Examples of the the word, projector , in a Sentence Context

The word ( projector ), is the 8945 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Digital cinema camera manufacturer * Sony — manufacturer of 4K digital, projector , cinema camera manufacturer and digital cinema servers and theater system
  2. Manufacturer Magic lantern may refer to: In entertainment *Magic lantern (, projector ,), an ancestor of the modern slide projector *The Magic Lantern, a book by
  3. Brothers' screening used an extremely impractical dual system motion picture, projector ,that was immediately supplanted by the Lumiere cinematographer. Although the
  4. Factory). Each film is 17 meters long, which,when hand cranked through a, projector , runs approximately 50 seconds. S — was further developed by the Lumiere. The
  5. Method for producing a tremendous electrical repelling force. This would be the, projector , or gun, of the invention. Tesla worked on plans for a directed-energy weapon
  6. Which allows the film to be advanced intermittently one frame at a time) in a, projector , and the cinematographer Guido Seeker. In its earliest days, the cinematography
  7. RX1,..., Xn. The magic lantern or Lateran Magic is an early type of image, projector ,developed in the 17th century. Operation The magic lantern has a concave mirror
  8. Made of neoprene on the front of the machine, and then an eyeglass-style, projector ,allows viewing of the monochromatic (in this case, red ) image. It was
  9. Megapixels) DLP projector s. Other manufacturers have been developing digital, projector ,technology, but these have not yet been deployed into cinemas and are not
  10. Were assembled and installed by Technicolor using the TI mark V prototype, projector , a special Christie lamp house, and the Quit server with custom designed
  11. In entertainment *Magic lantern ( projector ),an ancestor of the modern slide, projector ,*The Magic Lantern, a book by Timothy Barton Ash recounting the fall of
  12. And theater system integrator * Texas Instruments — developers of DLP, projector ,technology * ADC — theater system integrator & digital server manufacturer The
  13. Albert Smith, Charles Urban, and the Lumiere Brothers. By 1896 the new movie, projector ,required a fully transparent film base that blair's American operation could
  14. In the state \rho is:: \operator name (A\rho): If \rho_\psi is the orthogonal, projector ,onto the one-dimensional subspace of H spanned by \script style
  15. And disposable blood pressure sensors *Displays e.g., the DMD chip in a, projector ,based on DLP technology, which has a surface with several hundred thousand
  16. Polarisation and Afterimage uses a filter wheel that changes the polarity of, projector ,'s light output several times per second to alternate quickly the
  17. Properties made them ideally suited to search lights, follow spots and film, projector ,lights. Their need for ongoing attendance and adjustment, and frequent rod
  18. Digital Systems, Barco, and NEC. Christie,long-established in traditional film, projector ,technology, is the maker of the CP2000 line of projector s—the most widely
  19. E-Cinema may be anything, ranging from a DVD player connected to a consumer, projector ,to something that approaches the quality of D-Cinema without conforming to some
  20. In Singapore showing digital 4K films to publicly using Sony's 4K digital, projector , They are located at Golden Village Cinema in Vivacity (Hall 11),Eng Was
  21. In the front would have projected an image of a church courtyard while a moving, projector ,from behind would project the image of the phantom The Bleeding Nun, an image
  22. And flipped into view in succession. Besides the Microscope, they also made a, projector ,called the Biography, which could project a continuous positive film print made
  23. Figure as well as a background for that figure. For example, a stationary, projector ,in the front would have projected an image of a church courtyard while a moving
  24. Then in Edison's CinemaScope peep-show machines. The Edison company took up a, projector ,developed by Ar mat and Jenkins, the “ Phantoscope ”, which was renamed the
  25. Balloon. *1897 – Thomas Edison patents the CinemaScope, the first movie, projector , *1907 – Count Alexander Sapolsky and Sir Arthur Nicholson sign the St.
  26. And the NC3240 in 2011 to represent the first generation 4k NEC DCI, projector , Status Digital Cinema Server system, as well as other equipment to connect PCs
  27. Fatal accidents occurred in theatrical projection booths, where the heat of the, projector ,lamp made ignition most likely. Amateur filmmaking (home movies) slowly
  28. It was also an important invention for the motion picture film and 45 mm, projector , because of its ability to screen moving images. To achieve this, mechanical
  29. To do this he built a special printer in which the negative running through a, projector ,was projected into the gate of a camera through a special lens giving a
  30. 30–40 years, a digital cinema playback system including server/media block/and, projector ,can cost 3–4 times as much, and is at higher risk for component failures and
  31. The first digital cinema projection in Europe with the TI mark V prototype, projector , Technicolor manufactured the DVDs for uploading on these test systems and was
  32. Max Skladanowsky and his brother Emil demonstrated their self-invented film, projector ,the Bios cop at the Kindergarten music hall in Berlin. This performance
  33. And Louis Lumière patent the Cinematographer, a combination movie camera and, projector , *1914 – is established to protect the copyrighted musical compositions of its
  34. Such as DVDs and Blu-ray discs) or satellite and projected using a digital, projector ,instead of a conventional film projector . Digital cinema is distinct from
  35. Not uncommon. In fact, a common setup of the machine was to keep parts of the, projector ,in a separate, adjoining room with only the aperture visible, to make it seem
  36. Picture cameras ensured that only MPPC studios were able to film, and the, projector ,patents allowed the Trust to make licensing agreements with distributors and
  37. Gauge, pulldown method, lens metamorphosis (or lack thereof),and film gate or, projector ,aperture dimensions, all of which need to be defined for photography as well as
  38. A projection. When The Dynamic Duo return to the buoy via The Catboat with the, projector ,on it, they are trapped on it by a magnet and torpedoes are launched at them
  39. Transmission electron microscopes function in a manner similar to overhead, projector , with a beam of electrons passing through a slice of material then being
  40. Mover Edwards, himself for it a Baptist college in 1762 was laughed at as a, projector ,of a thing impracticable. Nay, many of the Baptists themselves discouraged the
  41. Success in this form, and left the way free for Charles Francis Jenkins and his, projector , the Phantoscope, with the first showing before an audience in June 1894. The
  42. House and Meet the Robinson's). The technology combines a single digital, projector ,fitted with either a polarizing filter (for use with polarized glasses and
  43. Early films by Thomas Edison (whose company invented a motion camera and, projector ,) and others were short films that were one long, static,locked-down shot.
  44. The DVD to the Quit, set up the server to play the files, and then set up the, projector , A full rehearsal screening of the feature was mandatory as was the requirement
  45. The digital systems of the theaters. While a theater can purchase a film, projector ,for US$50,000 and expect an average life of 30–40 years, a digital cinema
  46. Explained the continued motion of projectiles, which are separated from their, projector , by the action of the surrounding medium which continues to move the projectile
  47. By Emile Ranked) as a means of advancing the film through the camera and, projector , The cinematographer itself was patented on 13 February 1895 and the first
  48. And projected using a digital projector instead of a conventional film, projector , Digital cinema is distinct from high-definition television and, in particular
  49. Clear that more money was to be made by showing motion picture films with a, projector ,to a large audience than exhibiting them in Edison's CinemaScope peep-show
  50. A media block type system that placed a sealed electronics package within the, projector ,housing. The server output only Triple DES encrypted data and the media block

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