Examples of the the word, incoming , in a Sentence Context

The word ( incoming ), is the 6110 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Bell character which rang a small bell (often used to alert operators to an, incoming ,message),SP is space, and NFL is the null character (blank tape). Note: the
  2. In hideous manner. Three U. S. Army inquiries condemned the action, and, incoming , President Andrew Johnson asked Governor Evans for his resignation, but none of
  3. The foul must spot a ball for each foul. This must be done before the, incoming ,player shoots. Speed pool is a standard billiards game where the
  4. A wet pad, such as a large sponge soaked with water. The sensible heat of the, incoming ,air, as measured by a dry bulb thermometer, is reduced. The total heat (
  5. Command of the women's camp, which was separated from the men's area by the, incoming ,railway line, was held in turn by Johanna Lagerfeld, Maria Manuel, and
  6. Was recorded in 1955. The Executive itself had been abolished in 1953 by the, incoming ,Conservative government, and control of BR transferred directly to the parent
  7. Entirely. *Bob and weave – Bobbing moves the head laterally and beneath an, incoming ,punch. As the opponent's punch arrives, the boxer bends the legs quickly and
  8. Component of the velocity of the observer, with respect to the vector of the, incoming ,beam of light (i.e., the line actually taken by the light on its path to the
  9. By July 1942,the SS were conducting the infamous" selections," in which, incoming ,Jews were divided into those deemed able to work, who were sent to the right
  10. For and pack up new outgoing messages, and then unpack, sort and" toss" the, incoming ,messages into a BBS user's local electronic mailbox or into the BBS's local
  11. Canada, this behavior has always been more difficult. As a matter of course, incoming ,calls to payphones are disabled; furthermore, the Bell ANA number is also
  12. To become operational in 2010 and capable of intercepting small number of, incoming ,ICBMs. First called the National Missile Defense (NMD),since 2002 it was
  13. Anti-aircraft batteries are used much more extensively to defend against, incoming ,aircraft than interceptors. Despite this, aircraft today are much more
  14. Targets or ships; and fighter-interceptors, which were used to either intercept, incoming ,aircraft or to escort and protect bombers (engagements between fighter
  15. Uses the boxer's shoulder, hands or arms as defensive tools to protect against, incoming ,attacks. A block generally receives a punch while a parry tends to deflect it.
  16. Designed and developed in a manner that would enable them to shoot down any, incoming ,missile at a distance of 5,000 km. " It is well on schedule and we are already
  17. During the Civil War, the Confederate army established Camp Sumter to house, incoming ,Union prisoners of war. The town served as a supply depot during the period
  18. Had been developing a series of missile systems with the ability to shoot down, incoming ,ICBM warheads. During this period the US considered the defense of the US as a
  19. Successfully tested an indigenous built interceptor missile, bringing down an, incoming ,target ballistic missile from Wheeler Island off the Odessa coast. The
  20. Minutes. Rescue and firefighting efforts were impeded by rumors of additional, incoming ,planes. Chief Schwartz ordered two evacuations during the day in response to
  21. JPG|Pulling away *Slip – Slipping rotates the body slightly so that an, incoming ,punch passes harmlessly next to the head. As the opponent's punch arrives, the
  22. 6,2009 India successfully tested an interceptor missile that destroyed an, incoming ,missile. A Danish missile was launched from a ship about from the coast. It
  23. Short message. It is noteworthy that a suspended or out of service line or an, incoming ,only line would not be able to reach any toll-free numbers. ANA numbers For
  24. The Labour Party a million pound donation - which raised eyebrows when the, incoming ,Labor government changed its policy to allow Formula One to continue being
  25. Cannot intercept intercontinental strategic missiles, even if within range—an, incoming ,ICBM simply moves too fast for these systems. The Russian A-35 anti-ballistic
  26. Fire relies on counter-battery radar, which calculate the source of, incoming ,artillery shells very accurately and quickly—so quickly, in fact, that return
  27. Encoding (in cognition) is a basic perceptual process of interpreting, incoming ,stimuli; technically speaking, it is a complex, multi-stage process of
  28. Body shots. When protecting the body, the boxer rotates the hips and lets, incoming ,punches" roll" off the guard. To protect the head, the boxer presses both
  29. Overhead cover. Combined with TOT or MRS tactics that give no warning of the, incoming ,rounds, these rounds are especially devastating because many enemy soldiers are
  30. Up is the last opportunity (other than rolling with a punch) to avoid an, incoming ,strike to an unprotected face or body. Generally speaking, the hands are held
  31. Refers to the radiation coming from a body at a given temperature where all, incoming ,energy (light) is converted to heat. Sexuality * In the bandana code of the
  32. To deflect it. A" palm" or" cuff" is a block which intentionally takes the, incoming ,punch on that portion of the defender's glove. *The cover-Up – Covering up is
  33. Of many centuries, most hunting-foraging peoples were displaced and absorbed by, incoming ,Bantu-speaking communities, as well as by Ubangi an, Nilotic and Central Sudan
  34. FSA work toward the common aim of increased financial stability. In 2010 the, incoming ,Chancellor announced his intention to merge the FSA back into the Bank. The
  35. America. Both the outgoing administration of President James Buchanan and the, incoming ,administration rejected the legality of secession, considering it rebellion.
  36. Replacement cost out of our current energy" budget" ( essentially, the net, incoming ,solar flux),had cost nature" over a million dollars" per U. S. gallon (
  37. Light. In general, the albedo depends on the directional distribution of, incoming ,radiation. Exceptions are Lambertson surfaces, which scatter radiation in all
  38. Index); the size of the particle or particles; and the wavelength of the, incoming ,radiation. Alabama is a state located in the southeastern region of the United
  39. Defense by bending at the waist to slip underneath or to the sides of, incoming ,punches. Unlike blocking, causing an opponent to miss a punch disrupts his
  40. 26, 2010 India successfully tested an interceptor missile, bringing down an, incoming ,target ballistic missile (a modified Prithee) with 2,000 km range, at an
  41. On its path to the observer). The result is a tilting of the direction of the, incoming ,light which is independent of the distance between object and observer. In the
  42. A day for a considerable part of that period. Name "/IN"> autogenerated"/> The, incoming ,volume was so great that the SS resorted to burning corpses in open-air pits as
  43. Attention to his work quickly learning to distinguish the differing sounds the, incoming ,telegraph signals produced and learned to translate signals by ear, without
  44. Are no set minimum admissions criteria for Barrett College, the average GPA of, incoming ,freshmen was 3.84,with average SAT scores of 1308/1600 and ACT scores of 29.
  45. Darkest substance. Absorption of light A material is said to be black if most, incoming ,light is absorbed equally in the material. Light (electromagnetic radiation in
  46. Warheads would be economically infeasible—the defenders required one rocket per, incoming ,warhead, whereas the attackers could place 10 warheads on a single missile at a
  47. Electrons through a millimeter-radius gold target's nuclei, which caused the, incoming ,electrons to emit energy quanta that decayed into both matter and antimatter.
  48. Conducted a successful test of their Arrow missile. Designed to intercept, incoming ,missiles travelling at up to 2 mile/s (3 km/s),the Arrow is expected to
  49. Systems on a number of vehicles, allowing the AFV to protect itself from, incoming ,projectiles. The level of protection also usually varies considerably
  50. At South Carolina Student Legislature. The university requires all unmarried, incoming ,freshman students under the age of 23 to join one of 48" literary societies. "

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