Examples of the the word, mercury , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mercury ), is the 4293 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In Persian Rasavātam. It means the art of obtaining/manipulating NASA, nectar, mercury , juice. This art was restricted to certain operations, metals,drugs, compounds
  2. Abundant than antimony, cadmium,tin, and tungsten, and much more abundant than, mercury ,or silver, but 30 times less abundant than rubidium — with which it is so
  3. Physical outcomes of this effect include the lowered melting temperature of, mercury ,(which results from 6s electrons not being available for metal bonding) and
  4. He was going to Mexico. His" madness" may have been the result of exposure to, mercury , an element commonly used in hat manufacturing. It is so well known for this
  5. As elements, the existing names for anciently-known elements (e.g., gold, mercury , iron) were kept in most countries. National differences emerged over the
  6. Fellow scientist John Hadley experimented by continually wetting the ball of a, mercury ,thermometer with ether and using bellows to evaporate the ether. With each
  7. With a variety of storage methods, such as pressure pulses traveling down a, mercury ,delay line, charges stored on the inside surface of a cathode-ray tube, or
  8. Products are formed. Prolonged contact of ammonia solutions with silver, mercury ,or iodide salts can also lead to explosive products: such mixtures are often
  9. In which Bell described a cup of mercury , not water. Bell had filed the, mercury ,application at the patent office a year earlier on February 25, 1875,long
  10. Copper, silver,gold, carbon (as coal, graphite,or diamonds),sulfur, and, mercury , All but a few of the most inert elements, such as noble gases and noble metals
  11. What force kept some mercury in the tube and what filled the space above the, mercury ,in the tube. At the time, most scientists contended that, rather than a vacuum
  12. Having replicated an experiment which involved placing a tube filled with, mercury ,upside down in a bowl of mercury , Pascal questioned what force kept some
  13. Late as 1781 James Price claimed to have produced a powder that could transmute, mercury ,into silver or gold. Robert Boyle (1627–1691),better known for his studies
  14. Chloride, forming the Cd22+ cation, which is similar to the Hg22+ cation in, mercury ,(I) chloride. The known isotopes of cadmium range in atomic mass from 94.950
  15. To zinc, it prefers oxidation state +2 in most of its compounds and similar to, mercury ,it shows a low melting point compared to transition metals. Cadmium and its
  16. Sulfur and several heavy metals such as nickel, vanadium,lead, chromium, mercury , and also arsenic, selenium,and other toxic elements. Bitumen scan provide good
  17. Church of Saint-Jacques-de-la-Boucherie, a height of about fifty meters. The, mercury ,dropped two lines. In the face of criticism that some invisible matter must
  18. Bromine, however. Dry bromine reacts vigorously with aluminum, titanium, mercury , as well as alkaline earths and alkali metals. Dissolving bromine in alkaline
  19. Upside down in a bowl of mercury , Pascal questioned what force kept some, mercury ,in the tube and what filled the space above the mercury in the tube. At the
  20. Converse with angels through a crystal ball and to own a powder that would turn, mercury ,into gold — may have been the source of the popular image of the
  21. Memory: Delay line memory used sound waves in a substance such as, mercury ,to store information. Delay line memory was dynamic volatile, cycle sequential
  22. They can also be prepared by reacting metallic americium with an appropriate, mercury ,halite HgX2,where X = Cl, Br or I:: \math rm Americium (III) fluoride (AmF3
  23. The 24th of March 1950,who discovered it independently working with different, mercury ,isotopes, although a few days before publication they learned of each other's
  24. Medicine. In traditional Indian medicinal terminology" NASA" translates as ", mercury ," and Nagarjunacharya was said to have developed a method to convert the
  25. D3) helium line at 587.5618 nm wavelength. It can also be defined at the green, mercury ,E-line at 546.073 nm:: V_e = \franc where F' and C' are the blue and red
  26. Exposure to high levels of methyl mercury , through consumption of fish with high, mercury ,concentrations, is also a known cause of ataxia and other neurological
  27. Familiar examples of elements include gold, iron,copper, carbon,silicon, mercury , sodium, calcium,hydrogen, nitrogen,chlorine, neon,and oxygen. As of May
  28. To mean the transmutation of lead into gold (in which they believed elemental, mercury , or 'quicksilver ', played a crucial role). These men were viewed as magicians
  29. Is chemically similar to the two other stable metals in group 12,zinc and, mercury , Similar to zinc, it prefers oxidation state +2 in most of its compounds and
  30. Is generally supposed to be at G '; and to accomplish this the F and violet, mercury ,lines are united. This artifice is specially adopted in objectives for
  31. Are now known to be chemical elements: Carbon, copper,gold, iron,lead, mercury , silver, sulfur,tin, and zinc. Three additional materials now accepted as
  32. Certain operations, metals,drugs, compounds,and medicines, many of which have, mercury ,as their core element. Its principles restored the health of those who were ill
  33. And Nagarjunacharya was said to have developed a method to convert the, mercury ,into gold. Much of his original writings are lost to us, but his teachings
  34. Slightly impure alkali but they are not burdened with the problem of preventing, mercury ,discharge into the environment, and they are more energy efficient. Membrane
  35. LCDs and arsenic-free glass. This means all Apple computers have, mercury ,free LED backlit displays, arsenic-free glass and are without PVC cables. All
  36. Wolfram) for tungsten," Fe" ( fer rum) for iron," Hg" ( hydrargyrum) for, mercury ," Sn" ( stadium) for tin," K" ( Valium) for potassium," Au" ( durum)
  37. He became a hatter in Troy, New York. It has been suggested that the fumes of, mercury ,used in the hatter's trade caused Corbett's later mental problems. Family and
  38. The freezing point of water. They conducted their experiment with the bulb of a, mercury ,thermometer as their object and with a bellows used to" quicken" the
  39. The region with lead, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, ethanol,and, mercury , The city of Kŭrdzhali became heavily polluted with lead from its lead and zinc
  40. Heavy metals and their salts, such as colloidal silver, silver nitrate, mercury ,chloride, phenyl mercury salts, copper sulfate, copper oxide-chloride etc. Heavy
  41. Bald Eagle populations have also been negatively affected by oil, lead,and, mercury ,pollution, and by human and predator intrusion. The species was first protected
  42. Described the hydration of acetylene to acetaldehyde using catalysts such as, mercury ,(II) bromide. Before the advent of the Wacker process, this reaction was
  43. His instrument, temperatures were indicated by the height at which a column of, mercury ,was sustained by a certain mass of air, the volume, or " spring ", of which
  44. And atmospheric pressure, while several are gases. Only bromine and, mercury ,are liquids at 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit) and normal
  45. Device in Bell's previous application in which Bell described a cup of, mercury , not water. Bell had filed the mercury application at the patent office a year
  46. In fish by exposing the eggs to heavy metals (arsenic, cadmium,copper, mercury , selenium, zinc ). The eyes of an albino animal appear red because the color
  47. Jakob Berzelius and Contain prepared calcium amalgam by electrolyzing lime in, mercury , he tried it himself. He worked with electrolysis throughout his life and also
  48. It also forms explosive fulminating compounds with compounds of gold, silver, mercury , germanium or tellurium, and with Sabine. Violent reactions have also been
  49. Their armor. The amalgam was applied as a paste and then heated until the, mercury ,vaporized, leaving the gold, silver,or tin behind. Mercury was often used in
  50. Which involved placing a tube filled with mercury upside down in a bowl of, mercury , Pascal questioned what force kept some mercury in the tube and what filled the

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