Examples of the the word, oasis , in a Sentence Context

The word ( oasis ), is the 8944 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Nile Valley and Delta The Nile Valley and Delta, the most extensive, oasis ,on earth, was created by the world's the longest river and its seemingly
  2. Firms will often enter the industry in the long run. In geography,an, oasis ,(plural: oases) or cinema (Southwestern United States) is an isolated area
  3. Senior party members. For example Borrow dale Brook, a suburb of Harare is an, oasis ,of wealth and privilege. It features mansions, manicured lawns, full shops with
  4. AD. After the Uyghur empire disintegrated a branch of the Uyghurs migrated to, oasis ,settlements in the Tarim Basin and Gansu, such as Kiowa (Nanchang) and Kabul
  5. Of four major ecological regions, and is consequently a temperate-to-hot green, oasis ,with a highly variable climate having some characteristics of the desert, the
  6. Created free flowing spaces and flat surfaces that represented the idea of an, oasis ,of uncluttered clarity and calm within the chaos of the city. He included
  7. Both Roman ruins; M'Lab Valley, a limestone valley containing a large urbanized, oasis ,; also the Cash of Algiers is an important citadel. The only natural World
  8. Bavaria, Farafirah, and Delilah oases before reaching the country's largest, oasis , Khadijah. A brackish lake, Birket Arun, at the northern reaches of Al Fay yum
  9. Finds during his first journey during 1900-1901 was the Taklamakan Desert, oasis ,of Duncan Oil where he was able to uncover a number of relics. During his
  10. Mighty river created in the Nile Valley and Delta the world's most extensive, oasis , Without the Nile, Egypt would be little more than a desert wasteland. The
  11. 1998). **Haggard Tuareg of Ghat: 17,000 (Johnstone 1993). *Egypt: The, oasis ,of Siva near the Libyan border speaks a Berber language; according to the
  12. Wears the skin of Shai-Hulud. Among his orders, Leto tells Jacurutu to plant an, oasis ,garden, as he planned to settle down and live there. Leto's return After long
  13. Just as he had been loyal to Ba bur against the renegade Argues. Whilst in the, oasis ,garrison of Merlot in Sindh, Hamida gave birth to Akbar on 25 October 1542
  14. To Jericho on 4 August 2008. Geography Jericho is located below sea level in an, oasis ,in Wadi Felt in the Jordan Valley. The nearby spring of EIN es-Sultan produces
  15. West flank to the east. Several springs have formed along the Dead Sea, each an, oasis , most notably the oases at EIN Jedi and EIN Book (Névé Zohar) where
  16. Pass seeds with their droppings which will grow at the water's edge forming an, oasis , Etymology The word oasis comes into English from Greek oasis , which in turn is
  17. But an aquifer with even greater reputed capacity is located near the, oasis ,community of Sasha in the southwestern desert. In the late 1970s,wells were
  18. 391 km from the Delhi. Being surrounded by the Gravelly Mountains, Ajmer is an, oasis ,wrapped in the green hills. Ajmer is a popular pilgrimage center for the
  19. But the two powers reached a compromise; Russia was in possession of the, oasis , and Britain believed it could keep the Russians from advancing any farther.
  20. The agreement between the Islamic prophet Muhammad and the Jews of Khyber,an, oasis ,near Medina. Khyber was the first territory attacked and conquered by Muslims.
  21. Cain and Abel, Moses,Jesus, and Mohammed. Generali has built a mansion in an, oasis ,in the middle of a barren desert; his estate becomes the scene of a family feud
  22. The Baroda valley, used to provide the city with drinking water. The Ghost, oasis ,has been decreasing in size with the rapid expansion of housing and industry in
  23. Or Omaha which means a 'dwelling place '. Growing plants People who live in an, oasis ,must manage land and water use carefully; fields must be irrigated to grow
  24. Which will grow at the water's edge forming an oasis . Etymology The word, oasis ,comes into English from Greek oasis , which in turn is an indirect borrowing
  25. Of greenery and the 180,000 palm trees of its Galleries. Marrakech is an, oasis ,of great and rich plant variety. Throughout the seasons, orange,fig
  26. The desert had desiccated, utilized pack animals to transfer products from, oasis ,to oasis . Danger lurked from the Garments of Fez, who raided caravans. Salt
  27. Chilean stone artifacts have been found in the Major basin and in the El Form, oasis ,in the central Syrian steppe; the latter together with remains of Homo erectus
  28. Of Europe, Asia and Africa. In the Sahara, the distinction between sedentary, oasis ,inhabitants and nomadic Bedouin and Tuareg is particularly marked. The diverse
  29. Service operates several post offices in Austin. Politics Austin is known as an, oasis ,of liberal politics in a generally conservative state—so much so, that the city
  30. Plants like dates, figs,olives, and apricots. The most important plant in an, oasis ,is the date palm which forms the upper layer. These palm trees provide shade
  31. Even though the second caliph, Umar I, subsequently expelled the Jews from the, oasis , As the early Muslims expanded their territory through conquest, they imposed
  32. Was brackish. After a ten-day stay in Ghana, the caravan set out for the, oasis ,of Tasarahla (probably BIR Al-Sayib) where it stopped for three days in
  33. Across the vast desert. From Tasarahla, a Masada scout was sent ahead to the, oasis ,town of Oxalate, where he arranged for water to be transported a distance of
  34. One of themselves. By 622,Muhammad emigrated to Medina, a large agricultural, oasis , Those who migrated from Mecca along with Muhammad became known as muhajirun (
  35. Desert had desiccated, utilized pack animals to transfer products from oasis to, oasis , Danger lurked from the Garments of Fez, who raided caravans. Salt and metal
  36. After battling Afghan forces in the spring of 1885,the Russians seized the, oasis , Russian and British troops were quickly alerted, but the two powers reached a
  37. Eastern Desert is generally isolated from the rest of the country. There is no, oasis ,cultivation in the region because of the difficulty in sustaining any form of
  38. Of water and food can be replenished. Thus, political or military control of an, oasis ,has in many cases meant control of trade on a particular route. For example
  39. Need, Mecca has, according to the New York Times, become " a striking, oasis ," of free thought and discussion and, also,of" unlikely liberalism" as "
  40. Under Dostum's 5-year rule from the early 1990s to early 1997,Mizar was an, oasis ,of peace. As the rest of the nation disintegrated and was slowly taken over by
  41. Residential apartments, offices and conference halls, green and recreational ", oasis ," and other objects. In project was also included 111 m tall skyscraper, which
  42. Soldiers marched for two days without a single drop of water before reaching an, oasis ,that Khalid had selected in advance. Khalid thus entered Northern Syria at a
  43. Edge forming an oasis . Etymology The word oasis comes into English from Greek, oasis , which in turn is an indirect borrowing from Coptic. The word for oasis in
  44. The previously lost Ovarian languages of the Tarim Basin at Marin and other, oasis ,towns, and recorded numerous archaeological sites especially in Iran and
  45. Michael Kurtz," Many visitors felt the spherical auditorium to be an, oasis ,of calm amidst the general hubbub, and after a while it became one of the main
  46. Town, and he soon moved on by boat to GAO where he spent a month. While at the, oasis ,of Takeda on his journey back across the desert, he received a message from
  47. The 1st millennium BCE caused depopulation of the arid belts and river valley, oasis ,areas, their population moved north to the forest-steppe zone. New populations
  48. Greek oasis , which in turn is an indirect borrowing from Coptic. The word for, oasis ,in Coptic is wave or Omaha which means a 'dwelling place '. Growing plants
  49. North of the Baroda, and to some extent to the south, invading the Ghost, oasis , From 1955 the new district of Armonk became a second home to thousands of
  50. Mostly developed south of the main city. Damascus used to be surrounded by an, oasis , the Ghost region (الغوطة),watered by the Baroda river. The Fine spring

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