Examples of the the word, manure , in a Sentence Context

The word ( manure ), is the 8928 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And therefore should be a largely self-sustaining system, producing its own, manure ,and animal feed. Plant or animal disease is seen a symptom of problems in the
  2. Are also used, including newspaper and chopped cardboard. The amount of, manure ,composted on a livestock farm is often determined by cleaning schedules, land
  3. Forced the monk to die friendless and alone, then threw his body and coins on a, manure ,heap to rot with a curse,“ Take your money with you to perdition ”. Gregory
  4. Accounts, thrown from a second floor window of the palace onto piles of garden, manure , The King was only 26 years old at the time of
  5. Of crop rotation is the replenishment of nitrogen through the use of green, manure ,in sequence with cereals and other crops; (c) Crop rotation can also improve
  6. Water, and some kind of fibrous or organic material (sticks, straw,and/or, manure ,), which the builders shape into bricks using frames and dry in the sun. Adobe
  7. And during the Greco-Roman period they rescued abandoned babies from, manure ,heaps, a common method of infanticide by Greeks or Romans, and were allowed to
  8. Were unable to prescribe a cure. He treated himself with a liniment of cow, manure ,and baking in the sun, believing that this method would remove the fluid. After
  9. Was dumped into the river until laws made the practice illegal. Fertilizer, manure ,and other chemicals and pollutants washed into the river greatly increase the
  10. Manures, when mixed with bedding, possess good qualities for composting. Swine, manure , which is very wet and usually not mixed with bedding material, must be mixed
  11. Bedding material, must be mixed with straw or similar raw materials. Poultry, manure ,also must be blended with carbonaceous materials - those low in nitrogen
  12. Produced by livestock. Nutrient inputs can be chemical inorganic fertilizers, manure , green manure , compost and mined minerals. Crop nutrient use may also be
  13. Germany (Imperial Governors) and their scribe out of a window into a pile of, manure , exacerbating a low-key rebellion into the Bohemian Revolt (1618–1621)
  14. Do not. Yet more land would be freed when chemical fertilizers replaced, manure ,and horse's work was mechanized. A workhorse needs for fodder while even early
  15. Of nitrogen runoff and 70-100 % of phosphorus runoff can be captured from, manure ,effluents using an algal turf scrubber (ATS). Scientists developed the ATS
  16. Or buckwheat (family Polygonaceae),which are often referred to as" green, manure , " Non-leguminous Although by far the majority plants able to form
  17. The mixture includes reinforcement for larger bricks. Reinforcement can include, manure , straw, cement,rebar or wooden posts. Experience has shown straw, cement,or
  18. Straw, cement,rebar or wooden posts. Experience has shown straw, cement,or, manure ,added to a standard adobe mixture can all produce a stronger, more
  19. Be sheared and harvested like sheep wool. Rabbits are very good producers of, manure ,; additionally, their urine, being high in nitrogen, makes lemon trees very
  20. Earthworm humus (vermicompost) is considered by some to be the best organic, manure ,there is. Stability of humus Compost that is readily capable of further
  21. These activities. Agriculture biomass, including agricultural wastes and animal, manure , produce approximately 30 million metric tons of dry material per year that
  22. National population. Most Chadians burn biomass fuels such as wood and animal, manure ,for power. Chad's cities face serious difficulties of municipal infrastructure
  23. Respectively, by an agreement signed in 2002. While agricultural sources (, manure ,and fertilizers) are the primary sources of phosphorus (about 70 %) in the
  24. If population density grows, requiring the input of nutrients (fertilizer or, manure ,) and some manual pest control. Annual cultivation is the next phase of
  25. Agricultural waste materials, such as otherwise unusable parts of plants and, manure , Biogas can also be produced by separating organic materials from waste that
  26. In a closed-loop plant, renewable energy for distillation comes from fermented, manure , produced from cattle that have been fed the DDSG by-products from grain
  27. For feeding ruminant animals. Outside nutrient inputs may be used, however, manure , is returned directly to the grassland as a major nutrient source. This system
  28. Or fertilizers, some growers push growth with fertilizer such as chicken, manure , which can be a source of downstream pollution if not properly managed.
  29. Objects into the Chamber from the galleries—items thrown include leaflets, manure , flour (see Fathers 4 Justice House of Commons protest),and a canister of
  30. A bed or a blanket is a rare luxury... and nearly in all their pig and a, manure ,heap constitute their only property. " The Commissioners concluded that they
  31. Marshes, and landfills (see landfill gas),as well as sewage sludge and, manure ,by way of anaerobic digesters, in addition to enteric fermentation particularly
  32. Crops include pumping water, drying crops, brooding chicks and drying chicken, manure , More recently the technology has been embraced by winters, who use the energy
  33. In 1978,activist Yang Min toff and another dissident threw bags of horse, manure , and in June 1996 demonstrators dropped leaflets. Concern about such attacks
  34. Prisoner, has proven that infection can occur from prions in manure . And since, manure ,is present in many areas surrounding water reservoirs, as well as used on many
  35. Livestock. Nutrient inputs can be chemical inorganic fertilizers, manure ,green, manure , compost and mined minerals. Crop nutrient use may also be managed using
  36. Plant per year besides organic manure s like vermicompost, oil cakes, poultry, manure , and wood ash. Foliar applications are also good for vanilla, and a solution of
  37. Sophia. He paid a $1,000 deposit and was put in charge of shoveling the hill of, manure ,referred to as" the Gold Mine ". He left later that year, though his Brook
  38. And energy balance of biogas production. Anaerobic lagoons produce biogas from, manure , while biogas reactors can be used for manure or plant parts. Like landfill gas
  39. To protect amino acids during their passage through the lumen, the recycling of, manure ,by feeding it back to cattle mixed with feed concentrates, or the partial
  40. By cleaning schedules, land availability, and weather conditions. Each type of, manure ,has its own physical, chemical,and biological characteristics. Cattle and
  41. Rotational grazing, or by spreading either dry or liquid formulations of, manure ,on cropland or pastures. Water management is where rainfall is insufficient or
  42. Takes place where graving under fruit trees keeps the grass short or where, manure ,from pigs is used to feed the fish. Mixed farming exists in many forms
  43. Inputs for crop and livestock production, and the method of utilization of, manure ,produced by livestock. Nutrient inputs can be chemical inorganic fertilizers
  44. The traditional practice of recycling nutrients with crop rotation and animal, manure ,less necessary. Synthetic nitrogen, along with mined rock phosphate, pesticides
  45. A close cousin to adobe, contains proportioned amounts of soil, clay,water, manure , and straw. This is blended, but not formed like adobe. Cob is spread and piled
  46. And vertical. Vertical, also known as worm castings, worm humus or worm, manure , is the end-product of the breakdown of organic matter by species of earthworm.
  47. Winner Stanley Prisoner, has proven that infection can occur from prions in, manure , And since manure is present in many areas surrounding water reservoirs, as
  48. From grain ethanol production. The concentrated compost nutrients from, manure ,are then used to fertilize the soil and grow the next crop of grain to start
  49. Lagoons produce biogas from manure , while biogas reactors can be used for, manure ,or plant parts. Like landfill gas, biogas is mostly methane and carbon dioxide
  50. Manure and bedding On many farms, the basic composting ingredients are, manure ,generated on the farm and bedding. Straw and sawdust are common bedding

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