Examples of the the word, wallet , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wallet ), is the 8943 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And cocaine in Pasadena, California,when police found the illegal drugs in his, wallet , Facing up to three years in prison, Weiland pled not guilty, and a trial date
  2. He was certain there were no wires, gave his son all the money he had in his, wallet ,so Guglielmo could buy more materials. In the summer of 1895 he moved his
  3. children's toy, in Rubik's Magic and in the magic wallet trick or the Timber, wallet , Cyclic hexa-tetraflexagon There is also a method of creating a more
  4. Give me that pardon!? " – until Benny realizes that he should have gotten Don a, wallet ,for $1.98,whereupon the put-upon clerk immediately responds by committing
  5. Has become very fond of Kringle - pretends to have suddenly discovered the, wallet ,and returns it to him. As part of a current desperate merger plan, Preysing
  6. To cause pain or injury. Failure to abide by the former may result in a foul or, wallet ,slap. They also are prohibited from kicking,headbutting, or hitting with any
  7. Between services. For example, consumers only need to replace one card if their, wallet ,is lost or stolen. Additionally, the data storage available on a card could
  8. At has never heard of him, and when Tintin calls a phone number found in his, wallet , the man refuses to talk to him. When Tintin and Haddock return home, they
  9. Logic. " Costs has even carried a 1958 Mickey Mantle baseball card in his, wallet , Costs has been fairly outspoken about his disdain for Major League Baseball
  10. One of the characters is said to carry a photo of Lawrence Darrell in her, wallet , Notes Further reading Biography and Interviews *Bowler, Gordon. Through the
  11. Hail waiters at the same time, and in the ensuing confusion each drops his, wallet ,and inadvertently picks up the other's. Barnaby is delighted that he can now
  12. Key material is provided on paper sheets that are kept in a special plastic, wallet ,with a sliding pointer that indicates the last key used. New sheets are
  13. N't stand it anymore! " A variation in 1948 concerned Benny buying an expensive, wallet ,for Don, but repeatedly changing the greeting card inserted—prompting Blanc to
  14. Shortly after the attack, finding the bloody gun and Shepard's shoes and, wallet ,in their truck. Henderson and McKinney later tried to persuade their
  15. Doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0057%3Aentry%3D%2357306 kinda, wallet , bag Aetolian (Attic era) (CPR. Kibisis) (Cf. Attic kilotons ark kiloton
  16. Information on the card. Contactless smart cards that can be read from within a, wallet ,or even a garment simplify authentication. The first smart card driver's
  17. Such as paying for public transportation without removing the card from a, wallet , Like smart cards with contacts, contactless cards do not have an internal
  18. Owned by a variety of factions and companies all looking for a piece of our, wallet , To the extent that Pd facilitates that reality,it's bad for society. I do
  19. Certain guys would have played Ferris and you would have thought,'Where's my, wallet , '" Hughes said. " I had to have that look; that charm had to come through.
  20. I'm inside or I'm outside. It is also true that if I'm inside, I have my, wallet ,on me. It's also true that if I'm outside, I have my wallet on me. Given
  21. That the percentage of the buyer’s income entering the service vendor’s, wallet ,(inverted tax wedge) is slightly over 15 %, compared to 10 % in Belgium,25 %
  22. Horace finds only a little spare change. Barnaby and Cornelius realize that the, wallet ,must belong to Horace. Cornelius, Irene,Barnaby and Minnie try to sneak out
  23. Things go wrong, he resigns immediately, certain that around the next corner a, wallet , dropped by a passer-by, will be waiting for him ". For all his luck Gladstone
  24. And Captain Haddock round a corner and bump into General Alcázar, who drops his, wallet , Tintin attempts to return it, but the hotel he claimed to be staying at has
  25. Are too complicated to memorize, write them down on paper, and keep them in a, wallet , Password cracking Attempting to crack passwords by trying as many
  26. His brother George. He made his way south immediately to find him, though his, wallet ,was stolen on the way. " Walking all day and night, unable to ride, trying to
  27. Was particularly upset by this, and carried a cutting of that review in his, wallet ,for the rest of his life. It was several years before the pair would work on
  28. The closing flap on a long side, are sometimes referred to as" standard" or ", wallet ," style for purposes of differentiation. ) The most famous paper-making machine
  29. Heartbreak again, he swore off girls, keeping little Joani's picture in his, wallet ,as a reminder. That changed when Debbie moved to town, and Jug head began to
  30. Inside, I have my wallet on me. It's also true that if I'm outside, I have my, wallet ,on me. Given these three premises, it follows that I have my wallet on me.
  31. On May 1,2001,Nazi reported to police that men tried to take his, wallet ,outside his Fairfax, Virginia residence, but before the county officer left
  32. Traditional Jacob's Ladder children's toy, in Rubik's Magic and in the magic, wallet ,trick or the Timber wallet . Cyclic hexa-tetraflexagon There is also a method of
  33. Both opposite Bogart. * Norma Garden as the Englishwoman whose husband has his, wallet ,stolen. She was a famous English character actress. * Jean Del Val as the
  34. Of Crete. Crates' city is called Era, which in Greek refers to the beggar's, wallet ,which every Cynic carried: There is a city Era in the midst of wine-dark
  35. In a case where the guest cannot pay the bill at nighttime because his, wallet ,had just been stolen from the restaurant table. In addition, there are Federal
  36. Shake Owens' hand behind the honor stand and that Owens carried a photo in his, wallet , Although it cannot be verified as he is the only witness still living
  37. Does not survive, records what sort of man Crates was: But Crates with only his, wallet ,and tattered cloak laughed out his life jocosely, as if he had been always at a
  38. I ... thought to myself,'Ian, did you just ask Brahman to fill your, wallet ,with money? ' Bradman's harangue confirmed my suspicions that the players were
  39. On buses and in MRT stations, and it does not need to be removed from one's, wallet ,or purse. Metro Taipei's public transport system, the Taipei Metro (commonly
  40. The state faced insolvency. In June 2009 Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said" Our, wallet ,is empty, our bank is closed, and our credit is dried up. " He called for
  41. At the legal limit at the time. Also, Murdoch was more than willing to open his, wallet ,to get and keep programming and talent. DuMont, in contrast, operated on a
  42. And sent to prison guilty of mingling with opium dealers. Haddock returns the, wallet ,to Alcázar, while Tintin follows Dawson and overhears him discussing how
  43. Then all the way to the border, he wrestles the scepter from them. In the, wallet ,of one of the thieves he discovers papers that show that the theft of the
  44. Adjectives (or possessive determiners). For example, in English: I lost my, wallet , They are not strictly speaking pronouns because they do not substitute for a
  45. I have my wallet on me. Given these three premises, it follows that I have my, wallet ,on me. Formally:: A\or B: A \to C: B \to C: \therefore C The Dead Sea (,"
  46. And give the payee more confidence in not letting go of their electronic, wallet ,during the transaction. Electronic money systems In technical terms, electronic
  47. And while he lies unconscious on the ground, a pickpocket steals his, wallet ,and his wool hat. Also in The Nutty Professor, there is a scene where Eddie
  48. And Kringle wins everything, and then becomes intoxicated. When he drops his, wallet , the Baron locates and quietly stashes it in his jacket pocket, intending to
  49. S Dodge sedan was found abandoned in a parking lot with the youth's, wallet ,inside and the keys still in the ignition. Butkovitch's father called Gary
  50. Five seasons ending with at least 100 losses, and appeared to be opening up its, wallet ,a bit, with a payroll exceeding $60 million dollars for the first time (rising

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