Examples of the the word, trees , in a Sentence Context

The word ( trees ), is the 9392 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Attractive Nonpareil tree, resulting in hybridized varieties of almond, trees ,that are self-pollinated and maintain a high quality of nut. The new
  2. 10 % to 50 % higher than nearby forested areas because snow does not cover the, trees ,as readily. Deciduous trees have an albedo value of about 0.15 to 0.18 while
  3. Growths in the north and Southern White Cedar in the southwest. Other native, trees ,include ash, hackberry, and holly. In the Gulf Region of the state grow various
  4. Even to. This region is not always marked by the presence of the characteristic, trees , Human interference has nearly exterminated them in many areas, and,except for
  5. Mountainous and flat, with fast flowing rivers and few forests but with many, trees , The climate is highland continental: hot summers and cold winters. The land
  6. JPG|Bird nests built by Saudi in the terrace walls. The walls imitate the, trees ,planted on them. Image: GuellTerraceSeperate. JPG|An uninterrupted view of the
  7. New irrigation canals and new wells, aqueducts,desalination plants, planting, trees , for shade in the desert, hydroponics,fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer
  8. Tree, amber resin also originally flowed into hollow cavities or cracks within, trees , thereby leading to the development of large lumps of amber of irregular form.
  9. Eastern and Southern Africa. These are the areas of land covered with stunted, trees ,or shrubs. The Adolf hides in a burrow during the day and comes out at night
  10. Localized climate cooling (ignoring the lost evaporative cooling effect of, trees ,). Cloud feedbacks further complicate the issue. In seasonally snow-covered
  11. Cosmopolite, and includes mostly herbaceous species, although a few, trees ,(such as some members of the genus Liberia) and shrubs are also present. The
  12. On June 1 and optimistically named it" Fruit lands" despite only ten old apple, trees ,on the property. In order to achieve this, they removed themselves from the
  13. And, except for the beech forests of the Austrian Alps, forests of deciduous, trees ,are rarely found. In many districts where such woods once existed, they have
  14. But the northern slopes contain dense growths of both deciduous and evergreen, trees , The higher slopes facing northwest tend to be densely forested. The coast is
  15. Developed a new line of self-pollinating almond trees . Self-pollinating almond, trees , such as the Too almond tree, have been around for a while, but their harvest
  16. Risk of heatstroke than those who wear lighter-color clothes. Trees Because, trees ,tend to have a low albedo, removing forests would tend to increase albedo and
  17. From the Latin aperture," to open," in allusion to its being the season when, trees ,and flowers begin to" open," which is supported by comparison with the modern
  18. The Chapman structures altogether required the wood of 200,000 coniferous, trees , mostly hauled—on foot—from mountain ranges up to away. Ceremonial
  19. Frequently in the winter. Because the season's lower temperatures damage olive, trees ,and citrus fruits, groves and orchards are restricted to sheltered places with
  20. Pitch creating "," pitch producing" ( referring to coniferous or resinous, trees ,). The Latin equivalent is claimed by some to be originally 'bitumen' (
  21. And Tulip bulbs—cooked to a pulp—were consumed to stay alive. Most of the, trees ,in Amsterdam were cut down for fuel, and all the wood was taken from the
  22. And Hope believe that almonds were one of the earliest domesticated fruit, trees ,due to" the ability of the grower to raise attractive almonds from seed. Thus
  23. Countries, Ashoka helped humans as well as animals. Ashoka also planted, trees ,in his empire and his neighboring countries. Ashoka was perhaps the first
  24. Walls. Image: Goelwalways06390156. JPG|Roadway in the Park - resembles the pine, trees ,of the park. In order to fit in, the road and walkway structures between the
  25. It is in the Andy Highlands (moderate mountains and valleys with a few, trees ,) and east of Markov it moves into the Andy lowlands (very flat treeless
  26. From captivity sometime in the 70s. Like the pigeons they nest in the tall palm, trees , Another bird to look out for is the hummingbird that can be seen on some days
  27. Apollo had a son named Aristae, who became the patron god of cattle, fruit, trees , hunting, husbandry and beekeeping. He was also a culture-hero and taught
  28. Forested areas because snow does not cover the trees as readily. Deciduous, trees ,have an albedo value of about 0.15 to 0.18 while coniferous trees have a value
  29. Climbers (e.g. some species of Asparagus),as well as several genera forming, trees ,(e.g. Agave, Cordyline, Yucca,Dracula),some of which can exceed 10 m in
  30. Cilicica),and juniper (Junipers foetidissima and J. excels). Broadleaf, trees ,include oaks, hornbeam,and maples. *Eastern Mediterranean
  31. To a population lacking heat and electric power. (The large-scale felling of, trees ,for fuel during the winters has created another environmental crisis. ) During
  32. Original language). The site was a rocky hill with little vegetation and few, trees , called Montana Nevada (Bare Mountain). It already included a large country
  33. Woodlands, and Marquis shrubland of Turkish Pine and evergreen sclerophyllous, trees ,and shrubs, including Olive (Flea European),Strawberry Tree (Arbutus undo
  34. 1978 and 1993. Because of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, large numbers of, trees ,were felled, roads were built through pristine areas, and large expanses of
  35. Asteraceae is herbaceous, but a significant number are also shrubs, vines and, trees , The family is distributed throughout the world, and is most common in the arid
  36. Enemies of such trees . Above the forestry, there is often a band of short pine, trees ,(Minus Hugo),which is in turn superseded by dwarf shrubs, typically
  37. Tree ferns, and ferns (gallery forests),to fern savannas with occasional, trees ,such as the Araucaria-like conifer Brachyphyllum. The Morrison Formation has
  38. Deciduous trees have an albedo value of about 0.15 to 0.18 while coniferous, trees ,have a value of about 0.09 to 0.15. Water reflects light very differently
  39. Characteristics Asteraceae are mostly herbaceous plants, but some shrubs, trees ,and climbers do exist. Daisies are generally easy to distinguish from other
  40. And sleep; she could pick the wool that stuck to the branches and bark of the, trees , Psyche did so and Aphrodite was even more outraged at her survival and success
  41. Thereafter, his March was slowed by the Americans who literally knocked down, trees ,in his path, and by his army's extensive baggage train. A detachment sent out
  42. Are less sensitive to the ravages of goats who are the worst enemies of such, trees , Above the forestry, there is often a band of short pine trees (Minus Hugo)
  43. Around it, including Onyx and Arrests hill, are planted with pines and other, trees , with the character of a small forest rather than typical metropolitan parkland
  44. Stalactites, just as it exuded from the ducts and receptacles of the injured, trees , It is thought that, in addition to exuding onto the surface of the tree, amber
  45. With their necks held high up in the air, allowing them to browse on tall, trees , Some scientists have argued that the heart would have had trouble sustaining
  46. Presents the names of the medicinal herbs, and the cemetery (p) those of the, trees , apple, pear,plum, quince,etc., planted there. Cells Every large monastery
  47. Research Service (AS) have developed a new line of self-pollinating almond, trees , Self-pollinating almond trees , such as the Too almond tree, have been around
  48. Family Betulaceae). The genus comprises about 30 species of monoecious, trees ,and shrubs, few reaching large size, distributed throughout the North Temperate
  49. Is also an abundance of cypress, hickory,oak, populus, and Eastern Red cedar, trees , In other areas, hemlock growths in the north and Southern White Cedar in the
  50. Occurs. Agave, Yucca,Aloe, Dracaena, Nolina and Coraline can become massive, trees , albeit not of the height of the tallest divots, and with less branching. Other

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