Examples of the the word, disruptive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( disruptive ), is the 8932 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of North India, and to make many forays into South India. Although at first, disruptive ,for the Indian elites, the Sultanate largely left its vast non-Muslim subject
  2. The open-collaboration concept, but the two differed on how best to handle, disruptive ,editors, specific roles for experts, and the best way to guide the project to
  3. Fact that such large asteroids as Sylvia can be rubble piles, presumably due to, disruptive ,impacts, has important consequences for the formation of the Solar system:
  4. Moscow) replaced the constructivism of the 1920s. Stalin's rule had a largely, disruptive ,effect on indigenous cultures within the Soviet Union, though the politics of
  5. Fought in a camouflage scheme with a Dark Slate Grey/Extra Dark Sea Grey, disruptive ,pattern on top and Sky undersides, but were later painted overall dark blue.
  6. For these services having never been run were both government policies and the, disruptive ,privatization of British Rail. Three of the Regional Eurostar units were leased
  7. Indifference, at times even hostility, to new technology he perceived as, disruptive ,for the production process. His opposition to the larger Type IX was not unique
  8. A much cleaner alternative to mas skill, which was unnecessarily invasive and, disruptive ,to the network. Later in 2009,some major IRC servers were delinted: IRC. Vel.
  9. Too much money out of the private banking system during tax time could be, disruptive ,). * The $1.6 billion foreign liability represents the amount of foreign
  10. Italy The impact of the Lombard migration on the Late Roman aristocracy was, disruptive , especially in combination with the Gothic War; the latter conflict had
  11. The law can change substantially but without a sharp break, thereby reducing, disruptive ,effects. In contrast to common law incrementalism, the legislative process is
  12. Final year of his eight-year contract — became a distraction to the team. His, disruptive ,behavior included public incidents with fellow players in the dugout (shoving
  13. A security guards. He was charged with assault affray and being intoxicated and, disruptive , having 0.14 blood-alcohol content. Prosecutors agreed to dismiss the assault
  14. An unlimited number of" faults ", which are considered good defense and, disruptive ,to the attacking team's rhythm. Goals are scored quite frequently; usually
  15. The Glorious Revolution. European military conflict did not cease, but had less, disruptive ,effects on the lives of Europeans. In the advanced northwest, the Enlightenment
  16. While taking up minimum space when not in use. * A Tesla coil is category of, disruptive ,discharge coils, usually denoting a resonant transformer that generates very
  17. Forfeit his legal right to self-representation if he kept being intentionally, disruptive ,in a fashion that was unbecoming under the law. Due to Abu-Jamal's continued
  18. Debian developers expect that a two-year release cycle will give more time for, disruptive ,changes, reducing inconveniences caused for users. Having predictable freezes
  19. Everything from professional gamers and leagues, to excessive cheating and, disruptive ,behavior. Certain professional teams (such as SK Gaming, Evil Geniuses
  20. Changing their physical behavior. Sunburn, for example, is caused by the, disruptive ,effects of UV radiation on skin cells, which is the main cause of skin cancer.
  21. The sea routes linking Europe to Asia. Portuguese naval vessels were very, disruptive ,to the commerce of Portugal's enemies within the western Indian Ocean and were
  22. Books, for example Ring world, Niven suggests that easy transportation might be, disruptive ,to traditional behavior and open the way for new forms of parties, spontaneous
  23. Then—created the need for new forms of manners and social life. The kind of, disruptive ,moment that only a few knew in the 1880s became a common occurrence. For
  24. From the seamless style of classic Hollywood. This technique involved a, disruptive ,depiction of screen space through the use of numerous repeated camera setups
  25. For these reasons, legislative changes tend to be large, jarring and, disruptive ,(sometimes positively, sometimes negatively, and sometimes with unintended
  26. Nietzsche had to resign his position at Basel. (Since his childhood, various, disruptive , illnesses had plagued him, including moments of shortsightedness that left him
  27. Is needed, resulting in large amounts of accumulated garbage, a long, disruptive ,collection phase, and other programs' data being swapped out. Tracing garbage
  28. Discharged Monroe from his office as Minister to France due to inefficiency, disruptive ,maneuvers, and failure to safeguard the interests of his country. Monroe had
  29. Could operate simultaneously in a geographical area without causing mutually, disruptive ,interference. (Continuous-wave transmitters were naturally more selective and
  30. Guidelines still apply,today's anti-guerrilla forces need to accept a more, disruptive , disorderly and ambiguous mode of operation.:" Insurgents may not be seeking
  31. And successfully sued. He was expelled from the Science Fiction League as" a, disruptive ,influence" His stories began to be published regularly by the 1940s while, at
  32. Of work done on the I-95 right of way and none on the potentially massively, disruptive ,Inner Belt, Governor Francis Sargent put a moratorium on highway construction
  33. Bellies suggests that religious differences and Allen's tendency to be, disruptive ,may have played a role in his departure. He then briefly returned to Salisbury
  34. Usually to ignore it, because responding tends to encourage trolls to continue, disruptive ,posts — hence the often-seen warning:" Please do not feed the trolls ".
  35. S kicks * Disruption – Pre-empting an attack e.g. with defender using, disruptive ,techniques like jab, foot-thrust or low roundhouse kick, generally called a "
  36. A near-constant climate of temperature and humidity, and any disturbance can be, disruptive ,to the species' life cycles. Though cave wildlife may not always be
  37. Of new elements, whether biotic or abiotic, into an ecosystem tend to have a, disruptive ,effect. In some cases, this can lead to ecological collapse or" trophic
  38. A way around this restriction. The purpose of the foreign legion was to remove, disruptive ,elements from society and put them to use fighting the enemies of France.
  39. After some bars reported that" bundy drinkers are a lot louder, and more, disruptive ,than other patrons. " In 2005,four bars in Brisbane banned the rum products
  40. Revolution. The Gulag was invented to isolate class-alien, socially dangerous, disruptive , suspicious, and other disloyal elements (real and imaginary ones) whose
  41. Minister of finance. The main objective of the new government was to end, disruptive ,provincial politics and to provide the country with a new constitution. The
  42. On the other hand, keeps Mattia (and his author) far away from the powerful, disruptive ,force of Eros which is transformed into a sickly sweet attraction, smelling of
  43. The consolidation of duplicate support and development offices was costly and, disruptive , Worst of all, the highest revenue earner of the combined company was base
  44. Of a trait over time — for example, organisms slowly getting taller. Secondly, disruptive ,selection is selection for extreme trait values and often results in two
  45. Of the day because he didn't understand what was going on in class and was too, disruptive , (This was an ironic in-joke—in real life Max Beyer Jr, has a Bachelor's
  46. Two remaining African Americans, Ray Kemp was released, and Joe Lillard,a, disruptive ,influence on, and off, the field, was let go by the Cardinals to prevent
  47. In a fashion that was unbecoming under the law. Due to Abu-Jamal's continued, disruptive ,behavior, Judge Sago ruled that Abu-Jamal forfeited his right to
  48. Its steady state. Often, however,ecosystems have the ability to rebound from a, disruptive ,agent. The difference between collapse or a gentle rebound is determined by two
  49. An open encyclopedia which used real names for contributors intended to reduce, disruptive ,editing, and hoped to facilitate" gentle expert guidance" to increase the
  50. More suitable for their environments. Camouflage netting, natural materials, disruptive ,color patterns, and paint with special infrared, thermal,and radar qualities

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