Examples of the the word, credential , in a Sentence Context

The word ( credential ), is the 6112 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is a human being and not a computer program. * A computer program using a blind, credential ,to authenticate to another program * Using a confirmation E-mail to verify
  2. Held open too long after being unlocked. Access control system operation When a, credential ,is presented to a reader, the reader sends the credential ’s information
  3. After police discovered he had a United States Department of State-issued, credential ,identifying him as a diplomat. *On April 24, 2008,in New Orleans, Mexican
  4. Mathematics, California State University, Los Angeles * 1977: Standard teaching, credential , California State University, Los Angeles * 1982: Standard teaching credential
  5. Keys. The electronic access control system grants access based on the, credential ,presented. When access is granted, the door is unlocked for a predetermined
  6. And is qualified to provide the midwives model of care. The CPM is the only US, credential ,that requires knowledge about and experience in out-of-hospital settings. As of
  7. To gain certification in the field of life-coaching. Many certificates and, credential ,designations are available within the industry. Critics contend that life
  8. Dissertation. The DMA is a relatively new degree that was created to provide a, credential ,for professional performers or composers that want to work as university
  9. To a control panel, a highly reliable processor. The control panel compares the, credential ,'s number to an access control list, grants or denies the presented request
  10. Of a Bachelor's or Master's degree in economics is considered the minimum, credential ,for being an economist. However, in some parts of the US government, a person
  11. Authentication can be used. In a two factor transaction, the presented, credential ,and a second factor are needed for access to be granted; another factor can be
  12. Education (as was the fact before the Certified Professional Midwife (CPM), credential , was available). The American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACM) also provides
  13. M. A. in Organizational Management’M. A. in Education with teaching, credential , and Max. Antioch University Seattle Antioch University Seattle (AUS)
  14. Those issued by the U. S. military * Board-certified diplomat, a professional, credential ,* Boot Configuration Data, a computing term for the bootloader of Windows
  15. A bicycle chains. Indeed,McLaren's ME telegram said that Vicious's" best, credential ,was he gave Nick Kent what he deserved many months ago at the Hundred Club ".
  16. S degree in music (referred to as an M. Mus. Or M. M.) is often a required, credential ,for people who wish to become a professor of double bass at a university or
  17. Roots. He has pointed to his boyhood home in Levittown, New York as a, credential , In an interview with The Washington Post,O'Reilly's mother said that her
  18. Access control list, the door remains locked. If there is a match between the, credential ,and the access control list, the control panel operates a relay that in turn
  19. Diploma privilege" to certain institutions, so that merely earning a degree or, credential ,from those institutions is the primary qualification for practicing law. Mexico
  20. Maintaining independent logs of their transactions, complete with the type of, credential ,checked and another signature that can independently be verified by the
  21. Therapy credential ing agency (NBRC) who has recently added a specialty, credential ,called the Adult Critical Care Specialist. Neonatal & Pediatric Intensive Care
  22. Of the user in question and thus provide two factors for the user with missing, credential , and three factors overall to allow access. Credential A credential is a
  23. Credential, California State University, Los Angeles. * 1984: Standard teaching, credential , Florida State University, Florida. Awards * 1988 – Presidential Medal for
  24. Although preference may still be given to applicants who have this, credential , for academic posts in the more traditional fields. Ireland operates
  25. Be verified it will create a certified secondary key pair AIK, and sends this, credential ,back to the requestor. This is intended to provide the user with anonymity.
  26. Are needed for access to be granted; another factor can be a PIN, a second, credential , operator intervention, or a biometric input. There are three types (factors)
  27. Except in academia). In fact, the perceived need for some kind of graduate, credential ,is so strong that some undergraduate BME programs will actively discourage
  28. Such as a biometric feature) or some combination of these items. The typical, credential ,is an access card, key fob, or other key. There are many card technologies
  29. Agency whose mission is to establish and administer certification for the, credential ," Certified Professional Midwife" ( CPM). The CPM certification process
  30. Accredited agents. The IATA / IATA ID Card is a globally recognized industry, credential ,for travel professionals. IATA administrates worldwide the Billing and
  31. Through a TPM (Trusted Platform Module) sends three credential s: a public key, credential , a platform credential , and a conformance credential . This set of certificates
  32. Top-tier' institutions. Criticism A college economics professor has blamed ", credential ,inflation" for the admission of so many unqualified students into college. He
  33. Midwife programs, as well as colleges that graduate nurse-midwives. This, credential , called the Certified Midwife, is currently recognized in only three states (
  34. Access control topology Access control decisions are made by comparing the, credential ,to an access control list. This lookup can be done by a host or server, by an
  35. A command hierarchy requiring obedience An achieved level of performance or, credential ,* Taxicab stand or taxi rank, a designated area for taxi-cabs to queue up
  36. Credentials: a public key credential , a platform credential , and a conformance, credential , This set of certificates and cryptographic keys will in short be referred to
  37. independent of training courses or course providers. # Grant a time-limited, credential ,to anyone who meets the assessment standards. Certifications are very common in
  38. Building and manages it" ) that describe the implications that the title or, credential ,assumes. *statements assuming a combination of intention and probability ("
  39. Access rights to the server room, but Bob does not. Alice either gives Bob her, credential ,or Bob takes it; he now has access to the server room. To prevent this
  40. Has a system of ladders. In 2008, it abandoned A-level as its matriculation, credential ,and adopted the Cambridge Pre-U on the grounds that this will strengthen the
  41. Credential, California State University, Los Angeles * 1982: Standard teaching, credential , California State University, Los Angeles. * 1984: Standard teaching credential
  42. That the whole is the untrue (from Minima Moravia). However,Adorno's, credential ,was revoked by the Nazis, along with those of all professors of non-Aryan
  43. Combinations gathered in previous brute-force attacks. A special form of, credential ,recycling is Pass the hash. Unbreakable codes Certain types of encryption, by
  44. Such as a" letter of good standing" or that the minister present his or her, credential ,of ordination and register. One state also requires that the minister must be a
  45. Platform Module) sends three credential s: a public key credential , a platform, credential , and a conformance credential . This set of certificates and cryptographic keys
  46. The opportunity cost of being a mother and raising children. The prestige of a, credential ,may be as important as the knowledge gained in determining the value of an
  47. Will issue a new Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) professional, credential ,beginning in 2012. The AICPA is an affiliate of the Institute of Chartered
  48. S and Master's degrees in business, education,health-care and teaching, credential ,programs. A satellite campus of Allianz International University offers
  49. Missing credential , and three factors overall to allow access. Credential A, credential ,is a physical/tangible object, a piece of knowledge, or a facet of a person's
  50. Education, and Special Education). A student wishing to receive their, credential ,upon graduation majors in any other program and applies to one of the four

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