Examples of the the word, inter , in a Sentence Context

The word ( inter ), is the 8936 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To as TCP/IP. To avoid confusion, inter networking combines the word, inter ,(" between" ) and networking; it is not inter net-working. The smallest amount
  2. 23–79) referred to this region as the land between the Helenium and Fleet (", inter ,Helenium ac Plenum" ), the names of the mouths into which the Rhine divided
  3. Arms with great strength one to another" in forging Aeneas' shield:: ill, inter ,see multi UI Bacchic tolling The line consists of all sponges except for the
  4. Rules The guidelines for the M'Heighten Rules (1843) 10 C & F 200,state, inter ,Asia, and evaluating the criminal responsibility for defendants claiming to be
  5. From all other persons. The quasi-republican ideals of Augustus' Prius, inter ,pares were abandoned for all but the Tetrarchy themselves. Diocletian took to
  6. Came from, and the first Roman references place them east of the Rhine (, inter ,Asia, Ammianus Marcellus, XVIII,2,15). Early Roman sources considered them
  7. Over the other bishops of the Anglican Communion. He is recognized as Prius, inter ,pares, or first amongst equals. He does not, however,exercise any direct
  8. Sano.: forte pose animus Morris terror Carter, : quit stadium vitae extreme, inter ,Monera point: natural, qui ferry quest quoscumque labors, : NeoChat Iraqi
  9. And apparel exports of India (APC). A cooperation agreement provides, inter ,Asia, exchange of technology and know-how in textile production. For this
  10. City transportation High class comfortable low floor buses are available for, inter ,city transportation and to the nearby town including the holy city of Pusher
  11. Lima, Peru during 1996. Role" The functions of a diplomatic mission consist, inter ,Asia, in representing the sending State in the receiving State; protecting in
  12. And the King in England came into conflict with parliament. A prime issue was, inter ,Asia, over his policy of tolerance towards Catholicism. The resulting English
  13. To be evidence for the BCS mechanism of C60 solid superconductivity, because, inter ,C60 separation can be related to an increase in the density of states on the
  14. Statement makes it clear that homosexual activity is still prohibited, saying, inter , alia that" Galahad sees heterosexual marriage as the ideal model and sole
  15. Are analyzed and described with respect to the symmetry properties of the, inter ,Asia, vibrational or electronic states. Knowledge of the symmetry properties of
  16. Was drawn up with the explicit concern of bringing to an end the bitter, inter ,tribal fighting between the clans of the AWS (Au's) and Khazar within Medina.
  17. The worldwide communion. Among the other primates, he is considered as Prius, inter ,pares, which translates as" first among equals ". The Anglican Communion
  18. Religious components (variously described in GRIFFIN v. COUGHLIN below as, inter ,Asia," religion "," religious activity "," religious exercise" ) to make
  19. Some Anglicans and Old Catholics accept that the Bishop of Rome is Prius, inter ,pares among all primates, but they embrace Conciliation as a necessary check on
  20. As" nameless and abominable" ( recalling the legal phrase Decatur horrible, inter ,Christians non nominalism," the horrible sin, not to be named amongst
  21. Changes since then in an effort to make the game fairer. Vanderbilt introduced, inter ,Asia the current concept of scoring, the use of boards to hold the cards, and
  22. Without receiving episcopal consecration. The Dean, the head (as Prius, inter ,pares) of the College of Cardinals, is elected by the cardinal bishops holding
  23. Between the indigenous ethnic groups is complicated. While there have been, inter ,ethnic political activism such as that promoted by the Diocese of Chiapas in
  24. Terms of inheritance inequality, some economists and sociologists focus on the, inter ,generational transmission of income or wealth which is said to have a direct
  25. Setbacks. The success of Cyprus in the economic sphere has been attributed, inter ,Asia, to the adoption of a market-oriented economic system, the pursuance of
  26. Of nations (jus gentium) and inter national agreements and conventions (just, inter ,gents),which have different theoretical foundations and should not be
  27. With the See of Canterbury. The Archbishop is, therefore,recognized as Prius, inter ,pares, or first amongst equals even though he does not exercise any direct
  28. Language. The Polynesian settlers were raters isolated as there was very little, inter ,island trade and the existence of the limestone island was in itself very
  29. The atmosphere than is released. Over time, the peat grows deeper. Peat bogs, inter ,approximately one-quarter of the carbon stored in land plants and soils. Under
  30. Allowing the High Court of Australia to permit appeals to the Privy Council on, inter ,see questions; however, the High Court has stated that it will not give such
  31. By Saint Mark, was honored by the other Bishops, as first among equals" Prius, inter ,Pares,". This was in addition to the appropriate honorary dignity, which was
  32. Is also going to construct metro rail system and high-speed electric powered, inter ,city rail network. More expressways, large bridges (such as the multi-billion
  33. Hardin is Europe's highest garden fountain. The historic Garden Theatre, inter ,Asia hosted the musicals of the German rock musician Heinz Rudolf June. The
  34. Bela planet – dices la serpent-. POR quo VU Venus ad hike?: – SAS chagrined, inter ,floor e me – dices la Princeton.: – Ha! – dices la serpent.: E la Du Germans
  35. Tons of dry material per year that could be massively and decisively used, inter ,Asia, for generating bioenergy and improve the quality of life in rural Egypt.
  36. Then protocol) equivalent to an office of a head of state, merely a Prius, inter ,pares (first among equals) role among other European heads of government. The
  37. Of states and of inter governmental organizations and with their relations, inter ,see, as well as with some of their relations with persons, whether natural or
  38. Without legal authority outside England, is recognized by convention as Prius, inter ,pares (first among equals) of all Anglican primates worldwide. Since 1867 he
  39. Group (incl. England, the United States, Canada,Australia and New Zealand, inter ,Asia) David proposed the classification of legal systems, according to
  40. Its ability to maintain distinguishable value (0 or 1),or due to errors in, inter ,or intra-computer communication. A group of malfunctioning physical bits (not
  41. Would wish to network these systems across the country. At the time,'CAS ', inter ,node signaling was slow and inter -register signaling MF5,developed for the
  42. NPT) in 1968. Under the NPT, non-nuclear weapon states were prohibited from, inter ,Asia, possessing,manufacturing or acquiring nuclear weapons or other nuclear
  43. However, such a transfer is subject to the provisions of 8 which require, inter ,Asia, the drawing up of a transfer proposal, a report justifying the legal and
  44. The second form of inheritance is through familial inter ventions in the form of, inter ,vivas transfers (i.e. gifts between the living),especially at crucial
  45. Lusts, in one of Charlemagne's ordinances),or Decatur illus horrible, inter ,Christians non nominalism (that horrible sin that among Christians is not to
  46. To Constantius, Julian described the ideal ruler as being essentially Prius, inter ,pares (" first among equals" ), operating under the same laws as his subjects
  47. Which began in 1998,will continue. The Its comprise ten articles which deal, inter ,Asia, with the definition of inter national telecommunication services
  48. Of stem duchies rather than as a feudal monarchy and saw himself as Prius, inter ,pares. Instead of seeking to administer the empire through counts, as
  49. On Main, São Filipe on Logo and Furn on Brave. These act as terminals for the, inter ,island ferry services which carry both freight and passengers. There are very
  50. Be restricted by law to protect rights and respectability of others. Because of, inter ,ethnic conflicts during last decade of 20th century, Serbian authorities are

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