Examples of the the word, tolerance , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tolerance ), is the 4273 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With the" Square Eyes" Family—Camp’s thinly-veiled appeal for racial, tolerance , (This fable-like story was collected into an educational comic book called
  2. It was found that the patients selected for the surgery had both a high pain, tolerance ,and received heavy indoctrination before the operation; this demonstration
  3. In Amsterdam. The influx of Flemish printers and the city's intellectual, tolerance ,made Amsterdam a center for the European free press. The 17th century is
  4. With Dharmmacharana. Ashoka asked people to live with harmony, peace,love and, tolerance , Ashoka called his people as his children, and they could call him when they
  5. Is believed to have the same tolerance mechanism. The first gene for aluminum, tolerance ,has been identified in wheat. It was shown that sorghum's aluminum tolerance
  6. And rebound syndrome after continuous usage for longer than two weeks, and, tolerance , and dependence may occur if patients stay under this treatment for longer.
  7. Means; strengthening of democracy; preservation of the ethnic and religious, tolerance ,; scientific, educational and cultural policy and preservation of moral values;
  8. Mendelssohn wrote that" Such a tolerance ... is even more dangerous play in, tolerance ,than open persecution. " In 1772,the empress of Russia Catherine II forced the
  9. William the Silent, the Dutch Republic became known for its relative religious, tolerance , Jews from the Iberian Peninsula, Huguenots from France, prosperous merchants
  10. Treatment community for alcoholism typically supports an abstinence-based zero, tolerance ,approach; however, some prefer a harm-reduction approach. Psychological Various
  11. And that judicial autonomy was annulled. Moses Mendelssohn wrote that" Such a, tolerance ,... is even more dangerous play in tolerance than open persecution. " In 1772
  12. S emphasis on freedom and equality for all, in contrast to the Constitution's, tolerance ,of slavery, shifted the debate. As Digging concludes regarding the highly
  13. Particularly phenomenology and existentialism),there is much greater, tolerance ,of ambiguity, as it is generally seen as an integral part of the human
  14. The pastor's son, grew up in this exceptional environment of religious, tolerance , and developed the belief that true Christianity should always work towards a
  15. Alcohol abuse produces changes in the brain's structure and chemistry such as, tolerance ,and physical dependence. These changes maintain the person with alcoholism's
  16. But, due to mainly genetic and environmental factors, the normal immunological, tolerance ,for such an antigen has been lost in these patients. Tumor antigens Tumor
  17. Alcohol, these receptors are desensitized and reduced in number, resulting in, tolerance ,and physical dependence. When alcohol consumption is stopped too abruptly, the
  18. And the body becoming used to the drug ( tolerance ) can occur. The effect of, tolerance ,means that frequent use of the drug may result in its diminished effect so
  19. Over the centuries increased yield, improved disease resistance and drought, tolerance , eased harvest and improved the taste and nutritional value of crop plants.
  20. However risks such as addiction and the body becoming used to the drug (, tolerance ,) can occur. The effect of tolerance means that frequent use of the drug may
  21. As was common during the years of Islamic expansion from Arabia, religious, tolerance , was practiced. ABD Brahman continued to allow Jews and Christians and other
  22. In her speech at the 2000 Conservative conference, she called for a zero, tolerance ,policy of prosecution, albeit with only £100 fines as the punishment, for users
  23. Of manufacturing in 1801,using the ideas of division of labor, engineering, tolerance , and interchangeable parts to create assemblies from parts in a repeatable
  24. Were the concepts of liberalism, democracy,republicanism, and religious, tolerance , Collectively, the belief in these concepts by a growing number of American
  25. Begin to subside as the body and central nervous system restore alcohol, tolerance ,and GAZA functioning towards normal. Causes A complex mixture of genetic and
  26. Self-reactive T cells are deleted from the repertoire as a result of, tolerance ,(also known as negative selection). Endogenous antigens include xenogenic (
  27. Dharma. Ashoka defined the main principles of dharma (dharma) as nonviolence, tolerance ,of all sects and opinions, obedience to parents, respect for the Brahmans and
  28. Bind to the harmful aluminum cations. Sorghum is believed to have the same, tolerance ,mechanism. The first gene for aluminum tolerance has been identified in wheat.
  29. The" lime requirement" of soils. Wheat's adaptation to allow aluminum, tolerance ,is such that the aluminum induces a release of organic compounds that bind to
  30. May likewise be reduced over time, due to this development of drug, tolerance , Withdrawal effects may also occur when switching a person from one
  31. Muslims. In return, dhimmis were granted limited rights including a degree of, tolerance , community autonomy in personal matters, and protection from being killed
  32. Capacity for alcohol. Physiological changes are happening with the increase, tolerance , this will not be noticeable to the drinker or others. 2) Dependent stage, at
  33. A number of correlations have been found between an individual’s reaction and, tolerance ,to ambiguity and a range of factors. Apter and Vessels (2001) for example
  34. React and respond to ambiguous situations. Much of these focuses on ambiguity, tolerance , A number of correlations have been found between an individual’s reaction and
  35. As the most powerful prince of Iberia. Although people of all creeds enjoyed, tolerance ,and freedom of religion under his rule, he repelled the Fatimids, partly by
  36. Long-term trials have shown continued effectiveness without the development of, tolerance , and, in addition, unlike benzodiazepines, it does not disrupt sleep
  37. Enzyme affects the ability of individuals to metabolize harmine. Some natural, tolerance ,to habitual use of ayahuasca (roughly once weekly) may develop through
  38. Acting exercises, learning through experience, risk-taking in the classroom, tolerance ,in schools, physical education/recess, and early childhood education. The
  39. Alcohol, these receptors are desensitized and reduced in number, resulting in, tolerance ,and physical dependence. This can be attributed to many reasons, the main being
  40. Tolerance has been identified in wheat. It was shown that sorghum's aluminum, tolerance ,is controlled by a single gene, as for wheat. This is not the case in all
  41. Of the national Senate vote. The party is based on the principles of honesty, tolerance , compassion and direct democracy through postal ballots of all members, so that
  42. Signs and symptoms Long-term misuse Alcoholism is characterized by an increased, tolerance ,of and physical dependence on alcohol, affecting an individual's ability to
  43. Nervous system. Dextromethorphan has been noted to slow the development of, tolerance ,to opioids and exert additional analgesia by acting upon the MDA receptors;
  44. The organization. To be all-encompassing AA's ideology places an emphasis on, tolerance ,rather than on a narrow religious world view that could make the organization
  45. Activity on dopamine, serotonin or histamine receptors. It is not addictive and, tolerance ,usually does not develop. However, tolerance may develop in single cases.
  46. Seizures (tramadol),but there is no dose ceiling in patients who accumulate, tolerance , Opioids, while very effective analgesics, may have some unpleasant
  47. And strengthened his conservatism. ". James G. Randall emphasizes his, tolerance ,and his especially his moderation" in his preference for orderly progress, his
  48. Start. Caucasians have a much lower abstinence rate (11.8 %) and much higher, tolerance ,to symptoms (3.4±2.45 drinks) of alcohol than Chinese (33.4 % and 2.2±1.78
  49. Of 5-HT2A receptors or by overstimulating them until they decrease via, tolerance , The stimulation or blocking of different receptors on a cell affects its
  50. Receptors. It is not addictive and tolerance usually does not develop. However, tolerance ,may develop in single cases. Specific agents In patients with chronic or

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