Examples of the the word, drill , in a Sentence Context

The word ( drill ), is the 3897 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the laboratory, biostratigraphers analyze rock samples from outcrop and, drill ,cores for the fossils found in them. These fossils help scientists to date the
  2. In the Falklands waters during the fourth quarter of 2011 and is expected to, drill ,two exploratory wells during the following nine months. Philately and
  3. Cadet Powell joined the Pershing Rifles, the ROTC fraternal organization and, drill ,team begun by General John Pershing. Even after he had become a General, Powell
  4. Acquaintance in French, English and German, and a certain amount of military, drill , Rise to power Alexander became heir apparent with the sudden death of his
  5. In about 450 m of water. The wells will be arranged in clusters of 6 wells per, drill ,center. The two water injection well clusters will be 3.0 km from the four oil
  6. Known as the Moncton Rule),used for the tournament and based on a practice, drill ,his team used, had the first four rocks in play unable to be removed no matter
  7. And they followed him without question. Washington learned to organize, train, drill , and discipline his companies and regiments. From his observations, readings
  8. He is credited with inventing carpentry" and with it the saw, axe,plumb-line, drill , glue, and isinglass ". Ananias, in travelling around Greece, attributed to
  9. His office during his lunch hour did the same when he found Danny using his, drill ,to create designs in the office woodwork. He learned his trade in his teenage
  10. Made in the 16th century formed the groundwork of numerous books on, drill ,and tactics. Moreover, his works, with those of Xenophon, Polybius,Asunder
  11. Appraisal program of the Sea-Lion discovery. An update of the first appraisal, drill ,was released on Monday 21 March 2011 indicating a significant reservoir package
  12. Device, joint development of the light bulb, steam locomotives, the modern seed, drill ,and many modern techniques and technologies used in precision engineering.
  13. Of Algeria throughout World War I, although increasingly replaced by khaki, drill , The pre-1914 blue and red uniforms could still be occasionally seen as
  14. With an emphasis on conversation and questioning rather than lecturing and, drill , which were prevalent in the U. S. classrooms of the time. Alongside writing
  15. Flared up in June 2000 in response to an effort by a Canadian company to, drill ,for oil under a Guyanese concession. Guyana regards its legal title to all of
  16. Genesis Rock ". Once back at the landing site, Scott continued to attempt to, drill ,holes for an experiment at the ALSOP site, which he had struggled with the
  17. Of a cannon. At the age of 6,he was given his own regiment of children to, drill ,as cadets, and a year later, he was given a miniature arsenal. Fritz was beaten
  18. In a drill for instance, one shaft is driven by a motor and the other drives a, drill ,chuck. The clutch connects the two shafts so that they may be locked together
  19. Was posted to the Territorial 49th Division, eschewing the usual amounts of, drill ,for tactical training. He returned to the 1st Royal Warwick shires in 1925 as a
  20. Human nature, a progressivist teacher desires to provide not just reading and, drill , but also real-world experiences and activities that center on the real life of
  21. Date 106 has been assigned to it. It is a handbook of Greek,i.e. Macedonian, drill ,and tactics as practiced by the Hellenistic successors of Alexander the Great.
  22. Video games requiring spatial skills and hand dexterity and then performed a, drill ,testing these skills were significantly faster at their first attempt and
  23. Is used in oil exploration drill ing to identify very small amounts of oil in, drill ,cuttings and core samples. Organic liquids such anthracene in
  24. Shaft (the driven member) provides output power for work to be done. In a, drill ,for instance, one shaft is driven by a motor and the other drives a drill chuck
  25. Ad ribbed much of his dialogue in the film. Erma had also portrayed a Marine, drill ,instructor in the similarly bifurcated Vietnam film, The Boys in Company C. *
  26. In Jed Clampett's swamp land and paying him a fortune to acquire the rights to, drill ,on his land. Patriarch Jed moves with his family into a mansion next door to
  27. Until stocks were used up about 1919. During the early 1920s plain khaki, drill ,uniforms of a standard pattern became universal issue for the foreign legion
  28. 202 BC–220 AD),while crossbowmen described in the Qin and Han Dynasty learned, drill ,formations, some were even mounted as cavalry units, and Han Dynasty writers
  29. Piston pump, blast furnace and cast iron, the iron plow, the multi-tube seed, drill , the suspension bridge, natural gas as fuel, the differential gear for the
  30. To transform them into Marines. R. Lee Erma actually served as a US Marine, drill ,instructor during the Vietnam War. Based on this experience, he ad ribbed much
  31. His rifle with live ammunition. Joker attempts to calm Pyle, who executes, drill ,commands and recites the Rifleman's Creed. The noise awakens the entire
  32. From human evolutionary past and includes as well a phenomenon of military, drill ,which is also based on shared rhythmic and monotonous group activity. Dance has
  33. On the art of war, and in the fullness of his technical details in matters of, drill , He also gives a brief account of the constitution of a Roman army at that time
  34. J. W. Pearce established two camps—a recruiting camp in Newton County and a, drill ,camp at Tangipahoa—just beyond the State boundary line in Louisiana in the fall
  35. Keys of the (shared) conformed dimensions of each fact participating in the ", drill ,across" followed by a join on the keys of these grouped (summarized) facts.
  36. Island for recruit training. After having their heads shaved, they meet their, drill ,instructor, Gunnery Sergeant Hartman (R. Lee Erma). Hartman is determined
  37. A concept, rather than a location. For example, opening with a martial art, drill ,visually establishes the theme of martial arts. A shot of rain falling could be
  38. For hot weather wear such as collarless key blouses in Tonkin 1884–85,khaki, drill ,jackets in Dahomey (1892) and drab covered topees worn with all-white fatigue
  39. In the Peninsular War. These included a strong sense of discipline through, drill ,and order, the use of diplomacy to gain allies, and the vital necessity for a
  40. Fluids. The function of cesium format as a drill ing fluid is to lubricate, drill ,bits, to bring rock cuttings to the surface, and to maintain pressure on the
  41. R. Lee Erma as Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: the archetypal Paris Island, drill ,instructor who trains his recruits to transform them into Marines. R. Lee Erma
  42. Adopted khaki with steel helmets, from early 1916. A mustard shade of khaki, drill ,had been worn on active service in Morocco from 1909,replacing the classic
  43. He had become a General, Powell kept on his desk a pen set he had won for a, drill ,team competition. Upon graduation, he received a commission as an Army second
  44. Diesel compression braking system, eventually to be manufactured by Jacobs (of, drill ,chuck fame) and nicknamed the" Jake Brake ", was invented and patented by
  45. To gauge heat work during the firing of ceramic materials *Roller cone bit,a, drill ,a bit used for drill ing through rock, for example when drill ing for oil and gas
  46. Stratigraphic sections that can be returned from the field, such as those from, drill ,cores. Geophysical data and well logs can be combined to produce a better view
  47. For their small size, can find an industrial use. Diamonds are embedded in, drill ,tips or saw blades, or ground into a powder for use in grinding and polishing
  48. Execute a wide flanking move—near impossible to perform given the standard of, drill ,at the time—to engage Oxford's men. At this juncture Henry rode off towards
  49. Diamonds. Common industrial adaptations of this ability include diamond-tipped, drill ,bits and saws, and the use of diamond powder as an abrasive. Less expensive
  50. Vines were used as a flammable wood, where they were placed beneath a, drill ,made of harder wood, resulting in fire. Further evidence of ritual making of

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