Examples of the the word, flaw , in a Sentence Context

The word ( flaw ), is the 3895 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In a form by an inch, and Six Companies engineers would not have permitted a, flaw ,caused by the presence of a human body. A total of concrete was used in the
  2. Proof stood unchallenged for 11 years. In 1890,in addition to exposing the, flaw ,in Kempe's proof, Heawood proved the five color theorem and generalized the
  3. Done. While some assert the lack of broad adoption was due to an inherent, flaw , others insist they were only intended for his observance. While it is possible
  4. A part of every human's psyche. HAL's psyche was fully human, so he had the, flaw ,too. He entered a state of internal conflict, without knowing the source, when
  5. Or nearly equal hash values. Note that continuity is usually considered a fatal, flaw ,for checksums, cryptographic hash functions, and other related concepts.
  6. The incident, the system provider had failed to react to proof of the security, flaw ,provided by the CCC, claiming to the public that their system was safe.
  7. When the game came to North America by Mike Newell, they had a significant, flaw ,which was corrected by custom elsewhere, but by the invention of the snap in
  8. 1 (2 (3 (4 (5) )) )). There are several schemes for overcoming this, flaw ,with simple binary trees; the most common is the self-balancing binary search
  9. Said by more critical scholars to be the result of quarrying against a natural, flaw ,in the rock. The Stone of Anointing Just inside the entrance is The Stone of
  10. Encircling the troops there. But the British operational plan had one major, flaw , When XXX corps reached the area of ABR Salish, it was assumed that the Africa
  11. Design with a very low-cost internal flex circuit system. Another major, flaw ,of the controllers was that the design did not translate into a linear
  12. Form of artistic genius. Judeo-Christian literature positioned blindness as a, flaw ,; only through a cure could God’s love be made manifest, when the scales would
  13. Efficient first cause, a notion that Aristotle took to demonstrate a critical, flaw ,in their reasoning. However, a non-eternal cosmos, with both a beginning and an
  14. An act of hubris. Hubris against the gods is often attributed as a character, flaw ,of the heroes in Greek tragedy, and the cause of the" nemesis ", or
  15. Something to someone who is only meeting the conditions through a defect, flaw , or failure, compared with someone else who is not meeting the conditions. ".
  16. For reconnaissance instead. Its small 37 mm gun and light armor was seen as a, flaw , but was produced in such a large volume and, coupled with its off-road
  17. A wireless version of the console that was never released because of a design, flaw , The company also built a sleeker version of the machine dubbed the Atari 2800
  18. Before the operating system is booted. The proof-of-concept does not exploit a, flaw ,in the BIOS implementation, but only involves the normal BIOS flashing
  19. This form benefits from being more open-minded while countering a possible, flaw ,that some may present. Exemplification An exemplification essay is
  20. Inventor Claude Shannon to develop a similar code. Huffman avoided the major, flaw ,of the suboptimal Shannon-Fano coding by building the tree from the bottom up
  21. Terms of fundamental sexual orientation, not as lifestyle choice or character, flaw , The term refers simply to a person who is attracted to persons of the same
  22. Would have finished third that year behind the Reds and the Dodgers. This, flaw ,allowed Houston its chance in the post season. The Actors had planned to win
  23. Exogenous and unexplained technological progress, thereby overcoming the major, flaw ,of the Slow Theory of economic growth. A fourth factor? As mentioned, recent
  24. Constantly changing software. Disadvantages The expert system has a major, flaw ,which explains its low success, although the principle has existed for 70 years:
  25. Cultures, however,this theory may break down under the uniformity of motive, flaw ,: all it takes is a single culture or civilization to decide to act contrary to
  26. Love. *Tragedy: a drama in which a character's downfall is caused by a, flaw ,in their character or by a major error in judgment. *Drama thriller: a type of
  27. Assembled (no" glop-top" chips). Unfortunately the system's fatal, flaw ,was its screen. Even by the standards of the day, its screen was rather
  28. Or political responsibility for remedying whatever institutional or societal, flaw ,might be the actual source of the dissonance. Likewise, Roger Cohen, in an
  29. Years. However, the collapse of the Near Eastern trading system pointed to a, flaw ,: in an era where there was no place that was safe to store value, the value of
  30. Great and Olson also mention, however,while all feminists agree there is a, flaw ,in the system, there is disagreement over how far outside the Bible and the
  31. Possibility of a Utopia. While this novel portrays corrupt leadership as the, flaw ,in revolution (and not the act of revolution itself),it also shows how
  32. Freedom beat: Across the wilderness.: America! America!: God mend thine eV'Ry, flaw ,: Confirm thy soul in self-control, : Thy liberty in law.: O beautiful for
  33. Severe, but still annoying defects included a buggy PART. The memory controller, flaw ,could have been mitigated by a mature code-development environment, to unburden
  34. Where Georgian additions were added to earlier structures, was deeply felt as a, flaw , Regularity of housefronts along a street was a desirable feature of Georgian
  35. Platforms. In addition, the Jaguar's underlying hardware was crippled by a, flaw ,in the CPU's memory controller, which prevented code execution out of system
  36. Sort them by size. While directing The Outlaw, Hughes became fixated on a minor, flaw ,in one of Jane Russell's blouses, claiming that the fabric bunched up along a
  37. HO (an oxygen atom is actually 16 times heavier than a hydrogen atom). The, flaw ,in Dalton's theory was corrected in 1811 by Amadeo Avogadro. Avogadro had
  38. Scion of wealthy Louisiana landowners, a gambler, and politician. There was a, flaw ,in Bernard's version of the game in which players could exploit the casino
  39. His stewardship of the house God, the administrator need to be a man who has no, flaw ,in him, who is not perverse, not bad-tempered, not given to wine, not a brawler
  40. Division of federal and provincial powers or by citing some other technical, flaw ,that had little to do with the concept of civil rights and liberties. Even the
  41. Code-named P67 and P68) which were marketed as the Pentium 4. Pentium, flaw ,In June 1994,Intel engineers discovered a flaw in the floating-point math
  42. Catullus, for example, allows an elision across the caesura in 18 cases, a rare, flaw ,in the later poets (Ovid, for example, never does this). **The pentameter
  43. As a minor flaw of Algorithm I, it is easy to find data that reveal a major, flaw ,in the naive algorithm: Take the sample to be (109 + 4,109 + 7,109 + 13,109
  44. Pools and Rose. The paper they authored indicated what seemed to be a, flaw ,in the interpretation. The experiment involved two systems that initially
  45. The scope of the programmer who made them, that programmer will not notice the, flaw , There is a large chance that this bug will appear when the system is in
  46. Of 30. While this loss of precision may be tolerable and viewed as a minor, flaw ,of Algorithm I, it is easy to find data that reveal a major flaw in the naive
  47. The world while remaining seated. Although this was regarded as a character, flaw ,in older academic research, his delaying tactics are now viewed as a means of
  48. Aroused considerable controversy. In the early 1980s,rumors spread of a, flaw ,in the Appel-Haken proof. Ulrich Schmidt at RWTH Aachen examined Appeal and
  49. Observed). Criticism of Western science may label this kind of dualism as a, flaw ,in the nature of science itself. In part, this has something to do with
  50. Capabilities of the Unreal Engine used to design the game. This was not a fatal, flaw ,however, as the review goes on to say" overall Deus Ex certainly looks better

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