Examples of the the word, neutral , in a Sentence Context

The word ( neutral ), is the 4275 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A negative carboxylate and neutral amino group (net charge -1). The fully, neutral ,form (structure (1) on the right) is a very minor species in aqueous
  2. Atomic nucleus contains a mix of positively charged protons and electrically, neutral ,neutrons (except in the case of hydrogen-1,which is the only stable nuclide
  3. Of francium ever assembled to date is a sphere of radius 1 mm (over 300,000, neutral , atoms ). An alphabet is a standard set of letters—basic written symbols or
  4. Unknown to his contemporaries. Whether the Alemannic had been previously, neutral , they were certainly further influenced by Caracalla to become thereafter
  5. For Schweitzer, Mankind had to accept that objective reality is ethically, neutral , It could then affirm a new Enlightenment through spiritual rationalism, by
  6. ANSI launched a new Certificate Accreditation Program (ANSI-CAP) to provide, neutral , third-party attestation that a given certificate program meets the American
  7. Employed in Ireland and Scotland. Even with these limitations, many potentially, neutral ,colonists were nonetheless driven into the ranks of the Revolutionaries because
  8. Demand for war to uphold national honor. Only Kentucky tried to remain, neutral , Hundreds of thousands of young men across the land rushed to enlist.
  9. Positron plasma, where some combine with antiprotons to form antihydrogen. This, neutral ,antihydrogen is unaffected by the electric and magnetic fields used to trap the
  10. Distracted the European powers, and ensured that they would remain, neutral , Victory and aftermath Historians have debated whether
  11. Southern production. As one Congressman put it, the slaves" ... cannot be, neutral , As laborers, if not as soldiers, they will be allies of the rebels, or of the
  12. Hamilton. In March 1782,Pennsylvania militiamen killed about a hundred, neutral ,Native Americans in the Gnadenhütten massacre. In the last major encounters of
  13. The processes by which these arrangements change. This includes ions as well as, neutral ,atoms and, unless otherwise stated, for the purposes of this discussion it
  14. OH, group is not a good leaving group in nucleophilic substitution reactions, so, neutral , alcohols do not react in such reactions. However, if the oxygen is first
  15. Allot one A tonic allophone is sometimes called an allot one, for example in the, neutral ,tone of Mandarin. Examples in English vs. other languages For example, as in
  16. As for Asp and Flu, even though the side-chain is not significantly charged at, neutral ,pH. For His, Lys, and Are with positive side-chains, pI ½ (par + pKa2).
  17. Neutrons and antineutrons annihilate each other upon contact. However, other, neutral , particles are their own antiparticles, such as photons, the hypothetical
  18. Was strong in Missouri and Maryland, but did not prevail; Kentucky tried to be, neutral , Troops headed south towards Washington, to protect the capital in response to
  19. S Indian colonies were returned after the war. The Dutch Republic, nominally, neutral , had been trading with the Americans, exchanging Dutch arms and munitions for
  20. Between protons and antiprotons, their energy is converted into relativistic, neutral ,and charged ions. While the neutral ions decay into high-energy photons, the
  21. He became gravely ill during the 1918 flu pandemic and, since Spain was, neutral ,and thus under no wartime censorship restrictions, his illness and subsequent
  22. Of 11.6 and if a strong acid is added to such a solution until the solution is, neutral ,(pH = 7),99.4 % of the ammonia molecules are pronated. Temperature and
  23. Energy is converted into relativistic neutral and charged ions. While the, neutral ,ions decay into high-energy photons, the charged ions decay into a
  24. Justin II with tributes failed, and as a result the Byzantines kept themselves, neutral ,if not outright supportive of the Avers. In 567 the allies made their final
  25. Unskillful, desire is ethically variable - it can be skillful, unskillful,or, neutral , For Schopenhauer, Will had ontological primacy over the intellect; in other
  26. Α-ammonium ion (net charge +1),and above pH 9.4,a negative carboxylate and, neutral ,amino group (net charge -1). The fully neutral form (structure (1) on
  27. Chemical properties as a consequence of the number of electrons present in the, neutral ,atom, which is Z. The configuration of these electrons follows from the
  28. Kentucky did not secede; for a time, it declared itself, neutral , When Confederate forces entered the state in September 1861, neutral ity ended
  29. In place for a relatively long time. While antihydrogen atoms are electrically, neutral , the spins of their component particles produce a magnetic moment. These
  30. Z. The atomic number uniquely identifies a chemical element. In an atom of, neutral ,charge, the atomic number is also equal to the number of electrons. The atomic
  31. 15 to 20 percent remained loyal to the Crown. The rest attempted to remain, neutral ,and kept a low profile. At least 25,000 Loyalists fought on the side of the
  32. The two energy levels must be accounted for (conservation of energy). In a, neutral ,atom, the system will emit a photon of the difference in energy. However, if
  33. Some for as long as 1,000 seconds (about 17 minutes). This was longer than, neutral ,antimatter had ever been trapped before. The biggest limiting factor in the
  34. Although particles and their antiparticles have opposite charges, electrically, neutral , particles need not be identical to their antiparticles. The neutron, for
  35. Connections with both sides and the division of popular opinion, Spain remained, neutral , The King ran an office for captives from the Palacios de Oriente, which
  36. And its use as a cleaner. * By creating a solution with a pH much higher than a, neutral ,water solution, proteins (enzymes) will desaturate, leading to cell damage
  37. Nations (FAO) leads international efforts to defeat hunger and provides a, neutral ,forum where nations meet as equals to negotiate agreements and debate food
  38. Pair of electrons it may contain: The number of electrons in an electrically, neutral ,atom increases with the atomic number. The electrons in the outermost shell, or
  39. Only one kind of annihilation operator; therefore, real scalar fields describe, neutral ,bosons. Since complex scalar fields admit two different kinds of annihilation
  40. Of molecules are constantly dissociating and re-associating. Pure water is, neutral ,with respect to acidity or basicity because the concentration of hydroxide ions
  41. Expanding, and new suburbs were built. Even though the Netherlands remained, neutral ,in this war, Amsterdam suffered a food shortage, and heating fuel became scarce
  42. The Soviet Union and a more distant one towards Pakistan. Afghanistan remained, neutral ,and was neither a participant in World War II, nor aligned with either power
  43. Has multiple ionizable groups with different acid dissociation constants. In, neutral ,solution, ATP is ionized and exists mostly as ATP4−,with a small proportion of
  44. With candidates Rudy Giuliani and Senator John McCain, Schwarzenegger remained, neutral ,throughout 2007 and early 2008. Giuliani dropped out of the Presidential race
  45. To have amphipathic properties. Below pH 2.2,the predominant form will have a, neutral ,carboxylic acid group and a positive ammonium ion (net charge +1),and
  46. A small proportion of ATP3−. As ATP has several negatively charged groups in, neutral ,solution, it can ch elate metals with very high affinity. The binding constant
  47. Antihydrogen atoms for about a sixth of a second. This was the first time that, neutral ,antimatter had been trapped. On April 26, 2011,ALPHA announced that they had
  48. An atom containing an equal number of protons and electrons is electrically, neutral , otherwise it has a positive charge if there are fewer electrons (electron
  49. State and renormalization of a quantum field theory. It also opens the way for, neutral ,particle mixing through processes such as the one pictured here, which is a
  50. Was reported by researchers at the University of Helsinki in 2000. Although the, neutral ,ground-state chemical compounds of argon are presently limited to Half, argon

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