Examples of the the word, mortar , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mortar ), is the 9393 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To embalm mummies. The Greek historian Herodotus said hot bitumen was used as, mortar ,in the walls of Babylon. In the ancient Far East, natural asphalt was slowly
  2. Collected around 60,000 eggs from nearby villages and mixed them in the, mortar ,to make the walls stronger. The tower has a rectangular base and is about 30
  3. Eddystone Lighthouse (1755–9) in the English Channel. He needed a hydraulic, mortar ,that would set and develop some strength in the twelve-hour period between
  4. Material used in masonry construction, usually laid using various kinds of, mortar , It has been regarded as one of the longest lasting and strongest building
  5. Called pozzolana, consisted of water, lime,sand, and volcanic rock. Brick and, mortar ,bridges were built after the Roman era, as the technology for cement was lost
  6. Shells on target simultaneously from the same gun. The 120 mm twin barrel AMOS, mortar ,system, developed in Finland, is capable of 7 + 7 shells MRS. The United
  7. And for the unclutched who do not actually wish to visit a bricks and, mortar ,church there are Internet ministries such as the Diocese of Oxford's online
  8. Track carrying either a large howitzer or other field gun or alternatively a, mortar ,or some form of rocket or missile launcher. They are usually used for
  9. Quarries rather than to the consumer centers. In certain applications, lime, mortar , reabsorbs the same amount of CO2 as was released in its manufacture, and has a
  10. Common type of cement in general usage. It is a basic ingredient of concrete, mortar ,and plaster. English masonry worker Joseph Asp din patented Portland cement in
  11. Muzzle velocities and relatively long barrels. Mortars are simple, the modern, mortar ,originated in World War I and there were several patterns. After that war, most
  12. In the ancient Middle East, the Sumerians used natural asphalt deposits for, mortar ,between bricks and stones, to cement parts of carvings, such as eyes, into
  13. Often referred to as PC). Portland cement is a basic ingredient of concrete, mortar ,and most nonspecialists grout. The most common use for Portland cement is in
  14. With mosaics called Punic pavement, sometimes using a characteristic red, mortar , The remains have been preserved through the embankments, substructures of the
  15. They made up for in number of multiple rocket launchers, cannon and, mortar ,tubes. The Germans never achieved the kind of fire concentrations their enemies
  16. As metallic antimony is formed; alternatively, when rubbed with a pestle in a, mortar , a strong detonation occurs. Black antimony is formed when gaseous metallic
  17. Load-bearing walls comprising dressed, flat sandstone blocks bound in clay, mortar ,were erected. Gaps between walls were packed with rubble, forming the wall's
  18. Instead of a rocket motor; it is anticipated that a ramjet-assisted 120-mm, mortar , shell could reach a range of. Propelling charges for tube artillery can be
  19. And offer the following advantages: * a slightly larger brick requires less, mortar ,and handling (fewer bricks) which reduces cost * more complex interior
  20. Used to manufacture, amongst other things, leather products, paints,cement, mortar ,and anti-corrosives. Contact with products containing chromates can lead to
  21. The mujahideen in the Afghan civil war. In 1992 Abu Zubaydah was injured from a, mortar ,shell blast which left shrapnel in his head and caused severe memory loss, as
  22. The culture, were systematically dismantled. Doorways were sealed with rock and, mortar , Diva walls show marks from great fires set within them, which probably
  23. The attachments may prove difficult. A combination of the bricks and adobe, mortar ,that are laid across the beams creates an even load-bearing pressure that can
  24. Vehicles *V-100\ LAV V-150 Commando (Incl.8 with 20 mm gun+5 with 81 mm, mortar , ) 4x4 AIFV-51+ LAV V-200/600 - 35 Cameroonian Air Force The Cameroon Air
  25. And Chemical Industry Corporation MEEK on the joint production of 120-mm, mortar , launchers. This project will come into force in a few months time. Agreement
  26. Compounds *Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is used in manufacturing cement and, mortar , lime, limestone (usually used in the steel industry) and aids in production
  27. Of two parapets built with large stone blocks and cemented with an earth, mortar ,called Templeton (Greek: ἔμπλεκτον). The wall follows typical Mycenaean
  28. Barrage and aerial attack in relative safety, emerging from the caves to rain, mortar ,rounds and grenades upon the Americans advancing up the forward slope. A tank
  29. Possible. MLRS led the way in this. A fire unit is the smallest artillery or, mortar ,element, consisting of one or more weapon systems, capable of being employed to
  30. Carefully adding water to it. When lime is mixed with sand, it hardens into a, mortar ,and is turned into plaster by carbon dioxide uptake. Mixed with other compounds
  31. Cracking. The same mixture to make bricks, without the straw, is used for, mortar ,and often for plaster on interior and exterior walls. Some ancient cultures
  32. Route to catch pursuing troops, and,if available, the egress may be covered by, mortar ,or artillery fire. Surviving By definition, the ambush contains the element of
  33. Also, radar is used both for determining the location of enemy artillery and, mortar ,batteries and to determine the precise actual strike points of rounds fired by
  34. The burnt nodules were ground to a fine powder. This product, made into a, mortar ,with sand, set in 5–15 minutes. The success of" Roman Cement" led other
  35. 215 × 102.5 × 65 mm (about × × inches),which, with a nominal 10 mm (inch), mortar , joint,forms a unit size of 225 × 112.5 × 75 mm (9 × × 3 inches),for a ratio
  36. Fluid nature of modern combat and to avoid counter-battery fire. There are also, mortar ,carrier vehicles, many of which allow the mortar to be removed from the vehicle
  37. Mortar used to hold the bricks together. During seismic events,the, mortar ,cracks and crumbles, and the bricks are no longer held together. Gallery Image:
  38. Fire. There are also mortar carrier vehicles, many of which allow the, mortar ,to be removed from the vehicle and be used dismounted, potentially in terrain
  39. And AKM and RPK small arms. Equipment MBT APC Artillery *6 120-PM-43, mortar , However these three aircraft were supplemented in 1991 by a Dorkier Do 228
  40. In San Francisco collapsed during the earthquake, due to the cement-based, mortar ,used to hold the bricks together. During seismic events, the mortar cracks and
  41. Throughout the year. Following each individual brick should be a layer of adobe, mortar , recommended being at least an inch thick to make certain there is ample
  42. Israeli commando force penetrates deep into Egyptian territory to stage a, mortar ,attack on regional Egyptian Army headquarters in the Nile Valley of Upper Egypt
  43. The term 'modern artillery' include" cannon" artillery (such as howitzer, mortar , and field gun) and rocket artillery. Certain smaller-caliber mortar s are more
  44. To retain their strength. The most important use of cement is the production of, mortar ,and concrete—the bonding of natural or artificial aggregates to form a strong
  45. Also plans to possibly replace the M102 howitzer with a breech-loading 120 mm, mortar , and to give the AC-130 a standoff capability using either the AGM-114 Hellfire
  46. That Nichiren, the tyrant of Cyprus, commanded him to be pounded to death in a, mortar , and that he endured this torture with fortitude and Cicero relates the same
  47. Were mostly blocks of hard sandstone, held together and plastered with adobe, mortar , Specific constructions had many similarities, but were generally unique in
  48. Amphibious infantry fighting vehicle - 10 Field Artillery *2B9 Vasily ok 82 mm, mortar ,- 250 - mounted on BMD-1 Air Defense Artillery *M-1939 37 mm self-propelled
  49. The whole length of the wall, overlapping at the corners on a layer of adobe, mortar , Adobe walls usually never rise above two stories because they are load bearing
  50. The gun which is dismounted for firing. Mortars are often carried this way. A, mortar ,is sometimes carried in an armored vehicle and can either fire from it or be

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