Examples of the the word, tribe , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tribe ), is the 3892 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Power in the west. Alaric was well-born, his father kindred to the Baltic,a, tribe ,competing with the Mali among Gothic fighters. He belonged to the western
  2. Battle Abner switched to the side of David and granted him control over the, tribe ,of Benjamin. This act put Abner in David's favor. The real reason that Job
  3. From there. He met a friend of his named Ad-Dughna (chief of the Sarah, tribe ,) outside Mecca, who invited Abu Bakr to seek his protection against the
  4. Football Goalkeeper. *Martin Alfonso, formerly Arabia, leader of the Timing, tribe ,in Brazil in the 16th century. *Cardinal Alfonso of Portugal, son of Manuel I of
  5. Variants Albania, Arbanitia. The name may be derived from the Syrian, tribe ,of the Albania recorded by Ptolemy, the geographer and astronomer from
  6. Than Abu Quaff, was still alive, he came to be recognized as chief of his, tribe , Abu Bakr was assigned the office of awarding blood money in cases of murder.
  7. Colonists. History Etymology The Alabama (people),a Muskogean-speaking, tribe ,whose members lived just below the confluence of the Coos and Tallapoosa
  8. A vast town, the site of which is now occupied by a village inhabited by a, tribe ,of Persians called Afghans. They hold mountains and defiles and possess
  9. Tribe. Other centers were Sessions,today's Balthasar, for the Traci, tribe , and Stadium, to the east of Ankara, for the Tolstibogii tribe . The city was
  10. Have originated from the Choctaw language and was later adopted by the Alabama, tribe ,as their name. The spelling of the word varies significantly between sources.
  11. Some time in 573 CE, to a rich family in the Band Tamil clan of the Quraish, tribe , Abu Bakr's father's name was Than Abu Quaff (nicknamed Abu Quaff) and
  12. First inhabitants are thought to have been Caution Amerinds from the Arawak, tribe , who migrated there from Venezuela to escape attacks by the Caribs. Fragments
  13. Chapter 42 we read of the Hereunder,a, tribe ,certainly located in the region that later became Thuringia. Tacitus stated
  14. Was delivered by Abu Bakr. In a fit of fury the young men of the Quraish, tribe ,rushed at Abu Bakr, and beat him mercilessly till he lost consciousness.
  15. In the 1970s include Pierre Classes, who explains in his books on the Guarani, tribe ,in Paraguay that" primitive societies" actively oppose the institution of the
  16. Smote the people (Deuteronomy 9:20,Exodus 32:35),although it was to Aaron’s, tribe ,of Levi that the work of punitive vengeance was committed (Exodus 32:26).
  17. Alexander then advanced for three days on to the Danube, encountering the Getafe, tribe ,on the opposite shore. Surprising the Getafe by crossing the river at night, he
  18. He was worshiped at Athens, where he had a statue in the market-place, and the, tribe ,Giants was named after him. Ananias also relates that a gigantic skeleton
  19. Ripe almonds (Numbers 17:8). The miracle proved merely the prerogative of the, tribe ,of Levi; but now a formal distinction was made in perpetuity between the family
  20. Be analyzed as a combination of (ashes) " grief" and (Laos) " a people, tribe , nation, etc." In other words, Achilles is an embodiment of the grief of the
  21. They also raised Brodiaeeae to family rank as Themidaceae. They reduced the, tribe ,Allied to two genera, Allium and Mill, and transferred the rest of Allied
  22. Attributed by the ancient Greeks to Homer) mentions two Phrygia (the, tribe ,that replaced the Luciano in Lydia) in the Trojan War named Adios (an
  23. Prevent their race from dying out, they visited the Barbarians, a neighboring, tribe , The male children who were the result of these visits were either killed, sent
  24. Beliefs would have been defended by his own clan, but not by the entire Quraish, tribe , Migrations to Abyssinia,615 Being the first man to go over to Islam, Abu Bakr
  25. Bhilai governor of the Kandahar Province. Shah Hussain commanded a powerful, tribe ,of Pashtun fighters, having conquered the eastern part of Persia in 1722 with
  26. Lydians say it was named after Ashes, son of Cots, who passed the name on to a, tribe ,at Saris. In Greek mythology," Asia" ( Ἀσία) or" Asia" ( Ἀσίη) was the
  27. Was, together with Catullus, prince of the Euronews, leader of a Begin, tribe ,of north-eastern Gaul (Gallic Belgian),where modern Belgium is located. In
  28. Astonishment that such a" manly weapon" should have been invented by a ", tribe ,of women ", but he accepts the attribution out of respect for his authority
  29. Is a French pronunciation (" Arkansas" ) of a Qua paw (a related" Law ", tribe ,) word" analyze" meaning" land of downriver people" or the Sioux word "
  30. To U. S. courts. The 1825 treaty between the United States and the Cheyenne, tribe ,refers to American citizen. The Treaty of Paris ending the Spanish-American War
  31. In the upper Main because he was not declaring war on any specific historic, tribe , such as the Chatty or Cherubic, against whom Rome had suffered grievous losses
  32. To a particular language group or to a sociopolitical entity such as a, tribe , When making use of modern cultural divisions in the American Southwest, it is
  33. Dyes The flowers of the 'Hopi Red Dye' amaranth were used by the Hopi (a, tribe ,in the western United States) as the source of a deep red dye. There is also a
  34. From such people as Emir Abdelkader, Cheikh Moran, Cheikh Bahama,the, tribe ,of Ruled Sid Sheikh, Ahmed Bey and Fatwa N'Sourer. Indeed, the conquest did not
  35. Ibn Abu Bakr: :Wife: Habitat bit Khadijah in AYD in Abi Zohar (from the, tribe ,of Band al-Hakim in al-Khazraj::: Daughter: Umm Thulium bit Abu Bakr. During
  36. Ankara one of their main tribal centers, the headquarters of the Rectorates, tribe , Other centers were Sessions,today's Balthasar, for the Traci tribe , and
  37. Origins in efforts of the Sahara of the Awdaghust area, especially the Lam tuna, tribe , to defeat the influence of the Ghana Empire in the area. Almoravid's unity also
  38. Nymph ## CEOs, eponym of the island CEOs # Rho dope ## Icon, eponym of the, tribe ,Ci cones #Sinope ## Cyrus # Stile ## Centaurus ## Lathes ## Lines # Sells /
  39. Other hand the Sue bi of the upper Danube are described as though they were a, tribe , The solution to the puzzle as well as explaining the historical circumstances
  40. Where the Goths' women successfully fended off a raid by a neighboring, tribe , while the menfolk were off campaigning against Pharaoh Meiosis, the women
  41. Derives from the same root as the name for the State of Franklin. The Franklin, tribe ,of Native Americans are closely associated with the Sioux tribe s of the Great
  42. And condescension, for their high regard for personal honor, for their, tribe ,loyalty and for their readiness to use force to settle disputes. As tribal
  43. De Orellana reached the Amazon River (Amazonas in Spanish),naming it after a, tribe ,of warlike women he claimed having encountered and fought there. Afterwards the
  44. Information was also used to support the claim that the Lemma (a sub-Saharan, tribe ,) are in fact descended from a group of Jewish priests. The Cohen Modal
  45. Somewhat closely related to Welsh and Gaelic. Ankara was the center of a, tribe ,known as the Rectorates, and Augustus upgraded it into a major provincial
  46. State gave it its name, which is probably a phonetic spelling of the Illinois, tribe ,'s name for the Qua paw people, who lived downriver from them. Other Native
  47. For the Traci tribe , and Stadium, to the east of Ankara, for the Tolstibogii, tribe , The city was then known as Ankara. The Celtic element was probably relatively
  48. Vengeance was committed (Exodus 32:26). Priesthood At the time when the, tribe ,of Levi was set apart for the priestly service, Aaron was anointed and
  49. Athens, where he became a citizen, being enrolled in the demo Ion () and the, tribe ,Leon tides. It is thought he lived to the age of 106 and died on the stage while
  50. Shah favored Abdul not only because he came from a well respected family or, tribe ,but also due to his handsome features as well as both being Khorasanians. Ahmad

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