Examples of the the word, lazy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lazy ), is the 6114 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With Think, the IBM employee magazine," Much of my work has come from being, lazy , I didn't like writing programs, and so, when I was working on the IBM 701
  2. Reject the claim that wage labor is necessary because people are by" nature ", lazy ,and selfish. They point out that even the so-called" idle rich" sometimes
  3. Threat to Philby's position had come to light. During the summer of 1945,a, lazy ,Soviet cipher clerk had reused a one time pad to transmit intelligence traffic.
  4. The velarized lateral, This phenomenon, colloquially known as мързеливо" л" (, lazy ," l" ) in Bulgaria, was first registered in the 1970s and isn't connected to
  5. Expressions; these are the SMT solvers. In programming language theory, lazy ,evaluation or call-by-need is an evaluation strategy which delays the
  6. MAC_SHA256 (" key "," The quick brown fox jumps over the, lazy ,dog" ) = 0x f7bc83f430538424b13298e6aa6fb143ef4d59a14946175997479dbc2d1a3cd8
  7. And consumers of data streams. Launch bury 1993 describes some difficulties that, lazy ,evaluation introduces, particularly in analyzing a program's storage
  8. MAC values - MAC_MD5 (" key "," The quick brown fox jumps over the, lazy ,dog" ) = 0x 80070713463e7749b90c2dc24911e275 MAC_SHA1 (" key "," The quick
  9. Only those calculations strictly required. An obvious (and easy to implement), lazy , evaluation is the J-vector: when a monodic iota is encountered in the code, it
  10. To catch-ups. While certain critics from within graffiti culture consider this, lazy , stickers can be quite detailed in their own right, and are often used in
  11. In later art Drama *Achilles is portrayed as a former hero who has become, lazy ,and devoted to the love of Patrols, in William Shakespeare's Troilus and
  12. Of gas on the lower floors. It was also said that the staff were lax and, lazy ,and the palace was dirty. And consequently the new wing, designed by Edward
  13. The unscripted series 'American Idol. ' ARC (Kent Recursive Calculator) is a, lazy ,functional language developed by David Turner in (or before? ) 1981 based on
  14. By applied forces. Inertia comes from the Latin word, iners, meaning idle, or, lazy , Isaac Newton defined inertia as his first law in his Philosophiæ Naturalist
  15. Such as the Shoshone of the Great Basin came across as extraordinarily, lazy ,to European colonialists. Workaholics are those who work compulsively at the
  16. Is often unpredictable. They usually appear peaceful, unconcerned,even, lazy , yet they may attack anything, often without warning or apparent reason. They
  17. In memory footprint, since values are created when needed. However, with, lazy , evaluation,it is difficult to combine with imperative features such as
  18. Other non-strict evaluation strategies, such as call-by-name. The benefits of, lazy ,evaluation include: performance increases due to avoiding unnecessary
  19. Can be categorized by whether they use strict (eager) or non-strict (, lazy ,) evaluation, concepts that refer to how function arguments are processed when
  20. Just as the ox came ashore, the rat jumped off and finished the race first. The, lazy ,pig came to the far shore in twelfth place. And so the rat got the first year
  21. MAC_SHA512 (" key "," The quick brown fox jumps over the, lazy ,dog" ) = 0x
  22. MAC_SHA1 (" key "," The quick brown fox jumps over the, lazy ,dog" ) = 0x de7c9b85b8b78aa6bc8a7a36f70a90701c9db4d9 MAC_SHA256 (" key ","
  23. Gangland (Old Norse" lazy walker" ), the serving-maid Anglo (also ", lazy ,walker" In chapter 49,High describes the events surrounding the death of the
  24. Smith, and radio programs such as Sum and Abner brought the stereotype of, lazy , simple-minded hillbillies into American homes. Film and television have
  25. Domitian as the emperor-tyrant, a man both physically and intellectually, lazy , and the intelligent, refined personality drawn elsewhere. Brian Jones
  26. Live, no job and were despised by Brazilian society, which usually saw them as, lazy ,workers. The increase of European and Asian workers of that time would diminish
  27. Frost walks by him in episode 3). He is also not fond of reading and is a bit, lazy ,as he was napping on a pile of books instead of giving them to Kitty to put
  28. Summer of 2007,this complex includes a zero entry pool, competition lap pool, lazy ,river, numerous water slides, play sand area, and a concession area. Tennis
  29. Swiss and Lorraine For the Belgians,There's none left (2x) They're, lazy ,shirkers (Repeat last two lines) Bridge 1 We're always at ease,we're rough
  30. Meant belief in a better life after death, and therefore made people, lazy ,and indifferent to the present. " From the eighteenth century onward ", Glen W.
  31. Bears became enemies when Grizzly Bear Woman killed Black Bear Woman for being, lazy , Black Bear Woman's children, in turn, killed Grizzly Bear Woman's own cubs.
  32. Welfare. I'd like to know why well-educated idiots keep apologizing for, lazy ,and complaining people who think the world owes them a living. I'd like to
  33. Were the Ostrogoths. The Spanish delegation retorted that it was only the, lazy ,and unenterprising Goths who had remained in Sweden, whereas the heroic Goths
  34. And hubris. # Impatience - The anger you feel when the computer is being, lazy , This makes you write programs that don't just react to your needs, but
  35. Of Thomas Cromwell and not the king. Elton sees Henry as competent, but too, lazy ,to take direct control of affairs for any extended period; that is, the king
  36. Of the inhabitants of Japan and China, whom he described as" gooks" and ", lazy ,and ignorant ". His second visit was a family holiday which took Hubbard and
  37. Grove boys ". Some in his family, and in the neighborhood, considered him to be, lazy , Lincoln avoided hunting and fishing out of an aversion to killing animals.
  38. Is known for saying breathing is exercise. ) In addition to being portrayed as, lazy ,and fat, Garfield is also pessimistic, sadistic,cynical, sarcastic,sardonic
  39. Whit less tautological than the others. A more reasonable, more inept, and more, lazy ,man, I have chosen to write notes on imaginary books. " On the other hand
  40. Paper" An APL Machine" illustrated how APL could make effective use of, lazy ,evaluation where calculations would not actually be performed until the results
  41. Frances Farmer, and Cobain wore green pajamas, because he had been" too, lazy ,to put on a tux ". In an interview with The Guardian, Love revealed the
  42. People, ugliness is a central aspect of their persona. Jean-Paul Sartre had a, lazy ,eye and a bloated, asymmetrical face, and he attributed many of his
  43. Hatred for him. One German diplomat, Herbert Richter, called Ribbentrop ", lazy ,and worthless" while another, Manfred von Schröder, was quoted as saying
  44. From the sequence (see also recursion). This example relies on Haskell's, lazy ,evaluation to create an" infinite" list of which only as much as needed (the
  45. Supernovas. The name" argon" is derived from the Greek word αργον meaning ", lazy ," or" the inactive one ", a reference to the fact that the element undergoes
  46. As early as the 1930s Hemingway's style was parodied, and criticized as ", lazy ," within the context of the" American literary tradition. " Benson believes
  47. Theory of pre-established harmony, which he regarded as" the pillow for the, lazy ,mind ". He also dissuaded the young scholar from idealism, which was negatively
  48. Store only when they are evicted from the cache, an effect referred to as a, lazy ,write. For this reason, a read miss in a write-back cache (which requires a
  49. Hunger," a knife called" Famine," the servant Gangland (Old Norse ", lazy ,walker" ), the serving-maid Anglo (also" lazy walker" In chapter 49,High
  50. Works, he often took fiendish delight in terrifying those who were either too, lazy , too bigoted, or too slow-witted to understand him. " In this vein many of

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