Examples of the the word, modular , in a Sentence Context

The word ( modular ), is the 8930 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. He discovered a construction of the heptadecagon on March 30. He invented, modular ,arithmetic, greatly simplifying manipulations in number theory. Furthermore, he became the
  2. And: XY \sort \franc. Since XY has to be an integer, : AE\equiv 0\mod (see, modular ,arithmetic) so AE=4. Modern analytic geometry An analytic variety is defined
  3. S primary payload was the laboratory module Spacelab-2. A special part of the, modular ,Space lab system, the " igloo ", which was located at head of a three-pallet
  4. It had an influence in the 1960s and 1970s on programming language design, modular ,programming, object-oriented programming, software engineering and other design
  5. To buy AMD as an Accelerated Processing Unit (APU). AMD will move to a, modular ,design methodology named" M-SPACE ", where two new processor cores, codenamed
  6. Itself cost $15,000. In contrast to his work on Pet Sounds, Wilson adopted a, modular ,approach to" Good Vibrations ": he broke the song into sections and taped
  7. Document interface (CSI) similar to GIMP and Solidi. Features Did has a, modular ,design with several shape packages available for different needs: flowchart
  8. Acquires knowledge and behaviors. Planning * O-Plan, a project to provide a, modular ,and flexible planning and control system using AI, at AAI, University of
  9. Of the binary tree are its hyperbolic rotations, and are given by the, modular ,group. Thus, the Cantor set is a homogeneous space in the sense that for any
  10. Introduced the symbol ≡ for congruence and used it in a clean presentation of, modular ,arithmetic, had the first two proofs of the law of quadratic reciprocity
  11. Allows mathematicians to determine the solvability of any quadratic equation in, modular ,arithmetic. The prime number theorem, conjectured on 31 May, gives a good
  12. Of the matrix reduced modulo (the latter determinant being computed using, modular ,arithmetic). In the more highbrow parlance of category theory, the
  13. B^\equiv 1\mod for all integers b which are relatively prime to n (see, modular ,arithmetic). They are named for Robert Carmichael. The Carmichael numbers are
  14. To supplement or replace the TRS-80 compatible video card, ( due to the, modular ,nature of the Aster it was simply a matter of changing the video card, and/or
  15. During the 1960s. Some workers died, but the loss of life was limited by the, modular ,design of the factory and its earth works, and the planting of trees that
  16. Of small 2-rank,especially ranks at most 2,makes heavy use of ordinary and, modular ,character theory, which is almost never directly used elsewhere in the
  17. Units that can be used to cool a specific region of a building or home in a, modular ,fashion, not requiring permanent installation. They are used for much the same
  18. To preserve structure at a richer level than just topological. For example, modular ,curves are compacted by the addition of single points for each cusp, making
  19. Of modern hardware facilities such as symmetric multiprocessing by utilizing, modular ,I/O bandwidth, pervasive multithreading, preemptive multitasking and a custom
  20. Will possess the secret go, but each participant will have performed only four, modular ,exponentiation, rather than the eight implied by a simple circular arrangement
  21. With their own). However, this requires that every participant perform N, modular ,exponentiation. By choosing a more optimal order, and relying on the fact that
  22. Board (chess, Go,and backgammon all have such a board),but many games use a, modular ,board whose component tiles or cards can assume varying layouts from one
  23. On the fact that keys can be duplicated, it is possible to reduce the number of, modular ,exponentiation performed by each participant to \log_2 N + 1 using a
  24. Backplane that was designed to support both 8 and 16-bit processors, and used a, modular ,Euro card based design with slots to spare for expansion. Unfortunately none of
  25. Users. A new installer replaced the aging boot-floppies installer with a, modular ,design. This allowed advanced installations (with RAID, XFS and LVM support)
  26. Treatise in Nine Sections) is a statement about simultaneous congruence (see, modular ,arithmetic). Suppose n1,n2,…, nk are positive integers which are pairwise
  27. His construction of the Gothic alphabet is based upon an entirely different, modular ,system. The fourth book completes the progression of the first and second by
  28. Existing Nimitz-class carriers. The new Ford-class carriers are designed to be, modular ,and are easily adaptable as technology and equipment needed on board changes.
  29. Studies at University of Pittsburgh O P * David Paras – information hiding, modular ,programming * Yale Part – Instruction Level Parallelism, speculative
  30. Databases and similar systems allowed powerful software to be built in a, modular ,fashion, potentially saving enormous amounts of development time. Software
  31. Access for passengers with wheelchairs or pushchairs. Most stations are of a, modular ,design dating back to the initial system, extended and improved over the years.
  32. In the case of the torus S¹ x S¹ = R²/Z², the mapping class group is just the, modular ,group SL (2,Z) and the classification reduces to the classical one in terms
  33. Difference as a modular distance (i.e., the distance on the circle: so the, modular ,distance between 1° and 359° is 2°,not 358°). The American Football
  34. He then had little more to publish on the subject; but the emergence of Hilbert, modular ,forms in the dissertation of a student means his name is further attached to a
  35. Programmers, these projects were all free and open source software. The, modular ,nature of the original Beds facilitated recreating the operating system a piece
  36. Τ (n) is (2π)−12 times the nth Fourier coefficient in the q-expansion of the, modular ,discriminant function) it is included among the arithmetical functions because
  37. Decision mechanisms to high-level logic and planning; from neural circuitry to, modular ,brain organization. The term cognitive science was coined by Christopher
  38. Seismic studies to the by now familiar Apollo experiment package, and using the, modular ,equipment transporter (MET),a pull cart for carrying equipment and samples
  39. About which one has the lowest dispersion),and redefine the difference as a, modular ,distance (i.e., the distance on the circle: so the modular distance between
  40. Mac OS X to cross-compile to the Windows platform. Blitz Max is also the first, modular ,version of the Blitz languages, improving the extensibility of the command-set.
  41. To cryptography, cryptanalysis,and cryptology, particularly with regard to, modular ,arithmetic, diophantine equations, linear and quadratic congruence, prime
  42. By Bruce Naylor was used. Another important feature of the Doom engine is its, modular ,data files, which allow most of the game's content to be replaced by loading
  43. System as well as an educational one. The focus is on building a highly, modular , reliable, and secure, operating system. The system is based on a microkernel
  44. And Microsoft's. NET Framework. Modern languages also generally support, modular ,programming, the separation between the interface of a library module and its
  45. Management systems. They believed that database management needed a more, modular ,approach and there were too many specifications needed for users. Since this
  46. Rk (n) functions (because these are also coefficients in the expansion of, modular ,forms). Cq (n) - Ramanujan's sum CD (n),Ramanujan's sum, is the sum of
  47. Rendezvous (FOR): One Saturn V would launch a spacecraft that was composed of, modular ,parts. A command module would remain in orbit around the Moon, while a lunar
  48. Of which were obsolete or hardware-dependent, and none of which supported safe, modular ,programming. In 1975,a working group, the High Order Language Working Group (
  49. And may be utilized in different meanings. In general, it typically refers to a, modular ,DBMS architecture that allows distinct DBMS instances to cooperate as a single
  50. Or operation is equivalent to addition on a Galois field of size 2 (see also, modular ,arithmetic),the clauses can be viewed as a system of linear equations and

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