Examples of the the word, prostitute , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Myrrh has sex with her father, Cinryas, during a festival, disguised as a, prostitute , Incest is mentioned and condemned in Virgil's Aeneid Book VI: HIC thalamus
  2. Per Berglund, Norwegian writer (d. 1943) *1914 – Den ham Forts, American male, prostitute ,and socialite (d. 1948) * 1914 – Carlo Maria Giuliani, Italian musician and
  3. A housewifeand the investigation headed by the witness to the murder, a young, prostitute , and the housewife’s teenaged son. The film was the target of some backlash
  4. Alleged to have been obtained by bribery (1985) * Jeffrey Archer and the, prostitute ,allegations (1986),and his subsequent conviction for perjury (2001) *
  5. Devi, Crowley was practicing sex magic with German Maria von Other, a German, prostitute , Two periods of magical experimentation followed. In June 1916,he began the
  6. Sumerian texts state," Ivanna has sent the beautiful, unmarried,and seductive, prostitute ,Lilith out into the fields and streets in order to lead men astray. " That is
  7. Papillon Soo as The Gang Hooker, an attractive and scantily dressed, prostitute ,who approaches Joker and Rafter man at a street corner during the first scene in
  8. Her own father. Cinemas is repulsed by this, but Myrrh disguises herself as a, prostitute , and secretly sleeps with her father at night. Eventually, Myrrha becomes
  9. Piano once noted Göring wearing a fur coat looking like what" a high grade, prostitute ,wears to the opera. " His personal car—dubbed" The Blue Goose"—was an aviation
  10. Affairs: for example, Geoffrey of York, an illegitimate son of Henry and a, prostitute ,named Kenji, was acknowledged by Henry as his child and raised at Westminster
  11. Stars Mae Clarke as Myra, a chorus girl in World War I London who becomes a, prostitute , It, too, was a critical and popular success. At around this time, Whale and
  12. Very cruel. I mean, he had people tortured, killed. And his wife was a common, prostitute , " When Peron returned from exile in 1973 and regained the Presidency, Borges
  13. For her portrayal. Other storylines included Leanne Batters by becoming a, prostitute ,and the show's first bisexual love triangle (between Michelle Connor, Sonny
  14. Be the son of La'IBM or Itti-Bel, a humble gardener, and possibly a reproduce, prostitute , or priestess to Ishtar or Ivanna. One legend related of Sargon in Assyrian
  15. Reaches you. ” The good people died first. Those who refused to steal or to, prostitute ,themselves died. Those who gave food to others died. Those who refused to eat
  16. Chambermaid who infected Pan gloss with his syphilis, in Venice. She is now a, prostitute , and is spending her time with a monk, Brother Giraffe. Although both appear
  17. A nude painting to display. His uniquely frank depiction of a self-assured, prostitute ,was accepted by the Paris Salon in 1865,where it created a scandal. According
  18. Mancini records that it was rejected because Caravaggio had used a well-known, prostitute ,as his model for the Virgin; Giovanni Tagline, another contemporary, tells us
  19. Young men were charged with sodomy in an incident involving a well-known male, prostitute , The charges were dismissed for lack of evidence, and there is speculation that
  20. That some bowdlerisation had occurred in the translation,e.g. Rehab,the, prostitute ,is translated as seacoast (a hostess or female inn-keeper).
  21. To differentiate for clarity her occupation as a dominatrix rather than a, prostitute ,to the media, due to frequent misunderstanding and conflation by the public of
  22. Love, but in Mahagonny the closest such thing is the love between Jimmy and the, prostitute ,Jenny. Furthermore, when given the choice to pay off Jimmy's debt and save his
  23. A woman's love with power and influence, the residents of Mahagonny pay for a, prostitute , But in Mahagonny, poverty is not just a condition the poor bring upon
  24. Fell in love with Friar Giraffe. *Friar Giraffe: Thea tin friar. In love with, prostitute ,Piquette. *Signor Pococurante: A Venetian noble. Candide and Martin were his
  25. Practice, save for his curious attachment to Helen, typically reputed to be a, prostitute , There is, however,clear evidence in the Testimony of Truth that followers of
  26. 40 million movies if you don't have your star. " He performed that year as gay, prostitute ,Willie O'Keefe in Oliver Stone's JFK. He went on to play a prosecuting
  27. Our feelings ". When Manet's famous Olympia (1865),a portrait of a nude, prostitute , provoked a scandal for its blatant realism mixed with an imitation of
  28. Woman’s decapitated head retrieved in a lake and stories by Wanda, a shantytown, prostitute ,Fellini met on the set of IL Bid one. Pier Paolo Gasoline was hired to translate
  29. Delivered syphilis to Pan gloss. After the slaying by the Bulgarians worked as a, prostitute , Fell in love with Friar Giraffe. *Friar Giraffe: Thea tin friar. In love with
  30. Mothers, ingenues, spurned women, spitfires,slaves,Native Americans, and a, prostitute , As Pickford said of her success at Biography:" I played scrub women and
  31. Unfaithful to Claudius — Tacitus states she went so far as to compete with a, prostitute ,to see who could have the most sexual partners in a night — and manipulated his
  32. Or exiting church, he was attacked suddenly by China Geneva, a former, prostitute ,who had become a disciple of the monk Floor. Floor, who once was a friend
  33. That was the basis of the story. In addition, with the character of the tragic, prostitute , Nancy, Dickens " humanized" such women for the reading public; women who were
  34. Life or social status of Hosea. According to the Book of Hosea, he married the, prostitute ,Homer, the daughter of Disclaim, at God's command. He lived in the Northern
  35. Chorus, in which a supposedly dead husband is having a liaison with a Chinese, prostitute ,in an opium den, while simultaneously his unknowing wife is being remarried in
  36. Parked behind Faulkner, identified Abu-Jamal as the shooter. Cynthia White,a, prostitute , testified that Abu-Jamal emerged from a nearby parking lot and shot Faulkner.
  37. Landon (1914) claims that Babylonian texts depict Lilith as the sacred, prostitute ,of the goddess Ishtar, the Assyrian and Babylonian counterpart to the Sumerian
  38. In September 2010 Beckham announced that he is pressing charges against, prostitute ,Irma Nice and several others over claims in the magazine In Touch that he had
  39. It was rumored at the time that the former Prime Minister had been with a, prostitute , his wife believes it more likely that he was the victim of a practical joke by
  40. With Diana Carpenter (also known as Regina Jackson),a teenage runaway and, prostitute ,that he briefly stayed with. Her claim has not been recognized by the US courts
  41. Other types of scoundrels in the novel: Yankees, Carpetbaggers,Republicans, prostitute ,and overseer. In the early years of the Civil War, Rhett is called a "
  42. Whose history is told in flashbacks: After a traumatic misadventure with a, prostitute ,as a young man, Wilbur turns his back on sex and love, choosing instead to help
  43. An image one has of how one such as oneself (say, a bank manager, lion tamer, prostitute , etc.) acts. This image usually corresponds to some sort of social norm, but
  44. Not mark same-sex relations as" homosexual" if an adult male used a slave or, prostitute , characteristically a youth, as his passive partner (see Homosexuality in
  45. Holstein-Gottorp, Swedish writer (b. 1681) *1738 – Constancia Jones, British, prostitute , ( b. c. 1708) *1767 – John Newberry, English publisher (b. 1713) *1788 –
  46. Inspector and by residents. The following year Same Paul, a woman working as a, prostitute , was abducted from Balsall Heath and murdered. In 1994,local residents began
  47. Affair (1963): Secretary of State for War John Promo had an affair with, prostitute ,Christine Keeper (to whom he had been introduced by pimp and drug-dealer
  48. S novel Crime and Punishment (1866),she mused:" She had become a, prostitute ,in order to support her little brothers and sisters .... Sensitive Sonya could
  49. Gives the address of a woman named Novella Primigenia of Nigeria,a, prostitute , apparently of great beauty, whose services were much in demand. Another shows
  50. Public perception of the killer as she is the first victim who is not a, prostitute , *1978 – Air Canada Flight 189 to Toronto overruns the runway and crashes into

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