Examples of the the word, chemist , in a Sentence Context

The word ( chemist ), is the 8948 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Hugh Crumble, Australian cricketer (b. 1876) *1941 – Paul Saboteur, French, chemist , Nobel Prize Laureate (b. 1854) * 1941 – Saint Maximilian Kobe, Polish
  2. Francis Lie, French film music composer *1932 – Michael Smith, British-born, chemist , Nobel laureate (d. 2000) *1932 – Star Ahmed, Pakistani Muslim religious
  3. 1912. Wound antisepsis During World War I (1914–1918),Carrel and the English, chemist ,Henry Drysdale Akin developed the Carrel-Dakin method of treating wounds based
  4. India. Will Durant wrote in Our Oriental Heritage: An 11th century Persian, chemist ,and physician named ABU RayBan Brunei reported that they" have a science
  5. American basketball player * 1959 – Chichi Tanaka, Japanese engineer and, chemist , Nobel laureate *1961 – Lee Rocker, American musician (Stray Cats) *1963 –
  6. The Magician; but they are of the same order as those which make a successful, chemist , He frequently expressed views about sex that were radical for his time, and
  7. Muslim al chemist s as early as the 8th century, first mentioned by the Islamic, chemist ,Jair in Aryan, and to the European al chemist s since the 13th century, being
  8. Mass murderer (shot by police) (b. 1941) *1967 – Richard Kuhn, Austrian, chemist , Nobel Prize Laureate (b. 1900) *1970 – Frances Farmer, American actress (b.
  9. Dutch politician (d. 1876) *1816 – Charles Frédéric Gerhard, French, chemist , ( d. 1856) *1826 – Karl Feigenbaum, German anatomist (d. 1903) *1858 – Crown
  10. Hermione Mandela, English actress (b. 1906) *1994 – Linus Pauling, American, chemist , recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry and Peace (b. 1901) *1995 – Pierre
  11. Gordon, American baseball player (d. 1975) *1918 – Frederick Sanger, English, chemist , two-time Nobel Laureate *1919 – Rex Hubbard, American television evangelist (
  12. History Lithium Petalite (LiAlSi4O10) was discovered in 1800 by the Brazilian, chemist ,José Bonifacio de Andrada e Silva in a mine on the island of To, Sweden.
  13. Erroneous discovery was followed by another" discovery," claimed in 1937 the, chemist ,Rajendra De. Working in Dhaka, British India (now Bangladesh),he chose
  14. Alfred Bernhard Nobel () (21 October 1833 – 10 December 1896) was a Swedish, chemist , engineer, innovator,and armaments manufacturer. He is the inventor of
  15. Or mystical processes. In the first half of the 19th century, one established, chemist , Baron Carl Reichenbach, worked on concepts similar to the old alchemy, such as
  16. John Lester, American cricketer (d. 1969) *1885 – George de Hevesy, Hungarian, chemist , Nobel laureate (d. 1966) *1881 – Otto Tonality, German mathematician (d.
  17. Tel ford, Scottish civil engineer (d. 1834) *1776 – Amadeo Avogadro, Italian, chemist , ( d. 1856) *1783 – Grand Duchess Alexandra Pavlova of Russia (d. 1801)
  18. Until 1817 that Johan August Arfwedson, then working in the laboratory of the, chemist ,Jobs Jakob Berzelius, detected the presence of a new element while analyzing
  19. 2007 – Zhang Tao fang, Chinese sniper (b. 1931) *2008 – Albert Hoffmann, Swiss, chemist , known as the first to synthesize LSD (b. 1906) *2010 – A. S. Douglas
  20. For any word used as a name for this element is aluminum, which British, chemist ,and inventor Humphry Davy employed in 1808 for the metal he was trying to
  21. Swiss physiologist, Nobel laureate (b. 1881) * 1973 – Karl Ziegler, German, chemist , Nobel laureate (b. 1898) *1979 – Sir Ernst Boris Chain, British bio chemist
  22. Lee Hoffman, American author (d. 2007) *1933 – Richard R. Ernst, Swiss, chemist , and Nobel Prize Laureate *1936 – Trevor Bannister, British actor (d. 2011) *
  23. Metal was first produced in 1825 (in an impure form) by Danish physicist and, chemist ,Hans Christian Listed. He reacted anhydrous aluminum chloride with potassium
  24. Edmund Husserl, Austrian philosopher (b. 1859) *1940 – Carl Bosch, German, chemist , Nobel laureate (b. 1874) *1944 – Violetta Morris, French athlete (b. 1893)
  25. German writer, Nobel laureate (b. 1875) * 1955 – James B. Sumner, American, chemist , Nobel laureate (b. 1887) *1959 – Mike O'Neill, Irish-born American baseball
  26. Queen of Denmark and Norway (d. 1743) *1728 – Joseph Black, Scottish, chemist , ( d. 1799) *1730 – Henry Clinton, British general (d. 1795) *1755 – Louise
  27. French weaver and inventor (b. 1752) *1848 – Jobs Jakob Berzelius, Swedish, chemist , ( b. 1779) *1855 – Mariano Arista, President of Mexico (b. 1802) *1864 – Li
  28. Industrialist, founder of Fiat (d. 1945) *1872 – Richard Wildcatter, German, chemist , Nobel Laureate (d. 1942) *1879 – John Ireland, English composer (d. 1962)
  29. Charcot, French neurologist (b. 1825) *1899 – Robert Wilhelm Bunsen, German, chemist , ( b. 1811) *1900 – José Maria de Eça de Queiroz, Portuguese writer (b. 1845)
  30. Prime Minister of Greece (d. 1848) *1766 – William Hyde Williston, English, chemist , ( d. 1828) *1768 – Jean-Baptiste Brassieres, French marshal (d. 1813) *1775 –
  31. Billiards player (d. 1980) *1896 – Nikolai Nikolayevich Stoyanov, Russian, chemist , Nobel laureate (d. 1986) *1901 – Joe Davis, English snooker player (d. 1978
  32. Castle de Saint-Pierre, French writer (b. 1658) *1768 – Georg Brandt, Swedish, chemist , and mineralogist (b. 1694) *1771 – Francesco Bartolomeo Cantrell
  33. Jules Massenet, French composer (b. 1842) *1917 – Eduard Büchner, German, chemist , Nobel Laureate (b. 1860) *1937 – Arthur Puckett, Australian civil engineer
  34. Kirkwood, Scottish labor leader (b. 1872) *1958 – Rosalind Franklin, British, chemist , ( b. 1920) *1968 – Fay Painter, American actress (b. 1893) * 1968 – Edna
  35. To the principles of Galen (and Hippocrates). He was also an astronomer, chemist , geologist, Hafiz,Islamic psychologist, Islamic scholar, Islamic theologian
  36. In 1898,Crowley was staying in Zermatt, Switzerland,where he met the, chemist ,Julian L. Baker, and the two began talking about their common interest in
  37. Bela Lugosi, Hungarian actor (b. 1882) *1957 – Irving Langmuir, American, chemist , Nobel Prize Laureate (b. 1881) *1959 – William Halsey Jr., American Navy
  38. Recognized a member of" thorium series. " This discovery was made by the Swiss, chemist ,Walter Minder in 1940,and he chose the name" Helvetius" ( from Helvetian,"
  39. Fundamental chemical reactions common to all acids. Arrhenius' acids The Swedish, chemist ,State Arrhenius attributed the properties of acidity to hydrogen in 1884. An
  40. IV of Denmark and Norway (d. 1648) *1705 – William Cook worthy, English, chemist , ( d. 1780) *1713 – Guillaume Thomas François Royal, French writer (d. 1796)
  41. Indian physician (d. 1933) *1865 – Richard Adolf Zsigmondy, Austrian-born, chemist , Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1929) *1866 – Ferruccio Busoni, Italian pianist and
  42. Camille Conclave, French general (d. 1817) *1788 – Leopold Gaelic, German, chemist , ( d. 1853) *1815 – Adolf Friedrich von Shack, German writer (d. 1894) *1820
  43. Theodore Dreiser, American author (d. 1945) *1874 – Carl Bosch, German, chemist , Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1940) *1875 – Katharine McCormick, American women's
  44. General (strangled in prison) (b. 1761) *1854 – Arthur Akin, English, chemist , mineralogist, and writer (b. 1773) *1861 – Sylvester Jordan, German
  45. Targeting cancer cells in the body. History André-Louis Debate, a French, chemist , announced the discovery of a new element in 1899. He separated it from
  46. Veblen, American economist (b. 1857) *1942 – Richard Wildcatter, German, chemist , Nobel Laureate (b. 1872) *1949 – Igneous, Hungarian editor and writer (b.
  47. Tiara, Romanian poet and essayist (d. 1963) *1899 – Osman Achmatowicz, Polish, chemist , ( d. 1988) *1904 – Fight D'Orsay, Canadian actress (d. 1983) *1905 – Fruits
  48. Frida Boxcar, French singer (b. 1940) * 1996 – Thadeus Reichstag, Polish, chemist , Nobel Prize Laureate (b. 1897) * 1996 – Lucille Teasdale-Corti, Canadian
  49. Hair, English novelist (d. 1974) *1904 – Wendell Meredith Stanley, American, chemist , Nobel laureate (d. 1971) *1908 – William Keepers Maxwell, Jr., American
  50. The basic unit of a chemical element. This theory was developed by the British, chemist ,and physicist John Dalton in the 18th century. At this stage, it wasn't clear

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