Examples of the the word, disturb , in a Sentence Context

The word ( disturb ), is the 5526 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Quickly left, ordering him," Don't bother us,don't cause a panic and don't, disturb ,Comrade Stalin! " This decision to defer calling a doctor for a full 12 hours
  2. And rotational motions, and by collisions between molecules. The moving dipoles, disturb ,the magnetic field but are often extremely rapid so that the average effect
  3. Fireflies produce light by this means, and boats moving through water can, disturb ,plankton which produce a glowing wake. Certain substances produce light when
  4. Are affected by the climate. Microclimates, such as wind or temperature, can, disturb , the use of pheromones; wind would blow the pheromones while they ravel through
  5. Is frequently a seed-dispersal tool that attracts animals to eat or otherwise, disturb ,it, incidentally scattering the seeds it contains (see frugivore). While many
  6. Distributed to the branches of the Ir gun::" ... I call upon you: Let nothing, disturb ,our unity. Listen to the commissioner (Racial),whom I trust, and promise me
  7. Coercing Jews to convert, or to harm them, or to take their property, or to, disturb ,the celebration of their festivals, or to interfere with their cemeteries, on
  8. It functions, and where the consequences of such reality would not, in fact, disturb ,history to such an extent as to make it plainly alternate history. Many
  9. Azure" or" the vast of Heaven. " (adjective used as noun) " without, disturb ,they took alarm ";" the place of her retire. " (verbs used as nouns)
  10. Zones, mid-latitudes,and equatorial regions). There are also mechanisms that, disturb ,the ionosphere and decrease the ionization. There are disturb ances such as
  11. Version, and decree of Darius: Darius finds the decree, directs Attend not to, disturb ,the Jews in their work, and exempts them from tribute and supplies everything
  12. To as" controlled" weight or" rambler" ), enough to displace the jack or, disturb ,other bowls in the head without killing the end. A" block" shot is one that
  13. Certain periods researched. * Prehistoric environmental disturb ances can, disturb ,the deposition process. * The preservation of fossils varies on land, but
  14. Odd for him not to rise at his usual time, they were under strict orders not to, disturb ,him and left him alone the entire day. At around 10 p. m. he was discovered by
  15. Or to places where the jack might be deflected to if the opponent attempts to, disturb ,the head. There are many ways to set up the game. Crown Green Bowling
  16. Nutshell—a secure axiom or a pithy maxim—the very idea is to crack it open and, disturb ,this tranquility. Indeed, that is a good rule of thumb in deconstruction. That
  17. Was allowed. However, no country would be allowed to leave the Warsaw Pact, disturb ,a nation's communist party's monopoly on power, or in any way compromise the
  18. Effects. Mariners had noticed that lightning strikes had the ability to, disturb ,a compass needle, but the link between lightning and electricity was not
  19. As gold, from a sputtering machine; however, this process has the potential to, disturb ,delicate samples. Small, stable specimens such as carbon nanotubes, diatom
  20. S most dangerous enemy. Hannibal's military genius was not enough to really, disturb ,the Roman political process and the collective political and military capacity
  21. Power that such a succession would bring to the Bourbon rulers of France would, disturb ,the delicate balance of power in Europe. Therefore, he claimed the Spanish
  22. Augustus' niece, was a relationship far too embedded within the family to, disturb ,over succession issues. While Dress' marriage to Antonia was considered an
  23. Of chlorobenzylidene mylonitize (tear gas). Even members have been known to, disturb ,proceedings of the House; for instance, in 1976,Conservative MP Michael
  24. Developmental factors that affect many or all functional brain systems, and to, disturb ,the timing of brain development more than the final product. Neuroanatomical
  25. Dipoles, exhibit translational and rotational motions. These moving dipoles, disturb ,the surrounding magnetic field however on long enough time-scales (which may
  26. News" to many in the film industry, who were surprised that it" did not, disturb , offend or mystify. " The same year, Lynch approached ABC once again with ideas
  27. Opinions, including his religious views, provided their manifestation does not, disturb ,the public order established by law. # The free communication of ideas and
  28. Open the fun to the public or to archaeologists, citing their desire not to, disturb ,the spirits of the past emperors as justification for their refusal. But in
  29. Of conduct remains the mortification of all affections which may in any way, disturb ,the soul in its career. As Barack says, the lofty ethical-religious ideal of
  30. Total picture, that Phase script's role was quite limited ... Nothing would, disturb ,me more, after this study is published, than to discover in a work on the
  31. That he not be harmed. The last words attributed to Archimedes are" Do not, disturb ,my circles" (),a reference to the circles in the mathematical drawing that
  32. Temperature drying in a kiln. The temperature change is gradual so as not to, disturb ,or damage the enzymes in the grain. When kilning is complete, there is a
  33. And a population whose perihelia are close enough that Neptune can still, disturb ,them as it travels around the Sun (the scattered disc). Because the scattered
  34. This sultanate fireman is under my protection. And I command that: No one shall, disturb ,or give harm to these people and their churches! They shall live in peace in my
  35. That contractors performing renovation, repair,and painting projects that, disturb ,more than six square feet of paint in homes, child care facilities, and schools
  36. Cases violent elements to his films have earned them the reputation that they ", disturb , offend or mystify" their audiences. Born to a middle class family in Missoula
  37. Stronger it becomes; and the revolutionary government's interest and aim is to, disturb ,all the other governments of Europe. Burke, as a Whig, did not wish to see an
  38. Is so large as to result in a symbol being misinterpreted as another symbol or, disturb ,the sequence of symbols. It is therefore generally possible to have an entirely
  39. Nor, having transgressed their own proper limits, to be busy with and to, disturb ,those matters which belong to faith. Because the Roman Catholic Church does not
  40. Hypnotic drugs are habit-forming and, due to many factors known to, disturb ,the human sleep pattern, a physician may instead recommend alternative sleeping
  41. Years before. Enamor attends the small private ceremony and vows no one will, disturb ,the site. Stark receives a letter containing Rogers' final requests: Stark
  42. Building by institutions of the Federal Republic of Germany and tried to, disturb ,the sittings by flying supersonic jets close to the building. Since 1999,the
  43. To have loved cats so much that" he would do without his cloak rather than, disturb ,one that was sleeping on it ". Freya—the goddess of love, beauty,and
  44. individual's will should be independent and inviolate. Allowing a person to, disturb ,the mental equilibrium is in essence offering yourself in slavery. If a person
  45. Of admirers; in old French, the claque was a group of people paid to applaud or, disturb ,a piece at the theater; in modern French, it means" a slap ";" clique" is
  46. Close alliance with the kings of Ireland and Scotland that no one ventured to, disturb ,the Isles during his time (1113–1152). In 1156,his son, Godred (reigned
  47. Might consider insulting to his religion or which for whatever reason might, disturb ,public tranquility. Under article 19 (2) of the constitution of India certain
  48. Chromatic difference of aberration of the axis point, which is still present to, disturb ,the image, after par-axial rays of different colors are united by an
  49. That the gardener considers undesirable. It may crowd out desirable plants, disturb ,soil, eat young seedlings, steal fruit, or otherwise kill plants, hamper their
  50. Of the listeners would from time to time drop to the floor, but this did not, disturb ,the lecture ". Planck did not establish an actual" school "; the number of his

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