Examples of the the word, erect , in a Sentence Context

The word ( erect ), is the 6113 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Volunteer for the Special Olympics and other charitable organizations, erect ,pro-life billboards and" Keep Christ in Christmas" signs, conduct blood
  2. The government supported their efforts and gave them a lease on public land to, erect ,an exhibition hall. The group's symbol was Dallas Athena, the Greek goddess of
  3. Malicious state of mind, that Professors Wade and Giles invented it to, erect ,a barrier between profane and illiterate people and true scholars. " The
  4. Followed two experiments to erect smaller obelisks and two failed attempts to, erect ,a 25-ton obelisk. The structure was plundered and demolished in the 4th century
  5. By English artist, Private John Frederick Brill. In 1961 East Germany began to, erect ,a wall between East and West Berlin, which became famous as the Berlin Wall.
  6. Several obelisk erect ing experiments including a successful attempt to, erect ,a 25-ton obelisk in 1999. This followed two experiments to erect smaller
  7. Making shrubs or small trees, and in that it has pendulous flowers, rather than, erect ,ones). Other related genera include Hyoscyamus and Atop. Description Data
  8. Photo of landing site taken by PRO. File: Ap14 flag. Ogg|Shepard and Mitchell, erect ,a US flag on the lunar surface. Image: Apollo 14 Shepard. JPG|Alan Shepard on
  9. The first was that the next year they became the final side in the division to, erect ,floodlights. The floodlights were said to be the most expensive in Europe at
  10. Only one genus, Xanthorrhoea, endemic to Australia. Many species have an, erect ,woody stem which is covered with persistent dried leaves unless there have been
  11. By the Korean archer Gang Yong-Ho. In modern form, the archer stands, erect , forming a" T ". The archer's lower trapezius muscles are used to pull the
  12. The place a colonia) show the chief temple of the town with two tunny-fish, erect ,in the form of columns. Andrea () was a city-state on the coast of Thrace 17
  13. Were present, Marine fossils from the Paleozoic era, which ended, are mainly of, erect ,forms, those from the Mesozoic are fairly equally divided by erect and
  14. Take you habitations in the mountains and in the trees and in what they, erect , (68) Then, eat of all fruits, and follow the ways of your Lord made easy (
  15. Was dangerous at the time Limp Bizkit took the stage – therefore they had to, erect ,a cage around the band. Durst stated that he was" emotionally scarred "
  16. Mainly of erect forms, those from the Mesozoic are fairly equally divided by, erect ,and encrusting forms, and more recent ones are predominantly encrusting.
  17. Warsaw's sister city of Takamatsu, Japan. There are also preliminary plans to, erect ,http://www.chopinmonumentinchicago.com/ another replica along Chicago's
  18. 178) stands around 72 inches tall and consists of a narrow feather standing, erect ,on a wooden base. Similar models, but made from materials such as bronze, were
  19. To collapse, to hurl down) ** strut, struere, strūxī, strūctus (to build, to, erect , ) * Present tense indicative first-person singular form has suffixed with – SCO.
  20. Diseases (STDs—such as gonorrhea, syphilis,and HIV). It is put on a man's, erect ,penis and physically blocks ejaculated semen from entering the body of a sexual
  21. To the north of East Berlin. There signed the order to close the border and, erect ,a wall. At midnight, the police and units of the East German army began to
  22. Also argent a cross rules thereon a harp or and in the first quarter a sword, erect ,rules According to documents in the College of Arms in London and the Office of
  23. Back to Rome. The Romans also imported building materials from Egypt to, erect ,Egyptian style structures. Early historians such as Herodotus, Strabo,and
  24. Are built by various carbonate-secreting organisms that have the ability to, erect ,wave-resistant frameworks close to sea level. The main contributors of the
  25. Sweden. The depiction features a cross-legged seated, bearded male with an, erect ,penis. He is wearing a pointed cap and stroking his triangular beard. The
  26. Brown, almond-shaped with black eye rims. Ears should be small, triangular,and, erect , Temperament Keeshonden tend to be very playful, with quick reflexes and strong
  27. Are designed to be applied to the tip of the penis and then unrolled over the, erect ,penis. It is important that some space be left in the tip of the condom so that
  28. A wooden piece above the keeling that provided extra help in keeping the mast, erect , Navigation and propulsion Navigation The Vikings were experts in judging speed
  29. Leaves, purple on the under face, and deep crimson flowers densely packed on, erect ,spikes. Amaranths are recorded as food plants for some Lepidoptera (butterfly
  30. In, and never finish the outer coating until the cold becomes severe. When they, erect ,a new habitation they fell the wood early in summer, but seldom begin building
  31. Ready in the use of bow and arrow, and have firm-set necks which are ever, erect ,in pride. Though they live in the form of men, they have the cruelty of wild
  32. Of Desolation refers to the Crucifixion, an attempt by the emperor Hadrian to, erect ,a statue to Jupiter in the Jewish temple, or an attempt by Caligula to have a
  33. Your penis is as large as your nose, Papylus, : so you can smell it when it's, erect , Poets known for their epigrams whose work has been lost include Cornificia.
  34. As Ra messes the Great, ascended the throne, and went on to build more temples, erect ,more statues and obelisks, and sire more children than any other pharaoh in
  35. Appearance Benji are small, elegant-looking,short-haired dogs with, erect ,ears, a tightly curled tail and a graceful neck. Some people consider their
  36. At birth, and are initially blind and limp-eared. The eyes open and ears become, erect ,after 10 days. Around 21–28 days after birth, the young begin to emerge from
  37. Office space to Diefenbaker. The new lawyer was forced to rent a vacant lot and, erect ,a two-room wooden shack. Diefenbaker won the local people over through his
  38. Their number and strength in this Kingdom ", that " they might be in hope to, erect ,their Religion again ". To Father John Gerard, these words were almost
  39. Attempt to erect a 25-ton obelisk in 1999. This followed two experiments to, erect ,smaller obelisks and two failed attempts to erect a 25-ton obelisk. The
  40. Throat, usually hidden between scales. When a display is needed, the lizards, erect ,the hold bone of their throat, resulting in a large vertical flap of brightly
  41. Pompey's Pillar may have been erect ed using the same methods that were used to, erect ,the ancient obelisks. The Romans had cranes, but they were not strong enough to
  42. Now such that the Eternal Diet of Regensburg, which met in 1802,resolved to, erect ,a statue in his honor and to give him the title of savior of his country, but
  43. Twitchers or, more commonly, birders ) number in the millions. Many homeowners, erect ,bird feeders near their homes to attract various species. Bird feeding has
  44. Fires, topped by a crown of long thin leaves. The spike-like inflorescence is, erect ,and densely crowded with small flowers. The fruit is a capsule. Plants are
  45. The subjects of People's Plaques in Arlington. As a result, it was decided to, erect ,a plaque in Adams's honor, on a date yet to be announced. Name" IPP "
  46. Have plant-like shapes with" trunks" and" branches ", which may stand, erect ,or spread over the surface. A few species can creep at about per day. After the
  47. Cm long and 5–18 cm broad, with a lobed or toothed margin. The flowers are, erect ,or spreading (not pendulous like those of the closely allied Brugmansia)
  48. Sessile. Encrusting forms are much the commonest of these in shallow seas, but, erect , forms become more common as the depth increases. Some ctenophores are
  49. Apologist of the 2nd century Justin Martyr takes issue with those pagans who, erect ,at springs images of More, whom he interprets as Athena:" They said that
  50. Pillar of stone or bronze topped by a bust of Hermes with a beard. An, erect ,phallus rose from the base. In the more primitive Mount Killing or Collegian

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