Examples of the the word, unsafe , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unsafe ), is the 8224 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of Pakistan that are facing the danger of extinction. They classify it in ", unsafe ," status, the least endangered level out of the five levels of concern (Unsafe
  2. Of its safety. Restrictive abortion laws are associated with a high rate of, unsafe ,abortions. In addition, a lack of access to safe and effective contraception
  3. Members and victims are at direct physical risk, and alerts team members when, unsafe ,conditions arise. * Fire Suppression Team (2 people). Work under the
  4. Although data are imprecise, it is estimated that approximately 20 million, unsafe ,abortions are performed annually, with 97 % taking place in developing
  5. Contributes to unsafe abortion. It has been estimated that the incidence of, unsafe ,abortion could be reduced by as much as 73 % without any change in abortion
  6. Had served to support the conquest of Malacca. Despite already being deemed, unsafe , Alfonso de Albuquerque used her to transport the treasure amassed in the
  7. Of diseases. When a particular substance, whether chemical or biotic—reaches, unsafe ,levels in the bloodstream, the body can effectively dilute—or at least maintain
  8. To ensure they are safe and equipped for the operation; determines safe or, unsafe ,working environments; ensures team accountability; supervises operations (when
  9. Was discovered during testing that cheap costume jewelry from China contained, unsafe ,levels of the metal cadmium. The wider issues surrounding imports, exports
  10. To Churchill for weekend visits when the official residences were considered, unsafe , Beatty and Ethel set up home at Hanover Lodge in Regent's Park, London. The
  11. In the damp mines, making the lamp hazardous. The Georgie lamp could become, unsafe ,if the internal glass was broken (as it became an oversize Davy). Both
  12. Paper in 2008 defending their conclusions. Human meat is thought to be, unsafe ,if eaten, especially if the human being eaten has any kind of disease or
  13. The chemical reaction. However, this cell also has some disadvantages. It is, unsafe ,to handle, as sulfuric acid, even if dilute, is dangerous. Also, the power of
  14. For track position once more.; Red flag: In the event of a major incident or, unsafe ,weather conditions, the race may be red-flagged. Then:: * If under 3 laps have
  15. And any cylinders lacking these markings should be considered possibly, unsafe , Training for nitro certification suggests this tag be verified by the diver
  16. In about 25 million fewer abortions annually, including almost 15 million fewer, unsafe ,abortions. The incidence of induced abortion varies regionally. Some countries
  17. About one in eight pregnancy-related deaths worldwide are associated with, unsafe ,abortion. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines an unsafe abortion as
  18. Damaged, and once just a single wire broke or rusted away, the lamp became, unsafe , Illumination from the safety lamps was very poor, and the problem was not
  19. To execution efficiency in allowing the compiler to make assumptions that are, unsafe ,in an imperative language, thus increasing opportunities for inline expansion.
  20. Advised Cabinet Members that the three Battle-cruisers had been lost due to, unsafe ,cordite management. On 22 November 1916,the Third Sea Lord, Rear Admiral Tudor
  21. Travelling overseas due to superstition about women on ships, as well as the, unsafe ,nature of the sea route. In 1511,the Portuguese government encouraged their
  22. While insurgents regularly destroyed bridges and rendered some routes, unsafe ,for travel. Cambodia is upgrading the main highways to international standards
  23. Abortions within gestational limits. Secondary infertility caused by an, unsafe ,abortion affects an estimated 24 million women. Health education, access to
  24. Race officials may end the race early (putting out a red flag) due to, unsafe ,conditions such as extreme rainfall, and it must finish within two hours
  25. Is performed safely or unsafe ly. The World Health Organization defines, unsafe ,abortions as those performed by unskilled individuals, with hazardous equipment
  26. Have begun using preventive antibiotics with medical abortion. In contrast, unsafe ,abortion is a major cause of injury and death among women worldwide. Although
  27. 1978 crash the aircraft was taken out of service. The aircraft had inherently, unsafe ,structural design as a consequence of an automated production method chosen in
  28. Chinese Ministry of Water Resources, roughly 300 million Chinese are drinking, unsafe ,water. This crisis is compounded by the perennial problem of water shortages
  29. Discourage reasoning along the lines of," I know my gun is unloaded so certain, unsafe ,practices are OK. " The proposition" the gun is always loaded" is used as a
  30. Speeds, it is said to be flown" outside the envelope ", something considered, unsafe , Range The maximal total range is the distance an aircraft can fly between
  31. Properly-used pointers point to safe places, they can be made to point to, unsafe ,places by using invalid pointer arithmetic; the objects they point to may be
  32. World Health Organization have advocated a public-health approach to addressing, unsafe ,abortion, emphasizing the legalization of abortion, the training of medical
  33. Having been initialized (wild pointers); or they may be directly assigned an, unsafe ,value using a cast, union,or through another corrupt pointer. In general, C is
  34. Refused emergency food aid from developed countries, fearing that the food is, unsafe , During a conference in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa, Kingsley Amok
  35. With unsafe abortion. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines an, unsafe ,abortion as being" a procedure ... carried out by persons lacking the
  36. In many countries, claiming that GM foods are unnatural and therefore, unsafe , Such concerns have led to the adoption of laws and regulations that require
  37. Addition, a lack of access to safe and effective contraception contributes to, unsafe ,abortion. It has been estimated that the incidence of unsafe abortion could be
  38. Days after the first. Galleries left the city for Rome, declaring Comedian, unsafe , The persecution edicts were ultimately unsuccessful; most Christians
  39. For certain types of food to become contaminated if stored or presented in an, unsafe ,container, such as a ceramic pot with lead-based glaze. Recommended measures
  40. And confident. Injuries Cycling suffers from a perception that it is, unsafe ,although use of appropriate safety equipment and observance of road rules can
  41. Powder became the standard propellant for new guns, but older, potentially, unsafe , guns were used with serpentine into the seventeenth century. Corning is
  42. Can take action against dietary supplements only after they are proven to be, unsafe , Manufacturers of dietary supplements are permitted to make specific claims of
  43. A red and yellow flag indicates that it is safe to swim; a red flag that it is, unsafe ,; and no flag indicates that there are no lifeguards on duty. Blue flags may
  44. Caused an increase in the accident rate was that the men continued to work in, unsafe ,conditions due to the presence of methane gas. The other reason why there was
  45. Abortion Women seeking to terminate their pregnancies sometimes resort to, unsafe ,methods, particularly when access to legal abortion is restricted. About one in
  46. In the governor Serena Watts, claiming they felt bullied by managers and, unsafe , Serena Watts has recently left her post as governor and has been replaced by
  47. Propulsive energy per unit of mass),but also burned more rapidly, making it, unsafe ,in old guns. By 1500 corned powder became the standard propellant for new guns
  48. 1997) by Marge Percy emphasize the struggles women had in dealing with, unsafe ,abortion in various circumstances prior to legalization. Physician Susan
  49. River. Much of the Detroit River and its shoreline were heavily polluted and, unsafe ,for recreational use. Large quantities of this pollution collected around the
  50. Seven out of ten teams did not race when their Michelin tires were deemed, unsafe ,for use. During 2006,Max Mosley outlined a ‘ green’ future for Formula One

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