed ,for power of Tibetans that led to five successive Dalai Lamas being subjected
  27. The blacks were tools of evil Carpetbaggers, and instead stressed economic, greed ,on the part of northern businessmen. Indeed, in recent years a "
  28. His wishes, she was inherently decent and was frequently put off by her boss ', greed , When she was annoyed with him, as was often especially when one of Drysdale's
  29. Characters are emphasized. The portrayal of David as a man of flaws such as, greed , lust, selfishness,and his alienation from God, the falling apart from his
  30. Diocletian declared that the current pricing crisis resulted from the unchecked, greed ,of merchants, and had resulted in turmoil for the mass of common citizens. The
  31. Anger spoils good relations, pride destroys humility, deceit destroys peace and, greed ,destroys everything. Jainism recommends conquering anger by forgiveness, pride
  32. First high-level football insider to go public with substantial allegations of, greed , corruption, nonfeasance and malfeasance by CONCACAF and FIFA leadership.
  33. Erica Alexandra Del Portent (aka the" Contest" ) is based on mutual, greed ,; the Contest buys controlling interest in Record after Author is indicted
  34. By forgiveness, pride (ego) by humility, deceit by straight-forwardness and, greed ,by contentment. The principle of non-violence seeks to minimize karma which
  35. Into following the teachings of Islam by refraining from violence, anger,envy, greed , lust, profane language, gossip and to try to get along with fellow Muslims
  36. As accumulating wealth leads them away from religious concerns and toward, greed , The fourth Conclusion deals with the Lollard view that the Sacrament of
  37. The Norwegian scald Elvin Finn son skáldaspillir (d. ca 990) compares the, greed ,of king Harald Gravel to the generosity of his predecessor Aaron the Good::
  38. Robots" ). The idea was not to present a perfect utopian future, but one with, greed ,and homelessness; one where characters grow, develop,live, and die; one where
  39. Who attacked Jews for supposedly having certain characteristics, such as, greed ,and arrogance, and for observing customs such as kashrut and Shabbat; *and
  40. Only the" extinguishing" ( the literal meaning of nirvana) of the flames of, greed , hatred, and delusion that assail a person's character. Occult historian
  41. The peace and happiness of this place with the storms of a never-satisfied, greed , " He lived on for three more years, spending his days in his palace gardens.
  42. By forgiveness, pride (ego) by humility, deceit by straight-forwardness and, greed ,by contentment. * When a soul is freed from karma, it becomes free and attains
  43. Rhodesian's called the" samba zone" (" grab everything" in Mankato), greed , of White Southern Rhodesian's. Following in the steps of the Soviet Union
  44. Bacteria, a jab at Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. Denouncing dictatorship, greed , hate, and intolerance, in favor of liberty and human brotherhood. The film
  45. Mental behaviors. One's unconquered mind with anger, pride (ego),deceit, greed ,and uncontrolled sense organs are the powerful enemies of humans. Anger spoils
  46. Judgment Day),humanity repeating the same mistakes, the dangers of corporate, greed , strong female characters (Sarah Connor, Neytiri, and Ellen Ripley being the
  47. Knowledge #Abandonment of passions – especially anger, ego,deceit and, greed ,#Meditation The external austerities are meant to discipline the sensual
  48. Calling him inferior to the great pagan emperors, and given over to luxury and, greed , Following Julian, Eunapius began—and Cosmos continued—a historiography
  49. The revolution by its leaders but also how wickedness, indifference,ignorance, greed ,and myopia destroy any possibility of a Utopia. While this novel portrays
  50. Only two Luger (acres) of land in return for all their wounds. Impatient, greed ,leads to crime. *lines 14.189-209 – Become a lawyer, join the army, or become a

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