Examples of the the word, haunt , in a Sentence Context

The word ( haunt ), is the 6839 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Through public ceremony, sacrifice and libations, or they might return to, haunt ,their families. The ancient Greeks held annual feasts to honor and placate the
  2. December 18, 2010 A revenant is a deceased person returning from the dead to, haunt ,the living, either as a disembodied ghost or alternatively as an animated ("
  3. The quest for God, the problem of evil and suffering from the innocents, haunt ,the majority of his novels. His characters fall into a few distinct categories:
  4. Victor Boudinot. Sending this expeditionary force became a nightmare that would, haunt ,Louis Napoleon's government until the end. The revolutionary upsurge that
  5. He played a ghostly boy who emerges from a troubled artist's painting to, haunt ,him. The same year, the film of Leslie Thomas's 1966 comic novel The Virgin
  6. Well, I hope your ol' plane crashes! " It was a statement that would, haunt ,Jennings for decades. Holly's funeral was held on February 7,1959,at the
  7. Fleance can escape, but is himself killed. The ghost of Ban quo later returns to, haunt ,Macbeth at the banquet in act three, scene four. A terrified Macbeth sees him
  8. Ships. Most ships were salvaged, but the remaining wrecks are now a favored, haunt ,of recreational divers. One month into World War II, a German U-boat sank the
  9. Identifications resonated with Charles's subjects. These allegations would, haunt ,Charles because of the continued exacerbating actions of both king and council
  10. Agreed to a 10-year lease at D. C. Stadium — a move that would come back to, haunt ,the Senators. In, Quesada sold his stake in the club and resigned. Washington
  11. Spirits of the dead. Ghosts are generally described as solitary essences that, haunt ,particular locations, objects,or people they were associated with in life
  12. The No Sign Bar' ( since renamed 'The No Sign Wine Bar' ) was a regular, haunt ,of Thomas's and is mentioned in his story" The Followers ". A class 153
  13. A film he and Abroad were starring in. Cherokee Studios was a regular, haunt ,for the original Blues Brothers back in the early days of the band. John
  14. Of the Sarasota River. There they saw the forest of Kayak, the favorite, haunt ,of ascetics, situated on a level and wild plain on the banks of the Sarasota (
  15. A liking for remnants of food. In eating they use the left hand. Usually they, haunt ,waste and deserted places, especially the thickets where wild beasts gather.
  16. Of the Crown. Through the 17th and 18th centuries the island was a popular, haunt ,for smugglers avoiding the British government's revenue cutters out of
  17. Of the impassive interrogation, the false trial, the confiscated passport ..., haunt ,his innocence. " It can also describe an intentional distortion of reality by
  18. Letters to Arden, she reveals the volatile and depressive emotions that would, haunt ,her throughout her life. The second and more important friendship was with
  19. Acquisition of Bengal in 1757. However, fear of another Afghan invasion was to, haunt ,British policy for almost half a century after the battle of Animal. The
  20. For worship of the Ram Leila Idols at Ayodhya was an event which would go on to, haunt ,India for several years. Allegations of black money Opposition parties in India
  21. Period. On one occasion, in the early 1930s,in a comment that came back to, haunt ,him in later years, Munk expressed admiration for Hitler (for uniting Germans
  22. Have failed regardless. Disraeli's debts incurred from this debacle would, haunt ,him for the rest of his life. Before he entered parliament, Disraeli was
  23. And Danish all jostling for control of the region, which became a notorious, haunt ,for pirates. There is no record of any native Amerindian population in the
  24. Blames the death of Germanic us on Planning, a witch employed by Peso to, haunt ,the Germanic us' household and eventually kill him. On the television
  25. In the late 1680s,Edward Lloyd opened a coffee house that became a popular, haunt ,of shipowners, merchants,and ships' captains, and thereby a reliable source
  26. At Bergamo was eagerly sought by Romans in search of a cure. It was also the, haunt ,of notable people such as Claudius Char ax the historian, Aelius Aristides the
  27. Hill there is," answered she," not far away from here, where elves have their, haunt , Now get you the bull that Korma killed, and redden the outer side of the hill
  28. The problems that plague relatively unstructured languages like BASIC do not, haunt ,higher-level languages. It does, however,mean that debugging even mildly
  29. Then under Habsburg Austria (1713 to 1796). The plague repeatedly returned to, haunt ,Italy throughout the 14th to 17th centuries. In the first half of the 17th
  30. Traditionally been described in folklore as troublesome spirits or ghosts which, haunt ,a particular person, hence the name (see etymology). Such alleged poltergeist
  31. Inside or outside the building. At night, the ghost of the deceased sim may, haunt ,the building where it died. In addition, sims can leave a household (and game
  32. And literature Dartmoor abounds with myths and legends. It is reputedly the, haunt ,of pixies, a headless horseman, a mysterious pack of 'spectral hounds ', and a
  33. Saying," Gentlemen of the court, to find these men guilty would be a crime to, haunt ,each of you till the day you die. " The three men are sentenced to death
  34. Mention Johnson by name in his convention speech. Past comments came back to, haunt ,Goldwater throughout his campaign. Once he called the Eisenhower administration
  35. In York war broke out, and the basement ‘ Betty's Bar ’, became a favorite, haunt ,of the thousands of airmen stationed around York. ‘ Betty's Mirror ’, on which
  36. Century abandoned a horrible weapon in space. That mistake has come back to, haunt ,us in the form of the BDO Empire. The BDO is the living embodiment of evil. A
  37. With thistles and briers. She shall become an abode for jackals and a, haunt ,for ostriches. (14) Wildcats shall meet with desert beasts, satyrs shall call
  38. Drawn and quartered in Red Square, but the specter of revolution continued to, haunt ,her and her successors. Catherine successfully waged war against the decaying
  39. In December 1986,the first signs of the nationalities' problem that would, haunt ,the later years of the Soviet Union's existence surfaced as riots, named
  40. Of his arrest due to lack of evidence. Aldo Moro's assassination continues to, haunt ,Italy today, and remains a significant event of the Cold War. In the
  41. Same fate as Buck Weaver ... Without the forbidding example of Buck Weaver to, haunt ,them, it is unlikely Mann and Sand would have snitched on their fellow players.
  42. So that sooner or later it breaks out again. The plague repeatedly returned to, haunt ,Europe and the Mediterranean throughout the 14th to 17th centuries. According
  43. Instance of the recurring theme of the improperly buried dead who come back to, haunt ,the living, and who can only cease their haunt ing when their bones have been
  44. The Indians win it, it is a massacre. " These two short editorials continue to, haunt ,his legacy. In 2006,two descendants of Baum apologized to the Sioux nation for
  45. Around £6million. At least one ghost, that of a drowned potholer, is said to, haunt ,the cave. There are also uncanny powers associated with the Witch, all adding
  46. Victors' justice ". As Biddies noted" ... the Nuremberg Trial continues to, haunt ,us ... It is a question also of the weaknesses and strengths of the proceedings
  47. They may develop a sense of inferiority and feelings of inadequacy that may, haunt ,them throughout life. This is when children think of themselves as industrious
  48. Eighty-Four, Orwell taps into the anti-communist fears that would continue to, haunt ,so many in the West for decades to come. In a Cold War setting his descriptions
  49. Libations to prevent the deceased from returning to the upper world to ", haunt ," those who had not given them a proper burial. The far side of the river was
  50. Gondolier anymore, he is able to work in the Tavern, the Gondolier's exclusive, haunt , But over time he becomes dissatisfied. He disappears for many years. He visits

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