Examples of the the word, cascade , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cascade ), is the 8941 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Turn activates other complement proteases, and so on. This produces a catalytic, cascade ,that amplifies the initial signal by controlled positive feedback. The cascade
  2. Phosphorylation of the small Phase, Ras, or recruit the proteins of the ERK, cascade ,directly (i.e.,Raf-1,ME,ERK-1/2) at which point signaling is initiated
  3. Decrements the count. Ring counter A ring counter is a shift register (a, cascade ,connection of flip-flops) with the output of the last one connected to the
  4. In the production of TLR9. The expression of TLR9 caused an inflammatory, cascade ,involving pro–IL-1β and pro-IL-18. Aspirin was found to have a protective
  5. R approximately 3.57 is the onset of chaos, at the end of the period-doubling, cascade , From almost all initial conditions we can no longer see any oscillations of
  6. Technology was patented by Yuri Dağdeviren and his team. In 1994,the quantum, cascade ,laser was invented by Federico CAPASH, Alfred CHO, Jerome Fast and their
  7. Constant δ = 4.669\dots. This behavior is an example of a period-doubling, cascade , * At r approximately 3.57 is the onset of chaos, at the end of the
  8. Signal transduction. Phosphorylation of a protein by a kinase can activate this, cascade ,such as the mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade . ATP is also used by
  9. The last person standing is the winner. Some games have rules involving the ", cascade ,"," fountain" or" waterfall ", which encourages each player to drink
  10. Features that they believe may be irreducibly complex. Blood clotting, cascade ,The blood clotting or coagulation cascade in vertebrates is a complex
  11. In scientific journals discussing the intelligent design of the blood clotting, cascade ," but that there were" probably many peer reviewed articles in
  12. In neonates, opsonic activity and the ability to activate the complement, cascade ,is very limited. For example, the mean level of C3 in a newborn is
  13. By Pierre Rosenberg, presented his experimental observation of the bifurcation, cascade ,that leads to chaos and turbulence in convective Rayleigh–Bénard systems. He
  14. Cell. An intracellular domain activates a G protein. The G protein activates a, cascade ,of further compounds, and finally causes a change downstream in the cell. G
  15. Cascade that amplifies the initial signal by controlled positive feedback. The, cascade ,results in the production of peptides that attract immune cells, increase
  16. Which can be invoked by both hardware and software. The interrupts can, cascade , using the stack to store the return addresses. The processor had some new
  17. Of radiation makes the gas conductive. The tube amplifies this conduction by a, cascade ,effect and outputs a current pulse, which is then often displayed by a needle
  18. 3a (C3a) and complement 5a (C5a) are intermediate products of complement, cascade , Their synthesis is joined to the three alternative pathways (classical
  19. Still more income and spending and so forth. The initial stimulation starts a, cascade ,of events, whose total increase in economic activity is a multiple of the
  20. Tend to be densely forested. The coast is rugged and rocky, with rivers that, cascade ,through the gorges of the coastal ranges. A few larger rivers, those cutting
  21. On, for example, a bacterium attract the first component of the complement, cascade ,with their FC region and initiate activation of the" classical" complement
  22. Can alter gene expression by activating a receptor, which triggers a signaling, cascade ,that affects transcription factors. For example, the withdrawal of growth
  23. Apaf-1 is the protein that turns on cascade 9 by cleavage to begin the cascade , cascade ,that leads to apoptosis. Since a -/- mutation in the APAF-1 gene is embryonic
  24. Irreducibly complex. Blood clotting cascade The blood clotting or coagulation, cascade ,in vertebrates is a complex biological pathway which is given as an example of
  25. Damage at the contact of blood with gelatin, which activates the coagulation, cascade , Gelatin also causes a cannonading effect - blood flow stoppage into a blood
  26. Of the cell. The interaction of hormone and receptor typically triggers a, cascade ,of secondary effects within the cytoplasm of the cell, often involving
  27. Nm devices an area of research. Vessels are external-cavity Vessels. Quantum, cascade ,lasers are semiconductor lasers that have an active transition between energy
  28. Removal of pathogens. Complement system The complement system is a biochemical, cascade ,that attacks the surfaces of foreign cells. It contains over 20 different
  29. A kinase can activate this cascade such as the mitogen-activated protein kinase, cascade , ATP is also used by acetylate cycle and is transformed to the second
  30. With backpackers * Kinase suppressor of Ra's, a protein in the MAP Kinase, cascade ,John-F. -Kennedy-Platz (John F. Kennedy Square),formerly Rudolph-Wilde-Platz
  31. The problem that the overwhelming majority of Finns spoke only Finnish, but the, cascade ,of newspapers, belles-lettres and political leaflets was almost exclusively in
  32. Park. Dominica is water-rich with swift-flowing highland streams, which, cascade , into deep gorges and form natural pools and crater lakes. The streams are not
  33. Points of unit measure) of period c2^. This sequence of sub-ranges is called a, cascade ,of harmonics. In a sub-range with a stable cycle of period c2^,there are
  34. Use a single polarity supply. Amplifiers often have multiple stages in, cascade ,to increase gain. Each stage of these designs may be a different type of amp to
  35. Mechanisms include the bacterial flagellum of E. coli, the blood clotting, cascade , cilia, and the adaptive immune system. Critics point out that the irreducible
  36. World, Florida. *1990 – AT&T's long distance telephone network suffers a, cascade ,switching failure. *1991 – The United Nations deadline for the withdrawal of
  37. Precursors that are now extinct. Bee has responded to critics of his clotting, cascade ,arguments by suggesting that homology is evidence for evolution, but not for
  38. Mechanisms included the bacterial flagellum of E. coli, the blood clotting, cascade , cilia, and the adaptive immune system. Bee argues that organs and biological
  39. The infinite sequence of sub-ranges is called the point of accumulation of the, cascade ,of harmonics. As r rises there is a succession of new windows with different c
  40. On experiments in rats, via the action on arachidonic acid and MDA receptors, cascade , Reye's syndrome Reye's syndrome, a rare but severe illness characterized by
  41. Complex molecular systems, like the bacterial flagellum, the blood-clotting, cascade , and the immune system, were intelligently designed nor are there any
  42. As adenylyl cycle, adenyl cycle or AC) is part of the G protein signalling, cascade , which transmits chemical signals from outside the cell across the membrane to
  43. Dynamical system is a semi-flow. When T is taken to be the integers, it is a, cascade ,or a map; and the restriction to the non-negative integers is a semi- cascade .
  44. Production of pure heavy water by distillation or electrolysis requires a large, cascade ,of stills or electrolysis chambers and consumes large amounts of power, so the
  45. Usual 2 inputs are fairly common, although they are logically equivalent to a, cascade ,of 2-input gates. All other operators are implemented by breaking them down
  46. Increased erosion within the limestone formation. This can be summarized by the, cascade ,of the following reactions:: H2S + 2 O2 → H2SO4 (sulfide oxidation): H2SO4 +
  47. Group eicosanoids. They are significant lipid mediators of the arachidonic acid, cascade ,converted by 5-lipoxigenase. Their predominant member is leukotriene B4 (LTB4
  48. Layers, and intestinal wall. Researchers have discovered there is a complex, cascade ,of regulatory proteins that control expression of V. cholera virulence
  49. System offered promise, but ultimately proved uncontrollable and resulted in a, cascade ,of events that eventually concluded with the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
  50. A few select systems: (1) the bacterial flagellum; (2) the blood-clotting, cascade ,; and (3) the immune system. Contrary to Professor Bee’s assertions with

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