Examples of the the word, poetic , in a Sentence Context
The word ( poetic ), is the 8933 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Versions of other words (and respectively) and are rarely found outside a, poetic ,context. Here are a few examples: The apostrophe and the following letter are
- Criticized Senator Joseph McCarthy in 1954,calling him a" poet. "" He uses, poetic ,license to try to create the beautifully ordered world of good guys and bad
- He won his Nobel Prize in Literature for notable impact his prose works and, poetic ,thought had on English, French,and other national literatures of Europe and
- The subject is drawn from personal experience, and there is an absence of, poetic ,ornament, such as simile or metaphor. Like many of his poems (e.g. for. s 38
- Addicted to hair-splitting niceties. There were three broad, poetic ,forms: iambic dialogue, tetrameter verses and lyrics: *Iambic dialogue:
- Degree notes that it has been suggested that verses 25 and 26 have a, poetic ,structure of ABBA. If this is true it would support the notion that God is
- Of Kasia and how Odin obtained this mead. He then goes on to discuss various, poetic ,metaphors known as Jennings. Sorry Sturgeon clearly distinguishes the god
- Of the mind and soul by direct communion with Spirit; upon the spiritual and, poetic ,monitions of external nature; and upon the benefit to man of a serene mood and
- fæst. Jennings are also a significant technique in Beowulf. They are evocative, poetic ,descriptions of everyday things, often created to fill the alliterative
- Or drum. The word may also refer to any belt in general, but this usage is, poetic ,and not considered standard. Baldrics have been used since ancient times. The
- The events and personages of Biblical history; and many beautiful and genuinely, poetic ,embellishments of the Biblical record, which have become common possession of
- Any intention toward meter and claimed instead that meter follows the natural, poetic ,voice, not the other way around; he said, as he learned from Williams, that
- And Second Temples and other tragedies). The scintillation signs for the large, poetic ,section in the middle of the Book of Job differ from those of most of the
- With over 2,800 has been preserved. With the advent of surrealism as a, poetic ,movement, anagrams regained the artistic respect they had had in the Baroque
- Architectural firm Architectonic. The Bronx has also become home to a peculiar, poetic ,tribute, in the form of the Heinrich Heine Memorial, better known as the
- Because of the final chapter of his book, which is a, poetic ,praise of God, it has been assumed that Habakkuk was likely a member of the
- S spiritual progress. * By focusing on symbolic patterns, images,and, poetic ,mantras, the median can achieve consciously directed Imaginations that allow
- Composed in the manner of Einhard's use of Suetonius, and exhibits a true, poetic ,gift. Of the shorter poems, besides the greeting to Pippin on his return from
- Course of weather forever. " Later speeches and papers by Lorenz used the more, poetic ,butterfly. According to Lorenz, when Lorenz failed to provide a title for a
- To another. The different, structural elements are associated with different, poetic ,meters and rhythms and these are generally lost in English translations.
- Seen in poetry written in the Song Dynasty, though the cannibalizing is perhaps, poetic ,symbolism, expressing hatred towards the enemy (see Man Jiang Hong). While
- Was an open, ecstatic expression of thoughts and feelings that were naturally, poetic , He believed strongly that traditional formalist considerations were archaic
- Numbers such as this. In certain older texts like the Protestant Bible or in, poetic ,usage, numbers such as 114 may be written as 100 10 4 (百十四). For numbers
- To the celestial joys of the future he was accustomed to referring in the following, poetic ,words: (Breakout 17a):" There is naught on earth to compare with the future
- For example, the last Crusade to the Holy Land ended in 1291); this, poetic ,license would continue in the subsequent Black adders. The filming of the series
- Bear" are relatively common. In Finland, male personal name Otto is an old, poetic ,name for bear, similar to Onto. In Russian and other Slavic languages, the
- The Kingdom of Judah to the Babylonians. The book is written in a complex and, poetic ,Hebrew (apart from verse 10:11,curiously written in Biblical Aramaic). Texts
- Of which were later set to music by Schubert. Later important examples of the, poetic ,form included Rudyard Kipling’s ‘ Barrack Room Ballads’ ( 1892-6) and Oscar
- S mechanical editing. This reveals the strength of Beowulf's oral history as, poetic ,flow were prioritized over dialect/ grammatical coherency. A comprehensive
- Ritornello. His last group of operas, composed for Rome, exhibit a deeper, poetic ,feeling, a broad and dignified style of melody, a strong dramatic sense
- And Jewish background. He considered himself to have inherited the visionary, poetic ,mantle handed down from the English poet and artist William Blake, and the
- Of Israelite elites and rulers; and (3) the Kevin (" writings" ):, poetic ,and philosophical works such as the Psalms and the Book of Job. The Christian
- Emperor had little power beyond the walls of Delhi. An alexandrine is a line of, poetic ,meter comprising 12 syllables. Alexandrines are common in the German literature
- The user invisible. It may be an actual helmet or a magical sign with a rather, poetic ,name. Ægir is an Old Norse word meaning" terror" and the name of a
- Have been ignored such as the similarities of prophetic inspiration to modern, poetic ,inspiration, or the parallels with Greek drama. In recent years theories have
- Ginsberg often had to defend his choice to break away from traditional, poetic ,structure, often citing Williams, Pound,and Whitman as precursors. Ginsberg's
- Became a favorite subject in art (as in the urn pictured above). Poetry The, poetic ,works of Antaeus were collected into ten books, with elaborate commentaries, by
- The ordinance of Time. Simplicity mentions that Anaximander said all these" in, poetic ,terms ", meaning that he used the old mythical language. The goddess Justice (
- Were premiered in Vienna, conducted by Schoenberg. Settings of aphoristic, poetic ,utterances, the songs are accompanied by a very large orchestra. The
- Combines the plain, rational language of the political treatise with the, poetic , passionate language of sensibility in order to demonstrate that one can
- The Book of Lamentations (, Eikhah, ʾēkhā (h) ) is a, poetic ,book of the Hebrew Bible composed by the Jewish prophet Jeremiah. It mourns the
- Merit to honor soldiers wounded in battle. It is later renamed to the more, poetic ,Purple Heart. *1789 – The United States War Department is established. *1791 –
- Described over the course of his body of work. His writing style is florid and, poetic , with a strong comic touch. His satires of British aristocratic snobbery—he
- Source of apocryphal gospels. While these writings borrowed the characteristic, poetic ,features of apocalyptic literature from Judaism, Gnostic sects largely insisted
- Which discusses the Bible's use of rhetoric. Similarly, his text on, poetic ,meter uses only Christian poetry for examples. On the other hand, the inclusion
- Island of Cyprus, for which reason she is called" Cyprian ", especially in the, poetic ,works of Sappho. Her chief center of worship was at Pathos, where the goddess
- In a sandpit. Some plays feature revelations of human perfectibility that are, poetic ,rather than religious in character, such as the marriage of the hero
- Sections of the Book can be divided into roughly 6 sections and uses, poetic , narrative, and biographical genres that are interspersed throughout the book.
- Love. Bollywood's song lyrics, especially in the old movies, frequently use the, poetic ,vocabulary of court Urdu, with many Persian loanwords. Another source for love
- The primary purpose of this text is to refine the literary concept divan or, poetic ,suggestion, by arguing for the existence of rasa-dhvani, primarily in forms of
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