Examples of the the word, landing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( landing ), is the 4291 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A United States Air Force C-17 Globe master III successfully completed the first, landing ,in Antarctica using night-vision goggles at Pegasus Field. Physical features
  2. British observation post, built during World War I to prevent the Germans from, landing ,arms for the Irish Republican Army, is still standing on Montage. During the
  3. About southwest of the crater Sabine D (0.67408 N,23.47297E). The, landing ,site was selected in part because it had been characterized as relatively flat
  4. With him. And his parents travelled on the SS Nestorian to Canada. After, landing ,at Quebec City, the Bells boarded a train to Montreal and later to Paris
  5. 253 Mathilde in 1997,before entering into orbit around 433 Eros, finally, landing , on its surface in 2001. Other asteroids briefly visited by spacecraft en route
  6. II of the United Kingdom. Many nations would honor the first manned Moon, landing ,by issuing Apollo 11 commemorative postage stamps or coins. On September 16
  7. The maximal total range is the distance an aircraft can fly between takeoff and, landing , as limited by fuel capacity in powered aircraft, or cross-country speed and
  8. July 20. The schedule for the mission called for the astronauts to follow the, landing ,with a five-hour sleep period, since they had been awake since early morning.
  9. Along with the Lunar Orbiter mapping spacecraft and unlikely to present major, landing ,or extra-vehicular activity (EVA) challenges. Lunar descent On July 20, 1969
  10. And at 02:56 UTC (10:56pm EDT) he set his left foot on the surface. The first, landing ,used slow-scan television incompatible with commercial TV, so it was displayed
  11. To ascertain if he had any potential political fortunes or security. After, landing ,at Lupine near Brunssum, he learned the contents of Caesar's will, and only
  12. Richard Danforth invented the Danforth pattern in the 1940s for use aboard, landing ,craft. It uses a stock at the crown to which two large flat triangular flukes
  13. Powered lift types rely on engine-derived lift for vertical takeoff and, landing ,(VTOL). Most types transition to fixed-wing lift for horizontal flight.
  14. The Allies mount a diversionary attack timed to coincide with a major Allied, landing ,of reinforcements at Suva Bay. *1917 – World War I: Battle of Marses
  15. And helicopter pads have to be kept snow free to ensure safe take off and, landing ,conditions. Antarctica has 20 airports, but there are no developed
  16. Access all Runway; -- the air traffic controller takes requests for takeoff and, landing ,task type Controller (My_Runway: Runway_Access) is entry Request_Takeoff (ID
  17. Rwy); -- this is a blocking call exit; -- if call returned we're clear for, landing ,- proceed ... or delay 3.0; -- timeout - if no answer in 3 seconds, do
  18. Should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of, landing , a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth. " Five additional
  19. As part of the anniversary events reflected on the significance of the Moon, landing ,: It was carried out in a technically brilliant way with risks taken ... that
  20. At 15 locations are gravel, sea-ice,blue-ice, or compacted snow suitable for, landing ,wheeled, fixed-wing aircraft; of these,1 is greater than 3 km in length,6 are
  21. Apollo 11,convinced Nixon to keep his words brief, out of respect of the lunar, landing ,being Kennedy's legacy. The MESA failed to provide a stable work platform and
  22. Governmental or nongovernmental operating organization is required for, landing ,(1999 est. ) Flights to the continent in the permanent darkness of the winter
  23. Alarms. When Armstrong again looked outside, he saw that the computer's, landing ,target was in a boulder-strewn area just north and east of a diameter crater (
  24. Jane's Fighting Ships 2010) The Navy is also attributed with 5, landing , craft,3 Polnochny and 2 Hydra, ( KISS 2007) plus three research ships,1
  25. States seen on the return journey File: Apollo 11 photo map. PDF|Map showing, landing ,site and photos taken File: First Man on Moon 1969 Issue-10c. JPG|First Man on
  26. Of Apollo 11 was designed by Collins, who wanted a symbol for" peaceful lunar, landing ,by the United States. " He chose an eagle as the symbol, put an olive branch in
  27. Orbit. In the thirty orbits that followed, the crew saw passing views of their, landing ,site in the southern Sea of Tranquility (Mare Tranquillitatis) about
  28. 11,self-communicated Presbyterian Communion on the surface of the moon after, landing ,; he refrained from mentioning this publicly for several years, and only
  29. So it would" be representative of everyone who had worked toward a lunar, landing , " All colors are natural, with blue and gold borders around the patch. The LM
  30. To carry three astronauts on a circular flight and eventually to a lunar, landing , The program was named after the Greek god of light and music by NASA manager
  31. Ogv|Apollo 11 - Landing on the Sea of Tranquility - July 20,1969,16 mm, landing , film. File: A11v 1092338. Ogg|Neil Armstrong describes the Moon's surface
  32. In earnest after President John F. Kennedy proposed the national goal of ", landing ,a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth" by the end of the
  33. Scientific Experiment Package (EASE) and the U. S. flag by studying their, landing ,site through Eagles twin triangular windows, which gave them a 60° field of
  34. Org that rebroadcasts the transmissions of Apollo 11 from launch to, landing ,on the Moon. A group of British scientists interviewed as part of the
  35. S Liberation Army Shenyang J-8 fighter jet. The Navy crew makes an emergency, landing ,in Hainan,People's Republic of China and is detained. * 2001 – Former
  36. No longer was there any possibility of compromise. On August 27, 1776,after, landing ,about 22,000 men on Long Island, the British drove the Americans back to
  37. Module, Columbia. The three astronauts returned to Earth on July 24, landing , in the Pacific Ocean. They brought back of lunar rocks. Apollo 11 fulfilled U.
  38. Has 20 airports, but there are no developed public-access airports or, landing ,facilities. Thirty stations, operated by 16 national governments party to the
  39. Surface dust as" fine and almost like a powder ", six and a half hours after, landing , Armstrong said that moving in the lunar gravity, one-sixth of Earth's, was "
  40. In Virginia. In 2009 the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter imaged the various Apollo, landing ,sites on the surface of the Moon with sufficient resolution to see the descent
  41. Crater ", named for its location in the western part of the originally planned, landing ,ellipse). Armstrong took semi-automatic control and, with Aldrin calling out
  42. UTC on July 20 with about 25 seconds of fuel left. Two and a half hours after, landing , before preparations began for the EVA, Aldrin broadcast that: He then took
  43. Fisheries Antarctic fisheries in 1998–1999 (July 1 - June 30) reported, landing ,119,898 tonnes. Unregulated fishing landed five to six times more than the
  44. ID) &" in holding pattern" ); end select; end loop; delay 4.0; -- do, landing ,approach ... Put_Line (Airplane_ID'Image (ID) &" touched down! "); Rwy.
  45. Operated by 16 national governments party to the Antarctic Treaty, have, landing , facilities for either helicopters and/or fixed-wing aircraft; commercial
  46. Increase or decrease drag, for example to slow the aircraft to a safe speed for, landing , Areas of use The major distinction in aircraft types is between military
  47. The rendezvous radar on (so that it was warmed up, in case of an emergency, landing ,abort),should have been irrelevant to the computer. But an electrical phasing
  48. The seat of the Revolutionary government, in 1777. He moved slowly, landing ,15,000 troops in late August at the northern end of Chesapeake Bay. Washington
  49. Position, causing the computer to process data from both the rendezvous and, landing ,radars at the same time. However, in 2005,software engineer Don Eyes
  50. The way for Apollo 11 to fulfill U. S. President John F. Kennedy's goal of, landing ,a man on the Moon before the end of the 1960s. Crew This crew was unique among

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