Examples of the the word, underway , in a Sentence Context

The word ( underway ), is the 6108 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Posts. Charlton was an established player by the time the next season was fully, underway , which saw United, as current League champions, become the first English team
  2. Ground who had visited the area of Massed, regarding support to Massed was, underway ,in the course of 2001. According to Steve Coll's book" Ghost Wars" India was
  3. Toulouse),and Jean-Claude Parrot (Can). By the 1970s the shift was, underway ,from the earlier economic history to cultural history and the history of
  4. Capable of launching and landing naval aircraft. Carrier evolution was well, underway ,in the mid-1920s,resulting in ships such as and Host. Most early aircraft
  5. On the use of the new equipment. A number of separate U. S. programs are, underway ,under the Caspian Guard Initiative, focused mostly on enhancing Azerbaijani and
  6. Revealed that the effect was a statistical anomaly. An experimental program is, underway ,to further test inflation with more precise measurements of the cosmic
  7. Matter have been proposed, and several projects to detect them directly are, underway , Dark energy Measurements of the redshift–magnitude relation for type Ia
  8. In NSW, Australia,where the first mineral carbonation pilot plant project is, underway , Beneficial re-use of magnesium carbonate from this process could provide
  9. Mission in 2006. There are also several less ambitious ground-based efforts, underway , (See exoplanet). The goal of these missions is not only to detect
  10. In the 1980s and early 1990s,numerous media reports emerged that plans were, underway ,to do a biopic based upon Haley's life, with Beau Bridges, Jeff Bridges and
  11. CDR Patrick Driscoll made the first" Blue Jet" landing on a" haze gray and, underway ," aircraft carrier, USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75). 2000s In 2006,the Blue
  12. Phoenix introduced a light-rail system in December 2008; however studies are, underway ,towards reintroducing passenger rail service to Columbus via the Ohio Hub
  13. Of recovery for Ballarat with a number of major infrastructure projects well, underway ,including a new sewerage system. In 1930,Ballarat Airport was established. By
  14. The aged composer concerning the radical changes in musical taste that were, underway ,in the age of Beethoven," From that period circa 1800 I realized that musical
  15. Ecosystem restoration efforts. A number of cleanup efforts are currently, underway , including Superfund projects at Portland Harbor, Hanford,and Lake Roosevelt.
  16. Have continued. New oil pipeline projects with Brazil and Venezuela are, underway , In addition, the already strong cross-border trade links between Colombia and
  17. Water and energy conservation features. Several residential projects are, underway , including LEED buildings which cater to the environmentally conscious.
  18. Of birds are threatened with extinction by human activities, though efforts are, underway ,to protect them. Evolution and taxonomy The first classification of birds was
  19. Then a major setback hit the growing business: the Second World War was well, underway ,and the Canadian government issued wartime rationing regulations. Bombardier
  20. Social welfare. Model education, social,and environment programs in Bhutan are, underway ,with support from multilateral development organizations. Each economic program
  21. Available on the internet in the French original, and an English translation is, underway ,(these parts of Revolves et females have already been translated into
  22. Wide range of therapies and many of them are used clinically. Research work is, underway ,at several faculties. A 2006 survey showed that 40 % of the responding European
  23. Rickenbacker, the famous WWI fighter pilot ace. Reconstruction of the home is, underway , Established in 1848,Green Lawn Cemetery is one of the largest cemeteries in
  24. A young Apache toque (war chief),but the European conquest was well, underway , The Spaniards never subjugated the Apache territories; various attempts at
  25. The Friends court case has been postponed several times, but was finally, underway ,on January 12, 2010. Other observers were not allowed in the court. Even the
  26. Second residence and a sports complex were unveiled. Construction is currently, underway , The expansion will allow the student enrollment to increase to 1200. On August
  27. Heavily both between themselves and with the external factors, research is, underway ,to unravel possible molecular mechanisms underlying anxiety and comorbid
  28. By humans or invasive pests and weeds. There are great restoration projects, underway ,around New Zealand and many organizations including community groups
  29. However, Paris ignored the powerful developments in quantitative studies, underway ,in the U. S. and Britain, which reshaped economic, political and demographic
  30. Has become highly popular with commuters. The Regional Rail Link project is, underway ,to separate Ballarat's trains from Melbourne's suburban rail network for more
  31. Ties to the United States. Transition from a highly regulated economy has been, underway ,for more than a decade. In 1990,the administration of President César Bavaria
  32. Passengers pay a fare to ride this section of the rail. A new FTA project is, underway , often called" Cars on Main Street ", that will substantially revise the
  33. Oil and gas infrastructure of Cuba. In addition, talks led by Brazil are, underway ,seeking to develop a framework for Cuba to become a normalized affiliate member
  34. People's Republic of China has a number of health and infrastructure projects, underway ,in Cameroon. In January 2007,China signed a series of economic agreements with
  35. Efforts at taming the crabbed Merovingian and Germanic hands had been, underway ,before Alcuin arrived at Aachen. The new minuscule was disseminated first from
  36. Nuclear Fuel Factory to fuel the country's energy demands and plans are, underway ,to build the country's first nuclear submarine. Brazil is one of the three
  37. The Anglo-Saxons vulnerable to the Vikings. It was only after the raids were, underway ,that a call went out to landowners to gather men for battle, and large regions
  38. Iraq – The theater was looted during the 2003 Invasion of Iraq, but efforts are, underway ,to restore the theater. The live theater scene received a boost during the
  39. Point: silver was discovered in Glen Ormond that year, agricultural was well, underway , and other mines sprung up all over the state, aiding Adelaide's commercial
  40. Also features modern Stadia, shops and an elevated esplanade. Work is, underway ,to transform the grounds of the old Athens Airport – named Wellington – in the
  41. On Indian migrant labor. Model education, social,and environment programs are, underway ,with support from multilateral development organizations. Each economic program
  42. Trans-Andean Railway link between Zapata, Argentina and Lonquimay, Chile was, underway ,in 2005. Possible break-of-gauge. Possible rack railway. Construction was
  43. Or not it is moving through the water. Thus, a vessel can be under way (or, underway ,) with no way on (i.e., not moving). Evolution of the Anchor The earliest
  44. And drastically changes the course of the Thirty Years' War, which was then, underway , John Birmingham's Axis of Time trilogy deals with the culture shock when a
  45. For a new US strategic bomber to replace the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress was, underway , with nothing to show for it. First the North American XB-70 Valkyrie and then
  46. 4.4 billion, down from $4.8 billion in 1998. Major foreign investment projects, underway ,include the $6 billion development of the Guiana and Cuiabá oil fields
  47. In the seabed between Cyprus, Lebanon,Israel and Egypt and talks are, underway ,between Lebanon and Egypt to reach an agreement regarding the exploration of
  48. To the old house were considered in 1849,but by then negotiations were, underway ,to purchase the estate from the trustees of the deceased Earl Fife. The sale
  49. In an otherwise shallow area. For ships, a edge may be dropped while a ship is, underway , or carried out in a suitable direction by a tender or ship's boat to enable
  50. Turbines at Slicks Hill, and a trial of more turbines on city buildings is, underway , Adelaide's water supply is gained from its reservoirs: Mount Bold, Happy

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