Examples of the the word, trilogy , in a Sentence Context

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  1. A long-assumed (because of The Suppliants' cliffhanger ending) Daniel, trilogy , whose constituent plays are generally agreed to be The Suppliants, The
  2. The Orestes The only complete (save a few missing lines in several spots), trilogy , of Greek plays by any playwright still extant is the Orestes (458 BC);
  3. Thirty Years' War, which was then underway. John Birmingham's Axis of Time, trilogy ,deals with the culture shock when a United Nations naval task force from 2021
  4. All have some sort of cybernetic augmentation in William Gibson's Sprawl, trilogy , *Professor Jameson, a cyborg pulp hero by Neil R. Jones, and his allies and
  5. Software using AMOS BASIC * games by Vulcan Software, amongst which the, trilogy ,* Amiga version of Ultimate Domain (called Genesis) by Microbes
  6. Human experiment gone wrong. S. M. Stirling wrote the Island in the Sea of Time, trilogy , in which Nantucket Island and all its modern inhabitants are transported to
  7. Be born, grow,live, and die without ever leaving. *William Gibson's Sprawl, trilogy ,features various arcologies, namely the" projects ", which is a megastructure
  8. Satyr play. The Orestes is the only extant example of this type of connected, trilogy , but there is evidence that Aeschylus often wrote such trilogies. The comic
  9. 1992 comedy horror fantasy film and the third installment of the Evil Dead film, trilogy , It was directed by Sam Rail, written by Rail and his brother Ivan, produced
  10. Prometheus Bound each being the first play in a Daniel trilogy and Prometheus, trilogy , respectively (see below). Scholars have moreover suggested several
  11. Her intention to defy this edict. The play was the third in a connected Oedipus, trilogy ,; the first two plays were Laius and Oedipus. The concluding satyr play was The
  12. However, it obtained a cult following, along with the other two films in the, trilogy , One of the most successful of the 1990s generation of cult films was the
  13. Was taken up by Brian Eichmann (co-author of the Whetstone benchmark) in a, trilogy ,of papers written between 1975 and 1982. For example, a compiler which, in
  14. Of connected trilogies: Seven against Thebes being the final play in an Oedipus, trilogy , and The Suppliants and Prometheus Bound each being the first play in a Daniel
  15. Works" really matter ". Philip Pullman, the author of the Dark Materials, trilogy , went further when he remarked that::" Garner is indisputably the great
  16. Crisis. Achilles in Greek tragedy The Greek tragedian Aeschylus wrote a, trilogy ,of plays about Achilles, given the title Achilles by modern scholars. The
  17. Jackson said he wanted images of Mines Irish in his The Lord of the Rings, trilogy ,to look like" Constantinople in the morning ". * Folk Metal band Tourists makes
  18. Ávalos. The character is set to appear in the sequel, the second of a planned, trilogy , though the actress is being recast for unknown reasons. At the port city of
  19. T. S. Eliot's poem, The Waste Land (1922) and John Dos Passes' U. S. A., trilogy , which incorporated newspaper clippings, as early examples of the cut ups he
  20. 1964),established some groundwork for the original Earthsea, trilogy , Further inspiration came from the work of her parents, anthropologists Alfred
  21. Famous as a film by Alfred Hitchcock. Medieval Cornwall is the setting of the, trilogy ,by Monica Furlong, Wise Child, Juniper,and Colman, as well as part of Charles
  22. And capitalist mode of production, which appear more than 2600 times in the, trilogy ,Was Capital. Marx's notion of the capitalist mode of production is
  23. And a reversion to primitive archetypes. * In John Christopher's 1967-68, trilogy , of novels The Tripods, an alien race known as" the Masters" live in three
  24. Voice and performance for Gollum in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, trilogy , Computer animation development equipment Computer animation can be created
  25. Michael McCollum's A Greater Infinity (1982) and John Barnes' Timeline Wars, trilogy ,in the 1990s. Such" para time" stories may include speculation that the laws
  26. Set in the 1930s) by Lawrence Darrell. **The Bat (part of the Drifting Cities, trilogy ,) (1965,set in 1943-44) by Straits Thinks. **The Danger Tree (1977,set in
  27. He was also mentioned in Stieg Larsson's second book of the Millennium, trilogy ,The Girl Who Played With Fire, and also the third, The Girl Who Kicked the
  28. Became a master of the lyre. Apollo in the Orestes In Aeschylus' Orestes, trilogy , Clytemnestra kills her husband, King Agamemnon because he had sacrificed their
  29. Crime, and married off to unspecified Arrive men. The satyr play following this, trilogy ,was titled Anyone, after one of the Daniels. The Orestes The only complete (
  30. By Michael Garland and Jack Chalker in the 1980s; Chalker's G. O. D. Inc, trilogy ,(1987–89),featuring para time detectives Sam and Brandy Horowitz, marks the
  31. And The Suppliants and Prometheus Bound each being the first play in a Daniel, trilogy ,and Prometheus trilogy , respectively (see below). Scholars have moreover
  32. Built-over condition of Tractor in Isaac Asimov's classic Foundation, trilogy , *In the film" On Flux ",Earth's surviving humans live in Brenna, an
  33. In French entomologist and writer Bernard Werber's Les Forms science-fiction, trilogy ,is divided between the worlds of ants and humans; ants and their behavior is
  34. Dana us orders her imprisonment and, possibly,her execution. In the, trilogy ,'s climax and dénouement, Lynceus reveals himself to Dana us, and kills him (
  35. S Conan stories. Conan the Conqueror (Cancelled) The third film in the Conan, trilogy ,was planned for 1987 to be titled Conan the Conqueror. The director was to be
  36. Success included Absurd Person Singular (1975),The Norman Conquests, trilogy ,(1973),Bedroom Farce (1975) and Just Between Ourselves (1976),all plays
  37. Release it has acquired a cult following, along with the other two films in the, trilogy , Plot After a brief flashback to Evil Dead II, which explains the Necronomicon
  38. Suppliants, The Egyptian and The Daniels. A plausible reconstruction of the, trilogy ,'s last two-thirds runs thus: In The Egyptian, the Argive-Egyptian war
  39. Expanded Universe also has numerous examples of cloning, including the Thrown, trilogy , The Hand of Thrown duology, and Clone Wars-era media. Cellulose is an organic
  40. Winning The Big Time (1958); followed by Richard C. Meredith's Timeline, trilogy ,in the 1970s,Michael McCollum's A Greater Infinity (1982) and John Barnes '
  41. 1963),although Garner never produced the envisioned third part of the, trilogy , Instead, he produced a string of further fantasy novels, Elidor (1965),The
  42. Major successes include Absurd Person Singular (1975),The Norman Conquests, trilogy ,(1973),Bedroom Farce (1975),Just Between Ourselves (1976),A Chorus of
  43. After the release of the expansion, multimedia producer Michael Fly wrote a, trilogy ,of novels based on the game. Illustrator Rafael Ayanna also wrote a graphic
  44. Cost and weight. Such ABS mail coats were made for the Lord of the Rings film, trilogy , in addition to many metal coats. The metal coats are used rarely because of
  45. Assembled to produce a workable modern play. The first part of the Achilles, trilogy , The Myrmidons, focused on the relationship between Achilles and chorus, who
  46. Though she sees mainly others' pain and death. In David Gemmell's Troy, trilogy , Cassandra is credited with opening the mind of exiled Egyptian prince Gershon
  47. And Porsche neglected to write the promised sequel; instead, they wrote a, trilogy ,about the American Civil War, starting with, in his first novel, posited an
  48. And Lu strum (Conspiracy in the U. S.) are the first two parts of a planned, trilogy ,of novels based upon the life of Cicero. He also appears several times as a
  49. On an ancient Greek legend that had been the basis for the first play in a, trilogy ,by Aeschylus, entitled The Suppliants. The original commission that reached
  50. And John Shirley. Many influential films such as Blade Runner and the Matrix, trilogy ,can be seen as prominent examples of the cyberpunk style and theme. Setting

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