Examples of the the word, tribune , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tribune ), is the 5524 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And the imperium—authority over the armies and provinces of the emperor. As, tribune , Marcus had the right to bring one measure before the senate after the four
  2. Claims their motivations were mostly personal. On 24 January 41,the praetorian, tribune ,Cassius Chiara and his men stopped Caligula alone in an underground passage
  3. And the right to veto any act or proposal of any magistrate, including another, tribune ,of the people and the consuls. The tribune also had the power to exercise
  4. May also have been used on occasion by close male relatives of the" patrician, tribune ," Claudius. Tatum argues that the use of -o- by the" chic" Gloria Metallic was
  5. Token administration of the state mint; after that, he could have served as, tribune ,with a legion, becoming the legion's nominal second-in-command. Marcus
  6. Bishop of Carillon; Ildebrandino Cont, bishop of Padua; Cola di Renzo, tribune ,of Rome; Francesco Nellie, priest of the Prior of the Church of the Holy
  7. S assembly limited their powers, and only the veto of a fellow consul or a, tribune ,of the plebs could supersede their decisions. A consul was escorted by twelve
  8. It was later made a colonia in his honor. His first military service was as a, tribune ,of the Legion II Aviatrix. Later, he was to be transferred to the Legion I
  9. And Marcus Licenses Crass us. Its power was limited by one of the laws of the, tribune ,Public Claudius Puncher (58 BC),which prescribed certain regular forms of
  10. The elderly Tiberius Gracchus Major or Tiberius Symphonies Gracchus, who was, tribune ,of the plebs, praetor,consul and censor. Their mother was the Patrician
  11. Triumph of the Will. This huge work was capable of holding 340,000 people. The, tribune ,was influenced by the Bergamo Altar in Anatolia, but was magnified to an
  12. Family briefly in his memoirs. His paternal great-grandfather was a military, tribune ,in Sicily during the Second Punic War. His grandfather had served in several
  13. Provided that he does not select a person who is or has been plebeian, tribune , quarter, triumvir capitalism, military tribune in any of the first four
  14. Constitutional response – to threaten prosecution after Tiberius's term as a, tribune , This necessitated Tiberius to stand for a second term. Force, with several of
  15. Ability to hold a census and determine the Senate's roster. The office of the, tribune ,plebs began to lose its prestige due to Augustus' amassing of tribunal powers
  16. Soldiers. Efforts of Tiberius Gracchus Tiberius was elected to the office of, tribune ,in 133 BC. He immediately began pushing for a program of land reform, partly
  17. Of his armies and provincial command, and then made sure Antony was elected, tribune ,for the next term of office. Antony exercised his tribunician veto, with the
  18. Campaigns. Raised by Caesar's influence to the offices of quarter, augur,and, tribune ,of the plebeians (50 BC),he supported the cause of his patron with great
  19. Peninsula Historical National Park, an 11,000 people capacity portable, tribune ,has been built in the Anzac Cove and Lone Pine Commonwealth War Graves
  20. Of any magistrate, including another tribune of the people and the consuls. The, tribune ,also had the power to exercise capital punishment against any person who
  21. Threw her out of his house in Rome, because she slept with his friend,the, tribune ,Public Cornelius Glabella. This occurred by 47 BC and Antony divorced her. By
  22. Tribune who opposes the will of the people in favor of the rich is not a true, tribune , The senators were left with only one constitutional response – to threaten
  23. Ten years later, in 123 BC, Gaius took the same office as his brother, as a, tribune ,for the plebeians. Gains was more practically minded than Tiberius, and so was
  24. And under Galleries in Mesopotamia (298–99). By late 305,he had become a, tribune ,of the first order, a tribune s ordinal prime. Constantine had returned to
  25. Would have proposed the confirmation of his ACTA had it not been vetoed by a, tribune , Octavian was not present, but at the next meeting made a reply of such a
  26. It would undermine the Republic. In 58 BC, Publius Claudius Puncher,the, tribune ,of the plebs, introduced a law (the Legs Cloacae) threatening exile to
  27. An incursion from the east. On his return to Rome, he was elected military, tribune , a first step in a political career. He was elected quarter for 69 BC, and
  28. To wear the consul's insignia in public and before the Senate, Like his, tribune ,authority, the granting of consular powers to him was another instance of
  29. Collection of powers granted to him for life by the Senate, including those of, tribune ,of the plebs and censor. He was consul until 23 BC. His substantive power
  30. Freed slave receives the bonnet as a symbol of his newfound liberty. The Roman, tribune ,Lucius Apuleius Saturnine incited the slaves to insurrection by displaying a
  31. Antonia (now Szombathely, Hungary ). His father was a senior officer (, tribune ,) in the Imperial Horse Guard, a unit of the Roman army, and was later
  32. Of lampposts along the Stress DES 17. June designed by Speer still stands. The, tribune ,of the Zeppelinfeld stadium in Nuremberg, though partly demolished, may also be
  33. Who is or has been plebeian tribune , quaestor, triumvir capitalism, military, tribune , in any of the first four legions, or triumvir for granting and assigning lands
  34. Mithridates VI of Pontus in the east. Pompey's command was proposed by the, tribune ,Gains Manikins, supported by Caesar and justified by Cicero in pro Leg Manila
  35. Passage leading to a theater. They stabbed him to death. Together with another, tribune , Cornelius Sabin us, he killed Caligula's wife Caledonia and their infant
  36. Whose release from prison at Avignon he secured. After the murder of the, tribune ,in 1354 Alberto pursued his task of restoring the pope's authority by
  37. Died in 9 BC after falling from a horse. Tiberius shared in Augustus ', tribune ,powers, but shortly thereafter, in 6 BC, he went into voluntary exile in Rhodes
  38. There was no precedent within the Roman system for combining the powers of the, tribune ,and the censor into a single position, nor was Augustus ever elected to the
  39. Expelled from the senate with another Caesar adherent, Cassius,who was also a, tribune ,of the plebs. Caesar crossed the river Rubicon upon hearing of these affairs
  40. Subject of his first book, served there three times. Agricola was a military, tribune ,under Suetonius Pauli nus, which almost certainly gave Tacitus an eyewitness
  41. Any you ever heard of earlier ". After the intervention of recently elected, tribune ,Titus Genius Milo, the senate voted in favor of recalling Cicero from exile.
  42. Political career He began his career in Roman public life as a military, tribune , serving in Britain under Gains Suetonius Pauli nus from 58 to 62. He was
  43. For Macedonia. When the assassins – Harris (a centurion) and Populous (a, tribune ,) – arrived,Cicero's own slaves said they had not seen him, but he was given
  44. Up his patrician status through adoption in order to qualify for the office of, tribune ,of the plebs. Claudius positioned himself as a champion of the urban plebs
  45. Conspiracy against Nero with the help of Sirius Flatus and Suspicious Jasper,a, tribune ,and a centurion of the Praetorian Guard.; The First Jewish War of 66–70 In 66
  46. Of Pompey's armies. To prevent this occurrence Caesar bribed the plebeian, tribune ,Curio to use his veto to prevent a senatorial decree which would deprive Caesar
  47. Not always rigidly applied. A more prestigious position was that of a military, tribune , In the early Roman Republic,24 men at the age of around 20 were elected by
  48. With his brothers and friends, most notably Gains Acrimonious Curio (the latter, tribune ,50 BC),with whom he is rumored to have had a homosexual liaison, and whose
  49. 161,giving the keynote to his life in the last word that he uttered when the, tribune ,of the night-watch came to ask the password—"equanimity" ( equanimity). His
  50. To oppose the reforms. Tiberius then appealed to the people, and argued that a, tribune ,who opposes the will of the people in favor of the rich is not a true tribune .

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