Examples of the the word, dish , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dish ), is the 3896 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In some American Chinese dish es such as the" beef and tomato ". Hence, if a, dish ,contains significant amounts of these ingredients, it has most likely
  2. With service pistol shooting. Bubble and squeak is a traditional English, dish ,made with the shallow-fried leftover vegetables from a roast dinner. The main
  3. Consisting of little more than the natural juices of the vegetables in the, dish , Typical ingredients include tomatoes, potatoes,onions, garlic,peppers
  4. And the list is certainly never-ending. It is quite common to eat and enjoy a, dish ,known as Cabrini all Astor (roast kid or goat) in the province of Córdoba.
  5. Properly to be tender due to its lower fat and higher muscle content. This, dish ,usually does not appear on the English-language menu. DAU Mid () is a Chinese
  6. State, it is called முளைக்கீரை and is regularly consumed as a favorite, dish , where the greens are steamed, and mashed, with light seasoning of salt, red
  7. Play an important role in Antigua cuisine. For example, a popular Antigua, dish , Duenna (DOO-koo-NAH) is a sweet, steamed dumpling made from grated sweet
  8. Properties. As chives are usually served in small amounts and never as the main, dish , negative effects are rarely encountered, although digestive problems may occur
  9. Be understood in parts of the United States. Bubble and squeak was a popular, dish ,during World War II, as it was an easy way of using leftovers during a period
  10. Of starch with fat or water can, when gently heated, provide thickening to the, dish ,being cooked. In European cooking, a mixture of butter and flour called a roux
  11. Music of the British Virgin Islands is called fungi after the local cornmeal, dish ,with the same name, often made with okra. The special sound of fungi is due to
  12. SCN continues to keep time even if it is excised from the brain and placed in a, dish ,of warm nutrient solution, but it ordinarily receives input from the optic
  13. Food Give Food appeal by adding £1 to the bill or adding 50p to a designated, dish , Other restaurants, such as Carpaccio’s, support the appeal year-round;
  14. Peppers and olives with olive oil, vinegar and salt. Lunch also includes a main, dish ,of vegetables and meat. Seafood specialties are also common in the coastal
  15. Or informal. Informal suppers typically include haggis (a traditional Scottish, dish ,), Scotch whiskey and the recitation of Burns' poetry. Formal dinners are
  16. Of the original nucleus. # Therapeutic cloning. The egg is placed into a Petra, dish ,where it develops into embryonic stem cells, which have shown potentials for
  17. As well as the ants themselves may be used in a Thai salad, yum (ยำ),in a, dish ,called yum Khan mod Deng (ยำไข่มดแดง) or red ant egg salad, a dish that
  18. Spaghetti shaped noodles are pan fried with vegetables and meat. Sometimes this, dish ,is referred to as" chow man" ( which literally means" fried noodles" in
  19. In on the other fighter, ignoring whatever punishment he took for the chance to, dish ,out his own at close range, particularly in the form of a crunching body attack
  20. Who slaughter; those who sell meat; those who purchase meat; those who prepare, dish ,out of it; those who serve that meat and those who eat are all murderers.
  21. John To rode, in 2007 purchased Seiners in Perranporth. One famous local fish, dish ,is Stargaze pie, a fish-based pie in which the heads of the fish stick through
  22. Boiled and eaten with curry, or made into a batter for use in a crepe-like, dish ,called ATT (petawatt is made of a mixture of this batter and mung beans) or
  23. Parts of the world. The eggs of two species of ants are the basis for the, dish ,in Mexico known as escaroles. They are considered a form of insect caviar and
  24. Valencian Catalan, via Old French pale, ultimately from Latin patella (small, dish ,). STS-51-F (also known as Space lab 2) was the
  25. Biryani, fish curry, brinjal curry, and Longer Machado the most popular, dish ,of Andhra Pradesh. An Andhra dish is recognized with the dish being listed in
  26. The most popular dish of Andhra Pradesh. An Andhra dish is recognized with the, dish ,being listed in the menu. The coastal region is even more well versed with the
  27. Tower. To receive this type of Internet connection, consumers mount a small, dish ,to the roof of their home or office and point it to the transmitter. Line of
  28. Venison and fried PACA (called Giant in Krill). Conch soup is a traditional, dish ,which has a characteristic taste and thick consistency due to added okra
  29. Pronounce /व/ as in rat ('व्रत ', fast ) but in Taiwan ('पकवान ', food, dish , ),treating them as a single phoneme and without being aware of the allophone
  30. Other time. Cornwall is perhaps best known though for its pasties, a savory, dish ,made with pastry. Today's pasties usually contain a filling of beef steak
  31. Curry, and Longer Machado the most popular dish of Andhra Pradesh. An Andhra, dish ,is recognized with the dish being listed in the menu. The coastal region is
  32. A large, one-course,evening meal is common throughout the country. A typical, dish ,is based on coco yams, maize,cassava (manioc),millet, plantains,potatoes
  33. Sandwiches (" smørrebrød" ) – the traditional and best known Danish lunch, dish ,; however, most restaurants serve international dish es. Another local specialty
  34. Tamales. JPG|Tamil. File: Bandies. PNG|Banded Pies Typical Mountain, dish , File: Area de quest by slander. PNG|Cheese Area. Colombia's cuisine
  35. Usenet's newsgroups in large volumes at a reasonable fee. By connecting a small, dish ,& receiver, a constant downstream of thousands of Fishnet and Usenet newsgroups
  36. Stands as the main course is brought in. This is always a haggis on a large, dish , It is usually brought in by the cook, generally while a piper plays bagpipes
  37. The non-vegetarian dish es. Biryani is perhaps the most distinctive and popular, dish ,of Hyderabad cuisine. Dance Classical dance in Andhra can be performed by both
  38. Pepperpot soup. In Greece, green amaranth (Amaranths irides) is a popular, dish ,and is called vita or fleet. It's boiled, then served with olive oil and
  39. And other ailments. Eggs and ambergris was reportedly Charles II's favorite, dish , In the film Sweeney Todd, Beadle Basford refers to his cologne as having" a
  40. Salted, fermented abalone entrails are the main component of torture, a local, dish ,from Honshu. Torture is mainly enjoyed with sake. In California, abalone meat
  41. Of a popular Northern Chinese dish . * King PAO chicken — The authentic Sichuan, dish ,is quite spicy, and the Westernized versions tend to be less so if at all. * Lo
  42. Asado (the Argentine barbecue) it is hard to think of any other type of, dish ,that more genuinely matches the national identity. Nevertheless, the country's
  43. In a dish called yum Khan mod Deng (ยำไข่มดแดง) or red ant egg salad,a, dish ,that comes from the Nissan or north-eastern region of Thailand. Saville-Kent, in
  44. Denomination must be cured. Plato alpujarreño is another mountain specialty,a, dish ,combining ham, sausage,sometimes other pork, egg,potatoes, and olive oil.
  45. Regional differences. Examples are Bajada, considered the country's national, dish ,; and regional foods such as catalpa, moqueca, polenta and carafe. Brazil has a
  46. Version uses vegetables more familiar to Americans and thicker pancakes. This, dish ,is quite popular in Chinese restaurants in the United States, but not so
  47. Tribes, in particular, those of the Matches and the Araucanía. A typical, dish ,prepared by the latter is the curator (a term meaning" hot stone" ). Its
  48. Often made with thicker dough than the authentic version. *Beijing beef — This, dish ,exists in native Chinese form, but using Gaiman (Chinese broccoli) rather
  49. In wok mixed with a sweet sauce, a variation of a popular Northern Chinese, dish , * King PAO chicken — The authentic Sichuan dish is quite spicy, and the
  50. It is used to make balls of paste that are dipped in sauces. In the north this, dish ,is known as Alysha; in the south, as BIA. Fish is popular, which is generally

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