Examples of the the word, personalize , in a Sentence Context

The word ( personalize ), is the 8940 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Average driver expectations and average conditions, tuning has become a way to, personalize ,the characteristics of the vehicle to the owner's preference. For example
  2. S name in the above incident, and he told reporters," You have tried to, personalize ,the discussion of an issue that I did not personalize . The people asking me the
  3. Each user is given a prototype, gender-appropriate figure, they liberally, personalize ,these figures with a variety of dress and hairstyle options. Because the
  4. Rating from the U. S. Green Building Council. Teachers are encouraged to, personalize ,their classroom spaces, and each of the 12 rooms has its own outdoor area that
  5. Build-A-Pin - The Build-A-Pin program was introduced in 2002. Guests could, personalize ,pins bases with character add-ons. After selecting their favorite base and add
  6. Electric vehicle conversion kit. Body modifications are another popular way to, personalize ,a 914. Some of these are simple, such as bolting on fiberglass bumpers that aid
  7. MapQuest also introduced" My Maps" personalization, which enables the user to, personalize ,the interface. Opodeldoc is a name given by the physician Paracelsus to a sort
  8. Possible to choose from several alphabetical-numerical combination and, personalize ,some digits.
  9. Are mainly text based, using HTML, PowerPoint,or PDF documents. Any attempt to, personalize ,the educational experience is essential in that students respond to personal
  10. Who founded the software company, BroadVision, which enabled large companies to, personalize ,their e-Business initiatives in the pursuit of One to One Marketing. Other
  11. Jukebox and player capabilities, and interactive skins to allow consumers to, personalize ,the look, feel,and operation of the player by changing the user interface.
  12. By individuals and carved by artists, every seal is unique, and engravers often, personalize ,the seals they create. The material of seal and the style of the engraving are
  13. Choosing tires different from the original ones is a very cost-effective way to, personalize ,an automobile. Choices include tires for various weather and road conditions
  14. You have tried to personalize the discussion of an issue that I did not, personalize , The people asking me the question did so, and if that's inappropriate, blame
  15. Have a 'home node ', providing profile information and an area for Monks to, personalize , Notable members include the creator of the Perl language, the authors of
  16. Hall. Smart Personal Object Technology (SPOT) was developed by Microsoft to, personalize ,household electronics and other everyday devices, through " smart" software
  17. E-reader designed for little ones with real stories and songs parents can, personalize ,with a child’s name and more. It offers more than 10 stories and songs and
  18. Even buy wood from a hardware store, and then carve it and add decorations to, personalize ,it; however, one can also purchase ready-made wands. In Wicca the wand usually
  19. Mass-produce manuscript books on vellum with only plain artwork and later ", personalize ," the volumes. The luxury book of Hours In the 14th century the book of hours
  20. Systems use an internal ACT-R model to mimic the behavior of a student and, personalize ,his/her instructions and curriculum, trying to" guess" the difficulties that
  21. To upset the 'peace of Society '. " Washington never made attempts to, personalize ,his own religious views or express any appeal to the aesthetic side of biblical
  22. Hand engraving is a term for engraving not used for printing plates, but to, personalize ,or embellish jewelry, firearms,trophies, knives and other fine metal goods.
  23. Models and can be used to make predictions regarding future navigation and to, personalize ,the web page for an individual user. Statistics Markov chain methods have also
  24. And 'goodbye ', and other symbols and words are sometimes also added to help, personalize ,the board. It is a registered trademark of Hasbro Inc. ", which markets and
  25. Are known as being the ones that he enjoys the most. Customize: It is needed to, personalize ,the product or service to the customer individually. The knowledge that a
  26. Teller of an urban legend may claim it happened to a friend, which serves to, personalize , authenticate and enhance the power of the narrative. Many urban legends depict
  27. Was a list of the recipients, with the relevant name encircled in order to, personalize ,the copy, as well as to aid the band in making sure all the listed recipients
  28. Other drum accessories. The Artist Series drum sticks allow these endorsers to, personalize ,their drum sticks, and these sticks are sold to the public. Current cymbal
  29. Recipient through a technique called" variable data printing ". Marketers can, personalize ,documents by any information contained in their databases, including name
  30. Of elective studio and academic courses, which can be chosen by students to, personalize ,their education and experience. In addition, a total of 39 credits in specific
  31. Material comply to BS AU145a standard. In addition, Hong Kong started to have, personalize ,license plates from 2006,with up to 8 selectable letters or numbers. Macau
  32. Forgotten Realms setting. DMs will need to add to the provided information to, personalize ,the city and breath life into its daily routines, but the background is
  33. Lot of control about the things happening. This mode also makes it possible to, personalize ,the look of the client to perfectly fit the needs of the respective user. IRC
  34. But specifically as embellishments for albums. The practice of leaving pages to, personalize ,at the end of books became known as grangerizing. Previously not readily
  35. Term for babies - often interchangeable with a child's name, i. e.: to, personalize ,the song many families have substituted the children's name. " It's time for
  36. Way readers are not inconvenienced by material they have no interest in and can, personalize ,an information product themselves, providing added value to both themselves and
  37. Support the work of the NIC staff by leading small group discussions that, personalize ,the experience throughout the institute. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
  38. Bridgewater Systems – a software company enabling mobile service providers to, personalize , manage, and deliver applications. Acquired by Am docs in June 2011 for $215
  39. Management, email,discussion forums and more. Hosted portals automatically, personalize ,the content generated from their modules to provide a personalize d experience
  40. Are interconnected through the OAP process (organizational, aggregate, personalize , and individualize),whereby organizational knowledge is personalize d and
  41. Available on a publisher's website. After selecting a card, the sender can, personalize ,it to various degrees by adding a message, photo,or video. Finally, the sender
  42. Technology in all areas of instruction. Also, the plan focuses on strategies to, personalize ,learning for students through differentiated instruction, advisory programs and
  43. Williams' later works sacrifice some of this objective clarity in order to, personalize ,the image for the reader. This is clearly illustrated in the poet's longest
  44. Can create a dissociative effect of observation, as if a Greek chorus, or, personalize , the story further by providing the reader with the knowledge and experience of
  45. Lets users define where video information is located * Color Themes lets users, personalize ,the look of your player to match their mood or their desktop * Low Frequency
  46. Free activities in the streets. They are groups of friends who create and, personalize ,a uniformed suit which is worn every year during the festivities. Website:
  47. Name for the first two installments of the series; the player was allowed to, personalize ,the character's name and call sign. Origin Systems' in-house" bible,"
  48. Of internet information, we open the door to further search skills that, personalize ,and sharpen the focus of our searching. Deep URL interpretation and a
  49. To create publicity as in Sid Vicious' notorious version of" My Way ", or to, personalize ,a song, such as Johnny Cash reworking Nine-Inch Nails's" Hurt" to a
  50. Upgrades will allow 511 users to take advantage of the latest technology to, personalize ,their traffic updates and receive customized traffic alerts from 511. The new

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